The Broad Brush? Women and Men; Prejudice and Necessity

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Well... technically speaking, it IS a public forum...
I know. Just particularly aggravating posters are - well - particularly aggravating. Besides, I doubt seriously that krash will change my habits. I haven't and probably never will report anyone. Just not my style...
You know, just for fun, I think I'll try pushing a button that I have never pushed in six years. You know, that "report" link? You are like a mosquito - you need swatted. And I'm relentless. Now go pick on someone else before you krash. This discussion is ongoing for years - no one invited you.
push it,
what do i care.
the simplest thing is just to shut up .
I know. Just particularly aggravating posters are - well - particularly aggravating. Besides, I doubt seriously that krash will change my habits. I haven't and probably never will report anyone. Just not my style...
amusing :)
i'm not trying to change your habits, it was already know it would not occur.
changing habits is for parenting.

i'm just showing what an contradicting hypocritical ignoramus(who thinks they are some kind of intellect)you are

you know,
creates arguments then screams troll.
and yet you can not figure out why.

particularly aggravating posters are - well - particularly aggravating.
it's comical that you used these words.
it's mutual.
amusing :)
i'm not trying to change your habits, it was already know it would not occur.
changing habits is for parenting.

i'm just showing what an contradicting hypocritical ignoramus(who thinks they are some kind of intellect)you are

you know,
creates arguments then screams troll.
and yet you can not figure out why.

it's comical that you used these words.
it's mutual.
OMG, I would trade my kingdom for a can of RAID...
Perhaps. Perhaps you can stop being so defensive as well.
I'll give you a hint.. When you respond in a manner that is condescending and patronising, people get defensive. One usually follows on from the other.

No, I only have a problem with certain forum members being too stubborn to acknowledge that there is a place for such common sense measures.
In other words, you have a problem with people telling you that the common sense measures don't work. I get it, you're on "my side" along with your snide and sly remarks about my high fences around my property and self defense classes. I'll give you another bigger hint, none of it worked.

I can alter my behaviour as much as necessary, alter how I live and deny myself any freedom, pretty much become a recluse in my house even, and it still will not affect what someone else does against me.

And that is what you're not getting. You and others advocate common sense as rape prevention. When that is clearly failing, and it is, then obviously something else needs to be done. So what is it?

What do you suggest a person should do to alter the behaviour of another person? Which is essentially what rape prevention expects.

Also, if it's common sense, stop repeating it. People have common sense. Teaching women "common sense" as rape prevention is the belief that they are lacking in common sense to begin with. Hence patronising and condescending.

Apparently not. Bells, I have no grudge against you, I respect you. And what you do / did for a living. Just because you get animosity from other posters does not mean you will do so from me. Not all posters, ya' know?

That may well be true - a sad state of affairs but not one promulgated by me.
Really? So when you advocate common sense as rape prevention, what are you doing exactly? Does that mean that women who are raped exercised no common sense? That they were lacking in said common sense?

Common sense dictates that rapists don't rape. Yet, nowhere is this stated for "rape prevention". Instead, common sense is being demanded from women who already have said common sense with the expectation that it will affect and alter the behaviour of another person, known or not known to them. It's not working. 1 in 6 women are still being raped. It's not because women are lacking in common sense, but because rapists are lacking in common sense. But nowhere does anyone educate, lecture or berate potential rapists about their common sense. Instead, we focus on the potential victims about their supposedly lacking common sense.

I'm pretty sure that not leaving a drink unattended applies to acquaintance violence as well. It did in my case at at least, and while there is no parallel between being drugged and having all your valuables stolen, not to mention waking up in a ditch alongside a road you didn't even know existed, I think that experience allowed me a glimpse. Maybe. Don't know...
I hear drinking from a sippy cup helps prevent drink spiking.

But then no, people can still spike sippy cups.

You obviously are confusing me with someone else Bells. I'm not here to fight with you.

You would be wrong. Dead wrong in the some circumstances. Why do you make stupid assertions like this? I didn't say that, never have. Lose the chip already...
Then perhaps if people stop advocating it as "rape prevention", as though it somehow prevents rape, people wouldn't be led to believe they even work.

Which leads to victim blaming and sometimes even victim shaming.

Who does? I just get aggravated because you and others refuse to admit that we all take precautions - against all sorts of evil. Six years I've been waiting for you to admit it. Then, when you do, you have to have the tag afterward of "Oh no, none of those measures were to prevent rape, only other sorts of crime / violence" (paraphrased) Really? How stupid do you think people are? It's human (animal as well?) nature to protect one's self - when one can.
No one is saying that you shouldn't use common sense. What I and others are saying is that using common sense to victim shame and blame and touting it as rape prevention.. Really? Don't leave your drink unattended.. Well duh! Don't get into a car if you notice a stranger in it.. Well again, duh! Don't give out your details to strangers on the phone or in person.. Duh! Don't walk down dark alleys at night by yourself.. Duh! Don't let strangers into your house.. Duh! I liked Billvon's one the best, don't marry or date someone who may rape you in the future.. DUH! We get it. So perhaps stop speaking to me about rape prevention as though I'm a retard and have no common sense? Perhaps don't expect or demand that women and men, alter everything about themselves because of the behaviour of others.

You want common sense to rape prevention? Start teaching people that they shouldn't rape.

The two aren't mutually exclusive Bells. *patience*
Well heaven forbid we focus on the behaviour and attitudes of the rapist or potential rapist first and foremost.

By whom Bells? Who is placing the onus squarely and exclusively on women? And why only women? Men get raped as well. And I'm not talking about being raped by your female high school teacher. Remember your Geoff / Bubba story? Let's try that one for a second. Do you think inmates [should] take precautions against Bubba? Why?
Have you failed to read rape prevention literature? It's aimed at women. Completely and utterly aimed at women. And yes, men are raped as well. Yet I am yet to see a rape prevention for men list go up, telling men to not have pony tails, not wear short skirts, not talk to strange men, keep their hands over their drink at all times in case someone puts something in it, to pee on their rapist or tell their rapist that they are menstruating.

As for Bubba.. Rape prevention would have entailed Bubba not believing that using another person's body to satisfy his urge to control and dominate another - ie educating him to not fucking rape. I mean I get it. Bodies are there to be taken and used so heaven forbid we tell potential rapists that it is not. Best to tell the potential victim that they have to live in a state of hyper alertness, watch how they dress, what they drink, etc, because someone somewhere out there may rape them. You may as well just tell sober drivers to stay off the road because a drunk driver may hit them with their car.

I say more power to you. The missing ingredient in what I'm saying as opposed to what you are inferring is "force". It will fall on totally deaf ears, in fact, you remind me of a three year old putting his hands over his ears and shouting "Nya Nya Nya" to drown out the sound, but hey - just for the record:
Tell me, is telling me that I am like a 3 year old child the part where you are fighting with me and not against me?

I do not advocate that anyone do anything they don't want to. If you don't believe that, perhaps you will believe this: I don't give a flying fuck what you do Bells. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not belligerent about this issue, I was six years ago maybe, but even then only because of the unbelievable obstinacy I encountered. No one, certainly not me, is telling you how to live your life. Period. End of story. Now return the favor...
When you act this condescending, patronising, sanctimonious and hypocritical, is this the part where you 'respect me as a person and respect what I do and where you don't have a grudge against me'?

I'm curious.
I'll give you a hint.. When you respond in a manner that is condescending and patronising, people get defensive. One usually follows on from the other.

In other words, you have a problem with people telling you that the common sense measures don't work. I get it, you're on "my side" along with your snide and sly remarks about my high fences around my property and self defense classes. I'll give you another bigger hint, none of it worked.

I can alter my behaviour as much as necessary, alter how I live and deny myself any freedom, pretty much become a recluse in my house even, and it still will not affect what someone else does against me.

And that is what you're not getting. You and others advocate common sense as rape prevention. When that is clearly failing, and it is, then obviously something else needs to be done. So what is it?

What do you suggest a person should do to alter the behaviour of another person? Which is essentially what rape prevention expects.

Also, if it's common sense, stop repeating it. People have common sense. Teaching women "common sense" as rape prevention is the belief that they are lacking in common sense to begin with. Hence patronising and condescending.


Really? So when you advocate common sense as rape prevention, what are you doing exactly? Does that mean that women who are raped exercised no common sense? That they were lacking in said common sense?

Common sense dictates that rapists don't rape. Yet, nowhere is this stated for "rape prevention". Instead, common sense is being demanded from women who already have said common sense with the expectation that it will affect and alter the behaviour of another person, known or not known to them. It's not working. 1 in 6 women are still being raped. It's not because women are lacking in common sense, but because rapists are lacking in common sense. But nowhere does anyone educate, lecture or berate potential rapists about their common sense. Instead, we focus on the potential victims about their supposedly lacking common sense.

I hear drinking from a sippy cup helps prevent drink spiking.

But then no, people can still spike sippy cups.


Then perhaps if people stop advocating it as "rape prevention", as though it somehow prevents rape, people wouldn't be led to believe they even work.

Which leads to victim blaming and sometimes even victim shaming.

No one is saying that you shouldn't use common sense. What I and others are saying is that using common sense to victim shame and blame and touting it as rape prevention.. Really? Don't leave your drink unattended.. Well duh! Don't get into a car if you notice a stranger in it.. Well again, duh! Don't give out your details to strangers on the phone or in person.. Duh! Don't walk down dark alleys at night by yourself.. Duh! Don't let strangers into your house.. Duh! I liked Billvon's one the best, don't marry or date someone who may rape you in the future.. DUH! We get it. So perhaps stop speaking to me about rape prevention as though I'm a retard and have no common sense? Perhaps don't expect or demand that women and men, alter everything about themselves because of the behaviour of others.

You want common sense to rape prevention? Start teaching people that they shouldn't rape.

Well heaven forbid we focus on the behaviour and attitudes of the rapist or potential rapist first and foremost.

Have you failed to read rape prevention literature? It's aimed at women. Completely and utterly aimed at women. And yes, men are raped as well. Yet I am yet to see a rape prevention for men list go up, telling men to not have pony tails, not wear short skirts, not talk to strange men, keep their hands over their drink at all times in case someone puts something in it, to pee on their rapist or tell their rapist that they are menstruating.

As for Bubba.. Rape prevention would have entailed Bubba not believing that using another person's body to satisfy his urge to control and dominate another - ie educating him to not fucking rape. I mean I get it. Bodies are there to be taken and used so heaven forbid we tell potential rapists that it is not. Best to tell the potential victim that they have to live in a state of hyper alertness, watch how they dress, what they drink, etc, because someone somewhere out there may rape them. You may as well just tell sober drivers to stay off the road because a drunk driver may hit them with their car.

Tell me, is telling me that I am like a 3 year old child the part where you are fighting with me and not against me?

When you act this condescending, patronising, sanctimonious and hypocritical, is this the part where you 'respect me as a person and respect what I do and where you don't have a grudge against me'?

I'm curious.
Krash, you are pretty much toe'ing the line there - if you aren't going to add to the discussion at hand, then please refrain from instigation for the sake of instigation.
Testing the Assertion

Review and Application

GeoffP said:

I assume from the above you've never heard of inappropriate breeding attempts or hybridization.

Setting aside the broader implications of such a statement, I now offer some cases by which we might test that suggestion in application:

First up, New Mexico:

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after allegedly locking his girlfriend out of a New Mexico hotel room and raping her 8-month-old daughter.

Julio Iturralde, 27, allegedly abused the baby inside a room at the Los Lunas Inn and Suites in Los Lunas on May 24, the Albuquerque Journal reports, while his girlfriend knocked on the door for several minutes and heard the infant screaming.

When Iturralde finally let Jasmin Davis, 25, in the room, she said she saw a huge amount of blood in her daughter's diaper.

Davis told investigators that she wanted to take her daughter to a doctor, but Iturralde, who she said was smoking meth at the time, would not let her leave the room, according to KOAT. The next day she took the child to a hospital, where doctors contacted the police. Authorities believe that Iturralde sexually assaulted the girl.


And then the town of Prosser, Washington:

Prosecutors expect to ask for a sentence of more than 13 years in prison for a Prosser man convicted of raping and molesting a preteen girl.

Richard Cain, 49, was back on trial this week in Benton County Superior Court after a jury could not reach a verdict in his 2013 rape and molestation trial.

Prosecutors decided to retry Cain following the hung jury, and he was convicted Thursday of first-degree rape of a child and first-degree molestation.

The victim's testimony at the three-day trial helped convince jurors that Cain was guilty, said Benton County Deputy Prosecutor Anita Petra.

"The things that she described can only be described by someone who lived through it. Her ability to articulate what happened to her was key," Petra said.

The charges carried the aggravating circumstances that Cain was in a position of trust when he abused the girl, so prosecutors can now ask for a sentence outside the standard sentencing range.

Charges against Cain were originally filed in 2011 after the girl reported the abuse to a family member. The abuse happened during a period of time from 2006-10, court documents show.


The explanation for this, apparently, is that a couple of guys got horny and then got confused about their breeding attempts.

Meanwhile, up in Canada:

A southern Alberta woman has filed a lawsuit against the RCMP that alleges she was forced to perform a sex act while an officer drove her home.

The statement of claim names among the defendants the force and the officer who is based in the Strathmore, Alta., detachment east of Calgary.

It says the woman was brought into the detachment in December 2012 to provide a statement regarding an incident at her home.

She was being taken home from the detachment in the early morning when its alleged the officer driving pulled off the main road. The woman alleges she was ordered to strip and perform oral sex on the officer.


Impregnation via oral sex? Talk about confused breeding attempts.

This is doubly so in the case of sexual violence in prison. In the first place, a rectum does not lead to reproduction. In the second, neither does the mouth. And, in the third, it doesn't matter, anyway, since it's a man being fucked in the ass or mouth.

Then again, maybe all the men in prison were gay before they got there; after all, by the proposition, gay people are just confused about their reproductive impulses.

Maybe the advocate can explain the pathology of that confusion?

Or perhaps it's just time to flush this excrement to where it belongs. I mean, we haven't even started accounting for the Catholic priests diddling little boys.


Hanson, Hilary. "Baby Needs Organ Reconstruction After Alleged Rape". The Huffington Post. June 16, 2014. June 22, 2014.

Richardson, Tyler. "Prosser man found guilty of raping, molesting preteen girl". Tri-City Herald. June 20, 2014. June 22, 2014.

Graveland, Bill. "RCMP Officer Forced Me To Perform Oral Sex, Woman Alleges". The Huffington Post. May 1, 2014. June 22, 2014.
The last few pages have been characterised by increasing personal outrage, condescension and vast, vague assertions of immorality delivered with a certain artless rabidness.

But this bit is truly special. Neointellectual snobbery of this is without parallel on SF: delicate, remote, offended. How can I do the artifice of its falseness justice? How can I judge the beauty of its delusion? It's wrong without the violence of a fisked pissing contest.

I would? Just for a laugh, where would I do this? Location, location.

And this is the problem. These people aren't really thinking through their arguments. Like Geoff arguing that homosexuals are merely mistaken in order to support his biological trigger argument that rape happens because a man gets horny. Or even the implication of what it means if men really are so dangerous as he needs them to be.

"Because" is gloriously myopic; no, don't change a thing. Il ne regrettera reins. An SF argument is like toilet water circling, getting tighter and tighter, compacting the crap and chasing its own tail until it's just gone, and the thread ends. I could go into the mathematical realities of - well... math - wherein things are not one thing or another. That's the first of lessons, isn't it? A puppy isn't a kitty, nor a car a blankie: and that is all we need to know, thankyou Pearson, the devil take your devil math. Proportionality? "Heavens, no, man, we don't go in for that sort of thing round here. It's positively perverse. Nuance? You mention nuance to me? Shall I have to call the constabulary?" As a joke it's a joke, but when people live the joke it gets rapidly less funny and one thinks cautiously about Orwell. I suppose I should have a laugh at the people who call numbers a universal language; it's really none too common. Its absence here is like a dusty spot on a bench where a wrench would have been, if wrenching had ever come up before. Ah well: I was never good at existentialist humour.

This is all personal to them. This isn't about rape or society or men and women. It's about their egos. Pure, intransigent opposition.

But of course. Why, my ego's just as relevant to this argument as you need it to be.
Review and Application

Setting aside the broader implications of such a statement, I now offer some cases by which we might test that suggestion in application:

Well, we might, I guess, if only we hadn't selected three cases from the - what? Seven or eight, surely, that must occur all year in the US.


Not the size

Look, since you're not using it, would you mind if these gentlemen took up your argument?
The Obvious Question

GeoffP said:

I would? Just for a laugh, where would I do this? Location, location.

Is there something difficult or confusing about clicking the link provided, Geoff?
Is there something difficult or confusing about clicking the link provided, Geoff?

That's the summation of your response?

In which way does that deny the realities of the acronym you just made up? Do you even know what it's in response to?

Jesus, I could swear we've had a parallel to this before.
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