The Collapce of the theory of evolution in 20 questions


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Hello everybody
Im new to here :) , these are some e-books in PDF format that i thought its interesting for who wants to read about evolution but a very different point of view ,,,, the auther of these books is Harun yahya



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THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION has been around for 150 years, and has had a great influence on the way people look at the world. It proposes the lie that they came into this world as the result of chance and that they are a "species of animal." Furthermore, it teaches them that the only law in life is a selfish struggle for survival and to stay alive. The effects of this idea can be clearly seen in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: people's increasing selfishness, the moral degeneration in society, the rapid spread of self-interest, ruthlessness, and violence, the development of totalitarian and bloody ideologies such as fascism and communism, social and individual crises as people grow distant from the morality of religion,…


Some of the people who have heard of "the theory of evolution" or "Darwinism", may think that these concepts only concern the field of biology and that they have no significance in their everyday lives. This is a big misconception because far more than a biological concept, the theory of evolution constitutes the underpinnings of a dishonest philosophy that has held sway over a great number of people.

That philosophy is "materialism", which holds a number of bogus views about why and how we came into being. Materialism maintains that there is nothing but the matter and that matter is the essence of everything, be it organic or inorganic. Starting out from this premise, it denies the existence of a divine Creator, that is, Allah. Reducing everything to the level of matter, this notion transforms man into a creature that heeds only matter and turns away from moral values of whatever kind. This is the beginning of big disasters that will befall a man's life.

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A Definitive Reply to Evolutionist Propaganda

Between early 2001 and the present day there have been a number of very interesting and important developments in the world of science. The advances made in such different scientific fields as palaeontology, molecular biology, anatomy and genetics have once again revealed the terrible scientific dilemma the theory of evolution finds itself in. The theory of evolution was proposed in its present form in the mid-19th century by Charles Darwin and at that time provided enormous support for materialism. Such was that support that the present collapse of the theory is also resulting in the collapse of materialism itself.

Materialism is a most dangerous philosophy, which denies the existence of God, religion and the spiritual life and which regards matter as the only absolute and supports a selfish world view. The selfish, self-interested, combative and ruthless moral view which is still widespread in the world is the product of a materialist-Darwinist viewpoint

The creation of the universe

Materialism can no longer claim to be a scientific philosophy.
Arthur Koestler, the renowned Social Philosopher 1

How did the endless universe we live in come into being?
How did the equilibrium, harmony, and order of this universe develop?
How is it that this Earth is such a fit and sheltering place for us to live in?

Questions such as these have attracted attention since the dawn of the human race. The conclusion reached by scientists and philosophers searching for answers with their intellects and common sense is that the design and order of this universe are evidence of the existence of a supreme Creator ruling over the whole universe.

This is an indisputable truth that we may reach by using our intelligence. Allah declares this reality in His holy book, the Qur'an, which He inspired as a guide for humanity fourteen centuries ago. He states that He has created the universe when it was not, for a particular purpose, and with all its systems and balances specifically designed for human life.

The Evolution Deceit

Most people think the theory of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin, and rests on scientific evidence, observations and experiments. However, the truth is that Darwin was not its originator, and neither does the theory rest on scientific proof. The theory consists of an adaptation to nature of the ancient dogma of materialist philosophy. Although it is not backed up by scientific discoveries, the theory is blindly supported in the name of materialist philosophy.

This fanaticism has resulted in all kinds of disasters. Together with the spread of Darwinism and the materialist philosophy it supports, the answer to the question "What is a human being?" has changed. People who used to answer: "Human beings were created by God and have to live according to the beautiful morality He teaches", have now begun to think that "Man came into being by chance, and is an animal who developed by means of the fight for survival." There is a heavy price to pay for this great deception. Violent ideologies such as racism, fascism and communism, and many other barbaric world views based on conflict have all drawn strength from this deception.

This article will examine the disaster Darwinism has visited on the world and reveal its connection with terrorism, one of the most important global problems of our time.


these books are by Harun yahya

My regards
I have taken a look at the first book: The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution. It is quite fascinating to see a fundamentalist creation view based on Islam, rather than Christianity. And to see essentially the same (flawed) arguments used by both.
You know my absolute favourite question is the one shown a couple of books above:

"How is it that this Earth is such a fit and sheltering place for us to live in?"

But it needs a slight addition:

"..unless you happen to live by a volcano, in a tornado zone, on a fault line, in the North/South Pole, in the majority of Africa, in a desert, or on the 2/3rds of this planet that happens to be water".
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Hey Esperanti....hey, guyess what? i dont believe in materialism NOR monotheisim with its ideas ofintelligent design. so, whatDO i believein?

for a start, why do you think us NOT animals...? is te 'religius' ideas we are not animals that has contributed TO the disrespect for other species and Nature!

now about your theory represented by your promoted book author:

YES, i wholeheartedly agree with you that materilalistic beliefs are the ongoing cause of may of our trobles. notonly ours but for other species, Nature, and the sense of alienation people feel from one another and Nature in a deep way. we agree on this

BUT, then you suddenly from there ASSUME the only alternative to that nihilistic worldview is one that believes and indoctrinates the idea of there being a creator-'God' who rules over us and the universe

Have you any idea what tis patriarchal belief has done? it is as insidious as te materialistic idea. in FACT the whole reason nihilistic materialism arose is due to the stifling monotheistic propaganda--asa desprate protest from its mind-control (you should research about this, it is VERY revealing--seriously)

you see monotheim had already created a conflict between Nature and 'spirit'. for the patriarchs 'spirit' was divorced from Nature. was de-eroticized and made into their idea of this 'pure God' who onemust obey to the deth to become AS pure ahd perfect

Rather consider what monotheism demonized, which was a primordial understanding that 'spirit' and Hature have NEVER BEEN separate, nd that the cyclic process of Nature is sacred and FULL OF MEANING. ie., that matter/energy is INTELLIGENT. there doesn't HAVE TO BE a designer BEHIND it. IT IS intellignce. the very process ITSELF IS Intelligence.
Esperanza: The descriptions of those books are way off the mark. Firstly I doubt any of them have any valid evidence to show that evolution doesn't exist. Secondly the warnings of the dangers of evolution and materialism are totally contradictory to that of religious beliefs.

The US is a deeply religious country where over half believe we were created by Gods hand and discount evolution totally. Yet compared to Europe (where almost all believe in evolution), crime rates and social dysfunction are much higher. Also, the US is one of the most materialistic countries in the world.

The association of evolution and a lawless greedy society just don't measure up. Secular societies that accept evolution as fact, are safe, sensible and largely non-violent compared to those countries with strong believe in God. That is just a fact.

These books achieve nothing but scaremongering and encourage intellectual dysnfunction.
Esperanza, assuming this was not just a drive-by posting to promote these books, and that you actually return to the forum, please select any argument from any of the books and present it in an individual post. I shall then be happy to demonstrate its fallacies for you. I stand ready in eager anticipation.
duendy, we're not animals because we're too much different from them (although some people are like animals). we have free will and great intelligence. saying that we're animals is like saying that animals are plants.

harun yahya is an ignorant fanatic. just read what he says about buddhism ( but i'm not saying he's wrong about everything.
From the first page of the second book:

Starting out from this premise, it denies the existence of a divine Creator, that is, Allah.

Science has disproved and continues to disprove the materialist hypothesis that recognises the existence of nothing but matter and it demonstrates that all beings are the products of creation by a superior being.
The purpose of this book is to reveal the scientific facts that refute the theory of evolution in all fields and to inform people about the ulterior, underlying, and real purpose of this so-called "science", which is in fact a fraud.

Complete rubbish.
c7ityi_ said:
duendy, we're not animals because we're too much different from them (although some people are like animals). we have free will and great intelligence. saying that we're animals is like saying that animals are plants.

harun yahya is an ignorant fanatic. just read what he says about buddhism ( but i'm not saying he's wrong about everything.

ohh, we know, c7, you are anti-being like animal, for some odd reason. you imagine 'we' have 'great intelligence'....? hahahaha. what to say???

look you got an anus have't you? got sexual organs, ears, eyes, feet with toes and toenails which grip mountain side? you fart, sleep, snore, get grumpy, jealous, lusty, angry, do you bare yer teeth when you get angry...? do you salivate when you see all that christmas grub and then pig out. or ar you like one of those faddy animals that just peck at food and leave it?....youuu ANIMAL you!
duendy said:
look you got an anus have't you? got sexual organs, ears, eyes, feet with toes and toenails which grip mountain side? you fart, sleep, snore, get grumpy, jealous, lusty, angry, do you bare yer teeth when you get angry...? do you salivate when you see all that christmas grub and then pig out. or ar you like one of those faddy animals that just peck at food and leave it?....youuu ANIMAL you!

There is an "animal" in humans, just like there is a "plant" in animals, and there is a "plant" in humans too. But we differ from animals like animals differ from plants and plants differ from matter. Yet we're all the same, the same self, in different bodies.

Plants include matter (since they have a material body).
Animals include plants (since they consume food) and matter.
Humans include animals (since they have feelings), plants and matter.
Geniuses include etc...

Humans have a goal. They want to become something more, something greater. Animals are happy being what they are, they don't want to be something more. That's another thing that differs us from animals.

Humans are at the mid-point of evolution. We have reached the end of physical evolution and the beginning of spiritual evolution.

Animal is just one SIDE of humans. Humans are MORE than animals, just like animals are MORE than plants.
I browsed through the first few pages. How can someone write such a piece of shit? By copy paste other pieces of shit? It's the same old all over again. How many times dow we have to refute the same things? Indefinitely? Can't these people just pick up a copy of a general biology text book to check what they are saying? Can't they go on the internet and type in evolution in google and read a bit. I'm sure they did, because the book is a job of copy and pasting. They must have come accross the same arguments they they copied and pasted in their book. Why didn't they come accross the counter-arguments at the same time?

So I wasted another 5 minutes of my time.
It has quite nice typesetting, though. I thought that was a plus.
And it was a nice change to see it all attributed to Allah, rather than God.
Your point about copy/paste was valid. I wonder if we could encourage the original Creationist authors of the purloined material to sue the 'author' of these books. That might be entertaining.
c7ityi_ said:
There is an "animal" in humans, just like there is a "plant" in animals, and there is a "plant" in humans too. But we differ from animals like animals differ from plants and plants differ from matter. Yet we're all the same, the same self, in different bodies.

me)))))obviously i know we differ. but hey....dosn't a giraffe differ from a mouse?...orhow about a Dolphin from a hyena, orrrrr...?

Plants include matter (since they have a material body).
Animals include plants (since they consume food) and matter.

me)))dontplants consume 'animal matter'?

Humans include animals (since they have feelings), plants and matter.
Geniuses include etc...

meP)))))what arrrrrrrre ya goin on with...?

Humans have a goal. They want to become something more, something greater. Animals are happy being what they are, they don't want to be something more. That's another thing that differs us from animals.

mePPPwhy do you assume YOUR dream of 'spiritual perfection' is shared by ALL humans??

Humans are at the mid-point of evolution. We have reached the end of physical evolution and the beginning of spiritual evolution.

me))))))how do you knooooow this thing you know?

Animal is just one SIDE of humans. Humans are MORE than animals, just like animals are MORE than plants.

'animal' 'humans' 'plants'----such a limited theory you got their gal
c7ityi_ said:
There is an "animal" in humans, just like there is a "plant" in animals, and there is a "plant" in humans too. But we differ from animals like animals differ from plants and plants differ from matter. Yet we're all the same, the same self, in different bodies.

Plants include matter (since they have a material body).
Animals include plants (since they consume food) and matter.
Humans include animals (since they have feelings), plants and matter.
Geniuses include etc...

Humans have a goal. They want to become something more, something greater. Animals are happy being what they are, they don't want to be something more. That's another thing that differs us from animals.

Humans are at the mid-point of evolution. We have reached the end of physical evolution and the beginning of spiritual evolution.

Animal is just one SIDE of humans. Humans are MORE than animals, just like animals are MORE than plants.
You actually believe that humans are not animals?
We may be more intelligent (the way we have defined intelligence), but we are just animals. In fact intelligence is the only separating factor between us and other animals.

Everything else you spout is drivel - subjective, unsupportable, wishy-washy dribble.

c7ityi_ said:
Humans have a goal. They want to become something more, something greater.
Who has determined this for me?
Where was my contract? I signed nothing!! :D

Humans have no "goal" other than the one an individual assigns to themself.
You are doing nothing but assigning your own thoughts, goals, ideals onto the rest of society and claiming it as truth.
c7ityi_ said:
There is an "animal" in humans, just like there is a "plant" in animals, and there is a "plant" in humans too. But we differ from animals like animals differ from plants and plants differ from matter. Yet we're all the same, the same self, in different bodies.

Plants include matter (since they have a material body).
Animals include plants (since they consume food) and matter.
Humans include animals (since they have feelings), plants and matter.
Geniuses include etc...

Humans have a goal. They want to become something more, something greater. Animals are happy being what they are, they don't want to be something more. That's another thing that differs us from animals.

Humans are at the mid-point of evolution. We have reached the end of physical evolution and the beginning of spiritual evolution.

Animal is just one SIDE of humans. Humans are MORE than animals, just like animals are MORE than plants.
If you were serious in the theory upon the other thread, then I must say this:
You have everything in you... You are the animals... You just see them different from you... Because you haven't realized you are the same...


Science has disproved and continues to disprove the materialist hypothesis that recognises the existence of nothing but matter and it demonstrates that all beings are the products of creation by a superior being.
The purpose of this book is to reveal the scientific facts that refute the theory of evolution in all fields and to inform people about the ulterior, underlying, and real purpose of this so-called "science", which is in fact a fraud.

Q Responded:
Complete rubbish.

Kerry notes:
I'm with Q. The anti-scientific attitude of some folks never cease to astonish me as they propogate their idiocy over a computer, of all things! If science were a fraud, how can they possibly use its manifold powers, abilities, creations, inventions, etc., to get the word out to the world overnight using scientific instruments instead of taking a year to send their message against it via camel, donkey train, and horseback?