The Concept of Hell

M*W: If an ancient human looked upon the day sky (which was belived to be true), he would have seen the brightness of the sun (son) which would have appeared as the "Lake of Fire."
Hell concepts with most religions can be traced back to the notion that the sun passes under the earth at night.

In ancient Egyptian cults, Ra traveled the underworld with Set, Mehen, and Ma'at in a boat to protect the sun from the waters of the underworld. Each sunrise was a rebirth of the sun goddess, Nut.

This underworld is present in many, many cultures and can be found in their myth and lore as well as represented in their art. It's an intuitive deduction that ancient peoples arrive at as they observe what appears to be the sun lowering into the ground or ocean only to rise again on the other side.

In many of these cultures, "the west" becomes the place of the dead and the gateway to the underworld. This is true of Egyptians 4,000 years ago as well as the Zuni just 400 years ago.

It doesn't take too much imagination to develop stories of the underworld into stories of a "hell."
M*W: If an ancient human looked upon the day sky (which was belived to be true), he would have seen the brightness of the sun (son) which would have appeared as the "Lake of Fire."
They could've also seen Volcanic eruptions from a vantage point - seeing lava flow into oceans, or elsewhere, and arrived at a similar conclusion - of course I have no evidence to support this apart from the fact that volcanoes exist, humans have seen them, humans have seen them erupt, there are lava flows and the concept of hell exists - common sense.