The Connection between Spirituality and Sexuality


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Have you ever realized how much Religion talks about sex?

Ok... I'm not talking about lust and this kind of thing here, I'm talking about procriation.

For example, the core of Taoism!
Taoism is based on the relationship between opposites.

And Kama Sutra! Pure spirituality mixed with sexuality!
And the Genesis...

And I don't even need to cite Greek Mithology, do I...?

Sexuality is the basis of Spirituality. It's all connected. Eastern Religions, for example, is full of that. And the Christian idea of "being one flesh" makes it clear...

So, what makes them so close?
Can anyone comment about that...? ;)

Damnit Nelson, do you have any idea how hard it is to type this without double-entendres? Egad! There's one already!

Seriously, I imagine that religion is trying to harness the sorts of sensations involved in sex.

Or perhaps sexual terms are close approximations to spiritual experiances.

And Kama Sutra! Pure spirituality mixed with sexuality!

I found little spirituality in the Kama. It's more a guide to social interaction than anything else, IMO. Are you reading Burton's translation?
Religion is a fetish

I'm one who holds with Ferenczi, Crowley, and others who draw a certain mystical connection 'twixt orgasm and various symbolic histories, but when you get right down to it, that only makes religion a fetish.

Food for thought? Perhaps, indeed.

Hmmm ... file that under "T" for "Things you never wanted To Think about."

Anyway, if you need to make sex one of the literal mysteries of the Universe, why waste the effort in the spiritual? The psychological is mysterious enough where sexuality is concerned.

In the end, all that counts is whether or not it's a good shag.

Tiassa :cool:
A successful species is one that can procreate readily, steadily, and easily.

A species that cannot do this or cannot defend itself against stronger predators tends to become extinct.

The giant panda for example has a low libido and without the help of man is very likely to become extinct soon.

Within humans the sex drive is strong and intelligence has made man the strongest animal on the planet.

Sex is the primary mechanism that makes evolution possible. Sex even helps sell cars.

Sex is a dominant component in the lives of the majority of people. It infiltrates almost every aspect of human life. It would be very unusual if religion didn’t make reference to sex. The more enlightened religions, generally Eastern, embrace sexually for its obvious value in its role for creating new life, but the more repressive religions such as Christianity and Islam attempt to suppress sexuality. Either way the unavoidable existence of sexuality can never be ignored and religions each try to explain it and incorporate it in some way, some in a positive way and others in a negative way.

Sex is the basis for physical life and survival of a species. Sex can’t be ignored so religions are forced to say something about the subject. But sex will exist with or without religions. One doesn’t cause the other

Sex is the basis for physical life and survival of a species. Sex can’t be ignored so religions are forced to say something about the subject. But sex will exist with or without religions. One doesn’t cause the other

Disagree. I think that such religions are trying to gain converts by advertising the transcendent experiance as close to the sexual experiance. Or perhaps the two are actually simular. But I think it might be somthing simular to:

“When you make love you're using up energy; and afterwords you feel happy and don't give a damn for anything. They can't bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time. All this marching up and down and cheering and waving flags is simply sex gone sour. If you're happy inside yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three-Year Plans and the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their bloody rot?” Julia in '1984'.

Society is becoming more tolerant and open sexually. As it stands, the X-tian fundies are fighting this. A losing battle?

Quite possibly. There is no rational reason to share thier guilt about sex. So why feel such guilt? And thus discredited.....

Will this lead to a decline in religious sentiment, especially of the fundie kind?
Here here. And it is a documented fact that athiests are better in bed.

This is because they aren't hung up about being sinful. If no gods are watching you can lick what ya like :D

By definition I have to be atheist cos no-one welcomes the fags. This stikes me as strange as we do some of our best work on our knees :D

If I felt the need to believe in something I'd maybe try buddism, Thing is I have such faith in myself. I always get what I need somehow so a god is unnecessary. I have inner peace. It's compounded every time I look around at my life.. My sexuality is in part responsible cos it toughened me up and I learned to fight for what I need and believe in.
Spirituality and Sexuality are intimatly connected...

Kama Sutra has a huge hidden spiritual connection as the main point of it is to awake what they call Kundalini and create spiritual awareness.

It's very connected as the basis of sexuality and Spirituality are the same:

Harmony between the opposites.

Sexuality is one way (or The way...?) to Spiritual awareness, no matter which Religion you are talking about... ;)

It's very connected as the basis of sexuality and Spirituality are the same:

Harmony between the opposites.

Since when are men and women opposites? I mean, there are differences, but opposite?

And even if you accept that we are, what of homosexuality? The Kama itself describes the proper conduct of a gay male.

And if sexuality is a road to spiritual enlightenment, how come it is frowned upon by the Christians?

Romans 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Revalations 14:3
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

Since when are men and women opposites? I mean, there are differences, but opposite?

Neutral conception: Human Being
Dualist conception: man and women

And even if you accept that we are, what of homosexuality? The Kama itself describes the proper conduct of a gay male.

I can say nothing abou it... I've never seen such thing in Kama Sutra...

And if sexuality is a road to spiritual enlightenment, how come it is frowned upon by the Christians?

As I said in the beginning of the thread... I'm not talking about lust here. I'm talking about sex in means of Love and intimate relationship with one another. It's said in the Bible:

Genesis 2:23-24 :
"23 'This is!' Afam exclaimed. 'She is part of myown bone and flesh! Her name is 'woman' because she was taken out of a man.'
24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife in such a way that the two shall become one person."

Matthew 19:4-6 :

"4 'Don't you read the Scriptures?' he replied. 'In them it is written that at the beginning God created man and woman
5,6 and that man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one-no longer two, but one! And no man may divorce what God has joined together."

Ephesians 5:31 :


Enough for you?
There's also Mark 10:6-9 and others...



I've already read another part of the Kama Sutra where they talk about sex with man and woman... Do you know which are the chapters... I don't remember...

PS: Ewww... :eek::eek::eek:



Yuhuuuu...!!! :D

Tonight I'll have fun!! :D:D

*Picking the phone, calling girlfriend*


Just kidding...;)
I haven't girlfriend yet...:(

Don't understand me wrong!! I won't do those things with her!!!
Well... perhaps when we grow up...

... Hey! That's not your business... :D:D

Xev ...

"The Kama itself describes the proper conduct of a gay male."

Since when does 'eunuch' = 'gay'?

And, I take it that a 'male'plug and a 'female'socket are not opposites ...
'Just different'.

Take care :rolleyes:

It's not purple... it's indigo... :D

Why would I grow up...
I like to be a little child... ;)

And at the same time, I like to be mature enough to...
Whatever... :D

I'm pretty much mature... most of my friends are adults...
Then what? I'm an adult anyways...
But not enough yet...

I may seem crazy...
But I'm not... ;)

Well I'm still very much intact but I see what xev means. It doesn't speak of a homosexual person, more of a homosexual act. These seem to be predesessors of the Thai 'ladyboys'
Lots of men commit these acts on a daily basis and then pop off home to the little wife. It's more common than you think!

I like the new look for your posts, I always imagined you with a big purple one :D

Why do people blame so much the sex within teenagers.
What? Do you have the right to have fun and we don't?

Grow up adults!
It's on our rights too!

It's the nature of the human being!

Sex is just a natural part of life. ;)

bbcboy ...

"... more of a homosexual act."

"Lots of men commit these acts ... then pop off home
to the little wife. It's more common than you think!"

I guess that's why I've often been considered weird ... Never have
thought in terms of a 'homo' or 'hetro' act ... Just: Did it feel good?

Take care ;)
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The world needs lots more of you , keep breeding !!
(When you find yourself up that end of the ballroom :D )

Live long and prosper!
"Why do people blame so much the sex within teenagers.
What? Do you have the right to have fun and we don't?"

Why can't we drink? Or smoke?

The general social reason for putting down sex in teenagers is simply because 99% of us are not mature enough to make these choices properly.

Not that that really matters to be honest. You live once. Way I sees it, fuck as much as you can, drink as much as you can, toke as much as you can, have as much in general as you can.