The Coming Age of Enlightenment

quote:The root, the essence or quintessence of enlightenment is information. It is the engine that drives the car. A car is more than its engine, of course there are other facets to the car as well, but it is the engine by which the car is powered. So too with enlightenment – it is information which powers enlightenment.

The car analogy is all very well but it is the "petrol" which actually moves the car...the petrol, synthesis of reason and intuition, which will help you rationlize the information which creates Enlightenment .
In world standard level of Enlightenment we are still at the stage of a horse and cart anyone got a shovel!!.
Becoming More Connected

Cell phones and computers - consider the difference that these appliances have made in our lives, how far we've come in terms of becoming more connected with each other in just the last twenty or so years.

We are becoming more connected with each other.
Originally posted by Jocariah
Why is it that every successive generation is more enlightened than the one preceding it?

Is it magic?

The ability of a species to evolve is written within the blueprint of its genetic code. This is widely known, and in fact is termed ‘evolution’.

Surely you are not attempting to debate evolution with me.

Yes, I believe that James R would want to debate evolution with you, because, as he said you are subscribing to a strange version of evolution not unlike the Lamarckian model. This being a theory of evolution which predates Darwin's and essentially says that a child will be "better" than it's parents, based upon challenges which the parent encounters in it's life. For instance, I believe that it was part of the Lamarckian theory that giraffes got their long necks, because much older generations of giraffe strived to get food from high places, and so their children were born with longer necks to facilitate this process.

Essentially Lamarckian evolution is complete bunk, and using it to support an idea that you'd like to pass off as scientific is just laughable.

Just out of curiosity are you, with all of this nonsense, attempting to create an explanation for why alien abdicates are generally more intelligent, wealthy, and generally successful then other people? It certainly seems that this should be the case if you were correct, however I simply can't see that that is actually the case.

Thanks for taking the time to comment - I enjoyed reading your remarks.

Originally posted by Mystech
Just out of curiosity are you, with all of this nonsense, attempting to create an explanation for why alien abdicates are generally more intelligent, wealthy, and generally successful then other people? It certainly seems that this should be the case if you were correct, however I simply can't see that that is actually the case.

Is a man with a doctorate in astrophysics "more intelligent, wealthy, and generally [more] successful then other people?"

He has no doubt received a lot of programming at the hands of his professors.

Probably not - just more enlightened about astrophysics, which may or may not pertain to his daily life.

Abductees are more enlightened as a result of their programming at the hands of their keepers, those abductors that all abductees have. We, through no effort on our part, have been genetically altered and programmed (i.e., enlightened) - this programming may or may not apply to our daily lives.

The ideas I express here are simply my ideas - I don't have a vested interest in them, nor do I particularly feel the need to defend them. They are after all simply ideas, capable of standing or falling on their own.

Originally posted by Jocariah
Abductees are more enlightened as a result of their programming at the hands of their keepers, those abductors that all abductees have. We, through no effort on our part, have been genetically altered and programmed (i.e., enlightened) - this programming may or may not apply to our daily lives.

Ok, then, what, in your own opinionl, are the symptoms of this "enlightenment"? What serves to set these people apart from others?
Originally posted by Mystech
Ok, then, what, in your own opinionl, are the symptoms of this "enlightenment"? What serves to set these people apart from others?

Hello again Mystech,

That's a good question. 'Symptoms' is an interesting choice of words.

Women give birth - men don't. Being a man, there is no amount of book learning or first hand interrogation of women that have given birth, that one could possibly do to enlighten one about the birthing process - none.

Some things simply need to be experienced to be understood.

Body learning – experiencing things with the whole of the physical body, can never be circumvented.

If this were not the case, we would have all simply intellectualize about incarnating here – but we didn’t. We came here to experience those things through the physical body that can only be learned by experiencing them through the physical body.

That really doesn't answer the question. Let me rephrase it a little. What is the phenomenon that your theory is trying to explain?
Originally posted by Mystech
... What is the phenomenon that your theory is trying to explain?

Please forgive my ignorance ; it appears that I don’t fully understand your question – in particular, your use of the word ‘phenomenon’.

I am here out of curiosity – the ideas I express are simply ideas, nothing more.

The word phenomenon has a multitude of meanings and connotations - I'd rather not assume your intent with respect to your use of the word.

As I often use the word, whether accurately or not, it connotes a ‘singular event’. In this case there is no singular event, of which I am aware, with respect to the ideas that I have expressed here.
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There is and remains a way of seeing, of discerning those things that appear before us. Coming to anything that lies before us with an open mind, a mind devoid of any preconceived notions whatsoever is the only way to discern anything of significance.

Those questions that we have, rather those answers that we seek, are available to us through the tearing down, the putting aside of what it is that we know or have known in the past. For you see, our past acts to limit us by framing what it is that we are seeing “now”, in the present. By so doing, that is by coming to what it is that we are seeing devoid of preconceptions, or any preconceived notions whatsoever, we allow those things sought, to reveal themselves to us.

Entities exist in forms that we may never (in this lifetime) imagine, or come to appreciate in any real or significant way.

Those that are of a critical nature, that is to say, critical in their observations, will never see that the intellect is only for the assembling of a matter after it is inhaled by the greater being – the self, as it exists in its entirety.

The intellect was never designed to carry the being, but rather to assemble the information once collected.

There is indeed a system in place that hides enlightenment from those that lack the wisdom of self – it is not withheld for any other reason than out of respect for what is at hand. For even enlightenment is an entity that chooses to whom it would reveal itself.

Lacking an understanding of what it is that entities are, will never excuse one from the principles at hand

One must set one's own agenda then, an agenda particular to one's own well being - for there is no sense of well being possible, by having one's agenda set by another; whether or not that decision is a conscious one.

It is important then to remember, that we do not find what it is that we seek, but rather, what we seek is revealed to us once we understand that what we seek are indeed themselves entities, who given the chance, are desirous to be discovered.

So it can be said: "Intelligence, by its very nature, wants to be discovered, it desires to be known."

There again, our responsibility in this endeavor is simply to come to what it is that we seek with an open mind, that is a mind devoid of any preconceived notions, or ideas whatsoever.

By so doing, that is by coming to what it is that we are seeing devoid of preconceptions, or any preconceived notions whatsoever,
Language itself is filled with preconceptions & preconceived notions is it not?
we allow those things sought, to reveal themselves to us.
Is not "those things sought" a preconceived notion?
There is indeed a system in place that hides enlightenment from those that lack the wisdom of self – it is not withheld for any other reason than out of respect for what is at hand. For even enlightenment is an entity that chooses to whom it would reveal itself.
Is it me or is your definition of enlightenment changing? A system in place, an entity? Are talking about something tangbile now?
Whats the rest of your fluff got to do with enlightenment? What happened to abductees being more enlightened?
Maybe I should find me an UFO, I've lost it????:D
Hello Kazakhan,

My underlying point was that we tend ‘not’ to think outside the box when it comes to our perception, or preconceived notions of what entities are. Why is that? For instance, are we entities outside of our physicality? Most seem to think that we are, acknowledging that we are indeed more than our physical bodies alone.

Is it then that our consciousness is an entity?
Lsd isnt good for you sure their are good drug recovery hotlines in your community....
Originally posted by Jocariah
Please forgive my ignorance ; it appears that I don’t fully understand your question – in particular, your use of the word ‘phenomenon’.

If it helps, just replace phenomenon, with "unexplained thing". In this instance I think it serves the same purpose.
Originally posted by Jocariah
. . .are we entities outside of our physicality? Most seem to think that we are, acknowledging that we are indeed more than our physical bodies alone.

Most of who seem to think that we are? More importantly, what evidence have they got to back up this idea? Majority opinion does not make a thing fact, which doesn't even yet matter in this instance, as we have not discerned who this claimed majority is.
Originally posted by Mystech
If it helps, just replace phenomenon, with "unexplained thing". In this instance I think it serves the same purpose.



1. plural phenomena : an observable fact or event
2. plural phenomena a : an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition b : a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon c : a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible of scientific description and explanation
3. a : a rare or significant fact or event b plural phenomenons : an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence
usage see PHENOMENA
Yeah, those work too, go ahead and answer the question and quit dancing around with your semantics, please.

Qua is defined as follows: functioning as - 'as' - in the capacity as (in the function, character, or capacity of; as "the President 'qua' Commander in Chief")

Qua is the essence, or quintessence, of the experience, that is the experience of what it is to be human – to explore the human condition, this medium that we find ourselves in while being in or within the human physical form; for all forms are not human, nor existing in the physical realm.

We are functioning in the capacity ‘as’ human. We are not human, that is to say, that is not the extent of who we are, entirely, but rather we are functioning in the capacity ‘as’ human. Being human is how it is that we are functioning ‘as’, while all the while realizing that we are not ‘merely’ human, but something more, much, much more that just human.

Another way to say this is that we occupy our humanness temporarily – that is, for the time being, we are located within our humanness as it were, seeing those things that are only apparent, only visible during this present human experience, this present incarnation in the physical.

In such an instance as this, there is much information passing into us as we occupy your humanness, much thought is continually taking place on a subconscious level as we dwell in our humanness at this specific point in time, this specific point in the expression of our humanness – but our humanness is temporal, temporary if you will – so that to realize our ‘humanness’ is to realize the temporality of the situation entirety.

So then, besides being human, existing is this flesh and blood that we occupy - what are we?
What exactly has lead you to believe any of this, and why aren't you answering any of my questions?
Originally posted by Mystech
Yeah, those work too, go ahead and answer the question and quit dancing around with your semantics, please.

And what question might that be?
Originally posted by Mystech
Ok, then, what, in your own opinionl, are the symptoms of this "enlightenment"? What serves to set these people apart from others?

Originally posted by Mystech
What is the phenomenon that your theory is trying to explain?