The Catholic Church's War on Healthcare

I look for alternate explanations rather than memorize the party lines. Maybe you can gather your own real data. Ask random people why they use birth control to see if the main reason is to have fun and not get pregnant. I agree there will be many reasons, but all secondary to the fun factor.

Regardless, having a right to acquire something does not mean you can force others to foot the bill.

Americans have the right to bear arms. Just because we have this right does not mean the government has the responsibility to give guns to everyone who wants one or to anyone who has a justification for needing one.

Nor can the government force businesses to provide guns to employees through some form of mandate. Nor can it force the humane society to provide guns to hunters who will then violate their conscience and shoot animals they try to protect. The right allows a choice, but within that choice is the condition that your own your own in terms of providing for yourself.

If a poor person wants a gun but can't afford one, it is not up to the government to foot the bill. That right only protects his ability to possess a gun but says nothing about using a mandate to buy his vote with someone;s else money. If we are going to buy votes by providing the tools for rights, the right to bear arms came first. The birth control came later and needs to get in the back of the line. Bit if you don't wish to wait, there is still the free market to practice the right.