The color is a particle by Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez

If something can been seen as a Primary color the Particles can be count,

A Particle mixture of primary colors, can't be counted it's origin. It exists of more Primary Particles like 3d.
If something can been seen as a Primary color the Particles can be count,

A Particle mixture of primary colors, can't be counted it's origin. It exists of more Primary Particles like 3d.

My theory is that each particle is made of "particles of color".

I know it's crazy to say that the color is a particle. But if you walk into a room, what do you see? You see walls, wood, ornaments and electronic artifacts made of atoms.

My theory is that in addition to atoms in the room, also there are all kinds of colors. That is why I say that atoms are made of "particles of colours".
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The reason why I wrote, a hypothesis that the particle of the universe, not cannot see or touch, is to explain the existence of the parallel universe:

To me the FBI wrote me to tell me, that my theory, agrees, with studies obtained by them. The FBI uses people called "observers" to study the universe. In addition they said the following "the observers see a parallel universe, where there are people from another dimension".

Recommend me trying to test my theory of the existence of life with the particles of the universe that we cannot touch or see.

It is not crazy, nor ignorance on part of you, but this topic is State secret, that I dared I give my version of my logic.

Seriously? Victor, you might have have a mental affliction called schizophrenia. Please go see a mental health professional.
Yeah Right, now he's Schizophrenic too? There are differences between people you know.

Too? Does that imply someone thinks you're schizophrenic as well? I have actually looked at your posting history and many of your posts appear to be almost random non-sequiteur responses to select words and phrases. Something akin to a chat bot.

But that aside, one significant symptom of schizophrenia that can crop up is delusion and when Victor writes statements like this:

To me the FBI wrote me to tell me, that my theory, agrees, with studies obtained by them. The FBI uses people called "observers" to study the universe. In addition they said the following "the observers see a parallel universe, where there are people from another dimension".

It's clear that he is expressing a delusion.
I don't see conspiracies and other complete gibberish, like the ''moon hoax'', ''government lies'', etc.
I don't see conspiracies and other complete gibberish, like the ''moon hoax'', ''government lies'', etc.

Do you understand the definition of the word delusion? Can you compare that defintion to Victor's text that I quoted? How does it match up?
My Problem is mania, not Schizophrenia.

Um... congratulations? That at least was a semi-related response; however, did you notice that I was not inquiring about your mental health? I've seen people with Bipolar afflications become manic. When it happens, they don't process information correctly even under the context of simple conversation. That might be something to consider when interacting with others in text-based conversation on this site if people are raising concerns that something is wrong about your posts.
I am sorry for you, but the human being has no fault of being blind to what the Government hides. You will die and will never know the secret of State. I am sorry.