The Connection between Spirituality and Sexuality

The general social reason for putting down sex in teenagers is simply because 99% of us are not mature enough to make these choices properly.

Perhaps. In the US, the goddamned fundie fuckwits are attempting to ban sex ed or the distribution of condoms and birth control devices.

They are seriously advocating celibacy! Celibacy!

I'm tired of people treating sex as something sacred. Bull. Sex is about fun, as my namesake would say. Nothing more.

Grow up!


Not that that really matters to be honest. You live once. Way I sees it, fuck as much as you can, drink as much as you can, toke as much as you can, have as much in general as you can.

Aye! Well said!
I agree with you Tyler.

But always be responsible and do things in moderation. ;)


Not that that really matters to be honest. You live once. Way I sees it, fuck as much as you can, drink as much as you can, toke as much as you can, have as much in general as you can.
I agree with you Tyler.

But always be responsible and do things in moderation

How can you agree with Tyler if he's advocating excess ?
Ah but excess only to the point that you enjoy it all. Perhaps, moderation is what nelson enjoys.

Personally I think that's just plain stupid though.

And thank you Xev, nelson and bbc!
I don't see sex as sacred or anything, just fun, but fun you have only with the person you love.
Personally, I've had some of the best sex in my life with people I've never even spoken to :D
Eye contact, a brief nod of the head, oh and having my erection in my hand was a big clue. :D

Other times there were things like saunas (Bath houses?) were boys go to sweat in what ever way they can.

The big thing was maybe the non verbal communication. Absolutely no strings just a huge big bag of expended lust.

A lot of hetty boys bark on about 'the chase' Fuck all that I don't have the time. Gimme a hot guy with some time on his hands and the inclination.

It's also free :D:D
Wow.....I am in utter awe.

I was thinking of somthing along the lines of sign language...:D

To quote the Borg queen:


Glad to have enlightened you my queen. It's all out there if ya know where to look. I bet if I hit your town I could get laid within 1 hour without hitting a bar or opening my wallet.

Life is soooo sweet :D
Wow....I had no idea.


My town, yes.

Stay safe dear. I know I sound like a grandmother, and I am telling you what you already know...have fun. :cool:

P.S: I am still in utter awe. ;)
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Don't worry honey I'm a married queen now. I go out to build up my appetite but I always come home to eat. That was all in the glorious youthful past.
By the way. how come you don't show up as online. PM me if it's a secret I'm just being nosey I can't help myself :D
Love Bill
By the way. how come you don't show up as online. PM me if it's a secret I'm just being nosey I can't help myself

I could tell you, but you have to swear absolute secrecy ;)

It is simply the way I have my profile set, I think I must have clicked on the 'invisible mode' button when messing with preferences.

I Posted:
But always be responsible and do things in moderation

Can you see the word "moderation" there...? :D

For ALL:

Why Sex is Spiritual:

Spirituality is based in intimate relationships.
As the intimacy increases, it becomes more and more spiritual.

For example, in Christianism, the intimacy with God is the goal, in order to become like Him. Christians grow up spiritually as they grow up with their relationship with God (of course, never physical).

Sex is Spiritual because it's based on the Union and Harmony between the Opposites. That's the Essence of the Universe. The opposites are always moving, and this movement is called changes. If you are sad, you change and become happy. See that it goes from one thing to its opposite.

The Harmonic Relations between the opossites create a balanced relationship. Love is the Equilibrium between the Opposites.

Sex is the union of the opposites. So, it's spiritual and promotes spiritual self-awareness when practiced in a spiritual way.

When I was 18, I wanted sex just for sex, to get my rocks off. Typical biological urges and all. Now, I prefer to actually care about the person I'm shagging.
Firstoff, men and women are not opposites.

Secondly, boinking to become intimate with God? Okay, I am SO glad I am an athiest right now! Eeek! The Greeks would be pleased. :p

Adam: Aww, how romantic. Of course, Sir Loone probably feels the same way about you.
Well, you're the second woman in a week who thought to mock my romantic ideals. You're all big horrible meanies... so sad... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :p
Dear, sweet Adam, I like your romantic notions. But you cast aspersions on my character, and I had to avenge my honor.

In fact, I think I'll add you to my list.