The Broad Brush? Women and Men; Prejudice and Necessity

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This discussion is so mired down in your drama and whinging that it cannot be held/defended from it...

I'd be interested to see what that sentence is supposed to mean.

Not at all - I am merely curious to see how you will lie and try to spin-doctor your way out of this

It's pretty clear:

"earlier in this discussion", the quotes and posts being thrown around were not "suggesting a minor biological impulse", but rather that the biological urge to reproduce was THE REASON for rape.

No modification required. So have you decided what my position is yet? Can you locate it?

Then one should question whether chemical castration/etc actually is effective in preventing those whom suffer from this disorder from raping, or if we should perhaps utilize psychotherapy or, even, partial lobotomy or other such methods.

It is clearly partially successful.

Oh dear, it seems you've forgotten how to count.

Math's not your strong suit, eh?

Ah, now you are back to outright lying and misrepresentation. Your continued intellectual dishonesty has gone on quite far enough.

Oh, so you don't like being "Kitta-ed"? Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?

The only thing "sinking" is the limited credibility you ever had.

Yes, I didn't think you were getting it.

Oh dear, it seems you are incapable of even answering such a simple question - you could have simply said neither - after all, I never made it an "either/or" question, much as you wish it were true. I merely asked if you were either of those.

So now you like bifurcation. Okay. That sure does seem honourable.

The reason I didn't use quotes in my original statement was to prevent diminishing the importance that a person who IS raped is the victim.

But you're trying to claim they were no kind of victim at all. But now you seem to think they are the victim. Talk about weaseling.

Indeed, my honor is my life

Bwah! Ah, no. It's not possible to behave as you do on SF and have any left. Sorry. You're kind of a weasel, scurrying in the direction of whomever you're most eager to please at any given moment. That's craven, not honourable. Maybe you should revisit your dictionary.

The proof is in the pudding, as they say - the fact that you are desperate to make someone else seem like more of an apologist rather than simply admit your own wrongdoing

Which wrongdoing is that? Link, please.

but then again, this thread was never about rape to you

Well, make up your mind, Kitta: you never really seem to be able to. First you understand what I'm talking about, then you don't, then this is about one thing, then another. We notice these things.

Oh my, quite the claim there. Considering you are alleging some sort of Illegal action on my part, then you will do well to provide evidence of this action or retract your claim; otherwise, I will hold you for libel.

Well, the statement isn't the way you read it, but one can't be too careful with the whackos, in my experience: I retract my statement.

Nothing more than another lie from GeoffP... how stagnant.

Oh so you were referring to Bells' mythical role playing? And now you aren't again, seemingly:

I stated quite plainly: I had not even thought of that particular instance, but it was none the less just as valid a point...

As a suggestion, why not make up your mind about which lie you wish to present. It would make it easier for everyone still watching.

I have said that there must be some sort of biological element to rape; I never said if it was major, minor, or otherwise quantified it.

A lie.

As for "there is a sexual motive in many cases of rape" - that is pretty much self-evident. If there were no sexual motive at all, why would there be any kind of penetration?

Kittamaru said:
Of course there is a sexual motive in many cases of rape... if it was purely about abuse or control or power, they'd just beat the hell out of them instead and it'd be called assault and battery. The point is, though, that the comments being made in this thread about rape being all about having sex (such as by GeoffP) are absolute bupkis.
Teaching preventive techniques is good and all (though, in all honesty, the best prevention is some simple common sense)...
Really? Some members that are not mods have found this sort of comment invites all manner of holy hell to rain down.

For example, if one were to suggest the common sense measure of not leaving your drink unattended whilst visiting the facilities or off dancing because it might reduce the risk of physical assault or rape... That suggestion can and has led to charges of misogyny. Bilvon is currently fighting a similar battle. It seems that any mention of "prevention", no matter how innocuous or prudent, no matter whether it can be equally applied to either sex, regardless of if it's proffered by a male or female or a college or a government agency - well, the mere fact that it can be construed as "preventative" - means that it's not to be tolerated by the enlightened. Period. Full stop. You seem to be enjoying a degree of immunity from such rebukes, for some unknown reason.

the problem is there are plenty of times where the victim simply CANNOT reasonably prevent it from happening
You are absolutely correct Kit. Therefore, the only reasonable course of action is to take no preventative measures at all, wouldn't you agree? Otherwise, you are putting the onus on survivors to prevent rape, don't you see? If you don't agree, you better ask your colleagues before saying so. If you think I'm blowing this out of proportion, ask them to give you an example (just one) of a measure they might consider to be reasonable. Good luck with that...

Granted, when you run across a list such as Mississippi's one can empathize with the frustration expressed by our neighbors and appreciate the "open ended" and "infantilizing" comments but - this still, IMHO, does not negate common sense. Nonetheless, the topic just seems to engender such charged emotions (on both sides) that common sense inevitably goes out on its ear. In that vein, I have devised the perfect answer to both rape prevention and the involvement of sexual motivation in rape:

Anyone at risk of being raped should surround themselves at all times with potentially violent people that have a strong desire to copulate with them. In more colloquial terms, hang out with big, strong men that really, really, really want to fuck you. See, they will chase off any potential rapists because they want you for themselves. Furthermore, you will never be at risk of being raped by your escorts because everyone knows that there is never a sexual component to rape. So it follows that these men that really want to shag you will never rape you. Right?

Now for those that can't see this already I will take the time to point out that the latter part of my post was an attempt at satire. Perhaps irreverent considering the gravity of the topic but nonetheless irresistible - people get so bent out of shape and dug in on either side of the trenches in these rape threads.

Carry on...

Bells said:
Let's look at me as a prime example. My house is overly secure. I have taken self-defense classes.
I'm quite shocked to hear this Bells. Why in the world would you ever secure your dwelling or take self defense courses? I'm so confused...

One final comment:
The point that most of us are trying to get at is that asking the woman [victim] to do all the [any] work to prevent the rape [crime] is not only unfair, it's completely illogical and utterly foolish.
I'd be interested to see what that sentence is supposed to mean.
I wasn't aware that anyone was stopping you; does someone have a gun to your head, demanding you not comprehend the simple English written before you? Are you inept and incapable of understanding simple words? Perhaps it is a mental scotoma, brought on by your pathological desire for "the man" to be wrong/evil/et al?

It's pretty clear:

No modification required. So have you decided what my position is yet? Can you locate it?

To me, your position seems to be "official shit-pot stirrer"

It is clearly partially successful.
Not surprising - altering the bodies chemical composition via removing or otherwise rendering non-functional the testicles would alter ones emotional and psychological state to an extent.

Math's not your strong suit, eh?
Admittedly I've only taken (and passed) up through Calculus 3... so you tell me.

Oh, so you don't like being "Kitta-ed"? Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?
Oooh, now you've taken to labeling an underhanded tactic under me. You really ARE determined to try and drag me through the mud eh?

Yes, I didn't think you were getting it.
Oh, no, we've quite got it :) It's just there isn't much to get when you are involved... well, at least, not much of any real substance.

So now you like bifurcation. Okay. That sure does seem honourable.
You really are bad at math... and English.
Bifurcation implies the division of something into two, and only two, parts. As there were at least three answers available for you... yeah. It's okay though - we don't expect you to get it.

But you're trying to claim they were no kind of victim at all. But now you seem to think they are the victim. Talk about weaseling.
More twisting and fabrication... it's funny, you know. You, chief among most, claim the moderators to be tyranical... yet the ONLY reason you aren't banned is because you reserve this kind of behavior for moderators. Had you lied, misrepresented, and abused another member, you would be long gone.

No, in actual rape, the victim is the one who was raped. In a false accusation of rape, the victim is the one being accused. It really couldn't be any more clear for you.

Bwah! Ah, no. It's not possible to behave as you do on SF and have any left. Sorry. You're kind of a weasel, scurrying in the direction of whomever you're most eager to please at any given moment. That's craven, not honourable. Maybe you should revisit your dictionary.
*snickers* Oh my, more uninspired insults... at least have the decency to make things interesting.

Which wrongdoing is that? Link, please.

Exhibit A) Where you claim that, at least in instances of a male being raped, that the person being raped (the male) MUST be, at least in some way, attracted to the person doing the rape (male or female), or else they would not be able to achieve an erection... thus, they must "want it" in some way. You go on to compare having "sex through rape" to "eating something you dislike because it is all you have to eat"...
This is a long description of that basic joke about "gay until release", but the latter has real merit: preferences, like any behavioural trait, are subject to environmental modification. (Forget not that heritability only accounts for something like 30-40% of variance in sexual behaviour with respect to homosexuality.) For the rape to actually pan out, surely there must be erection (pardoning my term again), for which does there not need to be some kind of sexual impulse or attraction? In desperation, anything might be possible; hell, masturbation is a kind of reluctant acceptance that no willing partners are currently available. You might hate Marmite, for example - or would, if you were not raised in the upside-down part of the world - but if driven to it, you might devour it. Activity must scale with availability in some sense.

Exhibit B) Comparing rape to a "moose humping a maple tree" - yes, you claim that this "instinct to have sex, no matter the source" isn't powerful enough to "excuse" their behavior, but the fact that you would even compare the two... really?
There's the above example, as I read it. I've seen moose hump what must be very alluring knots in maple trees, and read about interspecies hybridization between wolves and coyotes in borderline areas where wolves are so rare that at some point they must look at a coyote in the mating season and conclude "Well, close enough". This is not to say that humans must be so subject to such influences that their behaviour is excusable - as I look down at my keyboard, I find that I am typing with at least one hand. But I think some of that pressure must surely be 'biological' or sexual, if you see what I mean.

Exhibit C) You claim humans also have a biological urge to "murder and rob" each other... really? I would love to see the genealogy that causes THAT little gem.
But I think that part is telling: men can choose to control themselves, ipso facto. They do. I'm only interested in the causation: from a legal perspective, humans also have an impulse to murder and rob each other, and those things could certainly also be said to result from triggers defined from genetic process, but it's not a legal excuse to do so.

You have made several attempts to "explain" rape via biological trigger. Now... if we were a bunch of instinct-driven horny moose, then maybe you would have a case. But we aren't.

Well, make up your mind, Kitta: you never really seem to be able to. First you understand what I'm talking about, then you don't, then this is about one thing, then another. We notice these things.
Do you? I'm quite shocked to hear that - here, I thought you only looked at the name of the person replying to make sure you insulted the right person.

Well, the statement isn't the way you read it, but one can't be too careful with the whackos, in my experience: I retract my statement.
Doesn't sound like much of an apology for the direct and intentional slander, but I guess coming from you it'll have to do.

Oh so you were referring to Bells' mythical role playing? And now you aren't again, seemingly:
Not at all - as I said in the post, I hadn't considered that at first, but it is a legitimate point. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Is it because it means *gasp* you were wrong?

As a suggestion, why not make up your mind about which lie you wish to present. It would make it easier for everyone still watching.
Okay, if it is a lie, prove it. Or, once again, retract your libelous statement.

Mmm, right right - so because I acknowledge there is some sexual motive in all cases, I am somehow quantifying that as being major, minor, or otherwise?

Interesting... what was that comment you made? Oh yes... "one can't be too careful with the whackos" - I guess this is doubly true when considering how said whackos will misinterpret an otherwise simple sentence.
Really? Some members that are not mods have found this sort of comment invites all manner of holy hell to rain down.

For example, if one were to suggest the common sense measure of not leaving your drink unattended whilst visiting the facilities or off dancing because it might reduce the risk of physical assault or rape... That suggestion can and has led to charges of misogyny. Bilvon is currently fighting a similar battle. It seems that any mention of "prevention", no matter how innocuous or prudent, no matter whether it can be equally applied to either sex, regardless of if it's proffered by a male or female or a college or a government agency - well, the mere fact that it can be construed as "preventative" - means that it's not to be tolerated by the enlightened. Period. Full stop. You seem to be enjoying a degree of immunity from such rebukes, for some unknown reason.

I am curious... who, and where, is anyone saying teaching preventative measures is "bad"? The point, as I have always felt it was, is that preventative measures on the part of the victim alone aren't going to solve the problem (point 1) and that blaming the victim for not having taken supposed preventative measures is NOT okay (point 2). If a girl goes out in a short skirt and gets piss drunk in a bar, then gets taken advantage of and raped, you cannot simply look at it an go "Well, she didn't take the proper precautions, so it's really all her fault"... no, shit doesn't work that way.

You are absolutely correct Kit. Therefore, the only reasonable course of action is to take no preventative measures at all, wouldn't you agree? Otherwise, you are putting the onus on survivors to prevent rape, don't you see? If you don't agree, you better ask your colleagues before saying so. If you think I'm blowing this out of proportion, ask them to give you an example (just one) of a measure they might consider to be reasonable. Good luck with that...

Granted, when you run across a list such as Mississippi's one can empathize with the frustration expressed by our neighbors and appreciate the "open ended" and "infantilizing" comments but - this still, IMHO, does not negate common sense. Nonetheless, the topic just seems to engender such charged emotions (on both sides) that common sense inevitably goes out on its ear. In that vein, I have devised the perfect answer to both rape prevention and the involvement of sexual motivation in rape:

Anyone at risk of being raped should surround themselves at all times with potentially violent people that have a strong desire to copulate with them. In more colloquial terms, hang out with big, strong men that really, really, really want to fuck you. See, they will chase off any potential rapists because they want you for themselves. Furthermore, you will never be at risk of being raped by your escorts because everyone knows that there is never a sexual component to rape. So it follows that these men that really want to shag you will never rape you. Right?

Now for those that can't see this already I will take the time to point out that the latter part of my post was an attempt at satire. Perhaps irreverent considering the gravity of the topic but nonetheless irresistible - people get so bent out of shape and dug in on either side of the trenches in these rape threads.

Right, right... sarcasm... how about making an actual point?

@BellsI'm quite shocked to hear this Bells. Why in the world would you ever secure your dwelling or take self defense courses? I'm so confused...

More pointless sarcasm and jabs...

One final comment:

Right, yup, that's totally what we're all saying.

See, sarcasm is FUN! I can do it too!
Right, yup, that's totally what we're all saying.
Right. Sad isn't it? The funny thing is that my comments really had nothing to do with you. You just served as a convenient segue...

See, sarcasm is FUN! I can do it too!
True. You're just not any good at it.

Edit to add: Tell me Kitt, if one were to suggest the common sense measure of not leaving your drink unattended whilst visiting the facilities or off dancing because it might reduce the risk of physical assault or rape would you advocate for that suggestion?
Yes, think hard about that. Seems fair?
About as much and as is clear that you rarely think.

Ah - I finally see what's got you so in knots there. I'm sure I'll regret trying to have an intellectual argument in the middle of a witch-hunt, but...
Who was the witch being hunted. If I recall correctly, you entered the thread agreed with the guy who once told another member that his son should simply just gang rape his ex-girlfriend, and then commented about me in regards to your idiotic opinion that sexual attraction and biology is the reason for rape. When you jump up and down demanding attention, don't complain when you finally get it. I notice this about you. You quite literally go out of your way to get my negative attention and then you whine when you finally do get it. You did it in this thread and in the rape thread. See, we had you at your first post, Geoffyboy.

You were explaining earlier how paedophilia was based in the libido just a few posts ago, since libido-suppressing drugs prevented the majority of recidivism. Since the libido is "a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity, that implies that paedophilia is a (criminally and immorally) misdirected sexual interest and similar to the failure of an animal also driven by its libido into sexually attacking something that could not possibly result in successful copulation. Similarly, male animals will attempt to mate with the wrong species and with individuals who cannot possibly produce offspring, such as males, and I expect also the very young. Humans are particularly heterogenous for this, with all kinds of bizarre urges, some of which fall into the area of criminality or vice. I don't consider paedophilia to be primarily biological despite your evidence, however, as the existence of the forebrain means that all behaviour is filtered through the window of personality first. In such an instance, it is very difficult to place direct blame on biological impulses, as you are doing for this latter issue.
And the libido suppressing drugs do not work for the greater majority of rapists. Why do you disregard this?

It is a psychiatric disorder. So medical intervention, such as the chemical castration will work in the greater majority of cases because the cause of the attraction to children is biological.

Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, beginning in 2002, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function. Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls, these studies found associations between pedophilia and lower IQs,[76][77][78] poorer scores on memory tests,[77] greater rates of non-right-handedness,[76][77][79][80] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences,[81] lesser physical height,[82] greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,[65][83] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures.[84][85][86] They report that their findings suggest that there are one or more neurological characteristics present at birth that cause or increase the likelihood of being pedophilic. Evidence of familial transmittability "suggests, but does not prove that genetic factors are responsible" for the development of pedophilia.[87]

Another study, using structural MRI, shows that male pedophiles have a lower volume of white matter than a control group.[84] Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that child molesters diagnosed with pedophilia have reduced activation of the hypothalamus as compared with non-pedophilic persons when viewing sexually arousing pictures of adults.[88] A 2008 functional neuroimaging study notes that central processing of sexual stimuli in heterosexual "paedophile forensic inpatients" may be altered by a disturbance in the prefrontal networks, which "may be associated with stimulus-controlled behaviours, such as sexual compulsive behaviours". The findings may also suggest "a dysfunction at the cognitive stage of sexual arousal processing".[89]

Blanchard, Cantor, and Robichaud (2006) reviewed the research that attempted to identify hormonal aspects of pedophiles.[64] They concluded that there is some evidence that pedophilic men have less testosterone than controls, but that the research is of poor quality and that it is difficult to draw any firm conclusion from it.

A study analyzing the sexual fantasies of 200 heterosexual men by using the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire exam determined that males with a pronounced degree of paraphilic interest (including pedophilia) had a greater number of older brothers, a high 2D:4D digit ratio (which would indicate excessive prenatal estrogen exposure), and an elevated probability of being left-handed, suggesting that disturbed hemispheric brain lateralization may play a role in deviant attractions.

Chemical castration does not work on the average rapist, because it's not a sexual attraction that makes a rapist rape, but psychological need to control and humiliate their victim.

Do you understand now?

Or are you going to try and lie some more?

Previously falsified, and a lie to boot, since you know this. See, I did say I'd regret this above. :)
Even Quinnsong saw how you meant it, hence why she asked you if it was just sexual - ie, a moose humping a tree.

You keep making such ridiculous comments and then you try to deny you ever made such arguments. James R saw it, everyone who read it saw it. Stop being such a god damn coward and own up to your own words.

Then it is most strange when Kittamaru has never taken up this excuse even after several posts of you suggesting it. Maybe you should ask him to read your recent work, so that he can get up to date on what he really meant.
Once more, since you are obviously having a bit of a "slow day". It was kind of obvious what he meant, he then confirmed what he meant, repeatedly.

So what more do you want?

Hmm, that's a good question... good question. I dunno. Ever notice how sometimes well-meaning people get unfairly labelled in a thread, and then are sort of obligated to defend themselves again and again because the other guys kind of repeatedly dismiss clarifications, even when the implicit message doesn't justify the original assertions? Ever notice that? Crazy, isn't it? I'm not saying this is happening to Kitta, but his situation does sound familiar for some reason.
Yes I do. Which is why I find your sense of 'I'm the victim' to be bizarre because you are never "well meaning".

You have repeatedly dismissed all evidence to the contrary because it does not support your theory about rape. You have consistently failed to support your theory about rape. You are perhaps incapable of supporting it? Or you are lazy. See, if I can't support my argument, I don't make the argument and demand that everyone just believes me because I say so, which is essentially what you are doing here. What you have spent a ridiculous amount of time doing is trying to redefine rape because the word does not fit into your personal theory of rape, you have repeatedly attempted to deny that I was raped and then tried to claim how it has no bearing on this discussion (about rape), attempting to dismiss personal experience, you have repeatedly attempted to deny my professional experience, while demanding that we take you at your word for yours (considering how you can't even provide a single study to support your argument, I doubt that you are what you say you are).. See, for you, it all comes down to what you say and then you whine when we don't take you seriously. We get it. You don't feel that this site recognises your greatness. You don't like it that it hasn't rewarded your greatness.. But when you leap into a discussion about rape, agree with the rape advocate, try to redefine rape to suit your personal belief and opinion with zero scientific evidence or even studies on rapists to support your beliefs, that doesn't really point to greatness. Just someone who is clutching at straws and jumping up and down for attention.

Your cause failed. Dismally.

Hmm - bit of a misrepresentation there, isn't it? The actual sequence goes a little more like:

Do they? Where is this? I'm not sure what more I can do here, Bells. Do I need to search their quotes for you?
Once again, GeoffP, I provided the links. Just because you are either too thick to recognise what a link looks like or too dishonest to click on them is not my concern. See, this is what you do. Evidence is provided. You pretend and lie, claiming that it hasn't been and then you keep demanding more. This is why you are seen to be inherently dishonest. As the saying goes.. we can lead the dumbass to the water, if he keeps defecating in it, he shouldn't then complain that he has no water to drink.

Previously falsified. I just ignored the personal attacks; kind of irrelevant.

You read all those links from that search? Jesus. :eek:
They don't support your claims that rape has a biological impetus, or even a sexual impetus. If they did, then chemical castration would work on the majority of rapists. It does not. Since rape is not about sexual attraction, but is about the psychological desire to control and humiliate and dominate the victim.

False. These were internet reports and book reviews, not primary articles. I cited you a list of primary articles and can do so again.
Ermm.. You're a biologist and supposedly work in a university and you cannot open the links? The majority I posted were studies in full. All of which support my argument. You provided zip. I mean sure, when Randwolf answered your call and posted about the mallard duck, we had a chuckle at your expense. Then the links about the high prevalence of pregnancy from rape.. However that is simply countered by the fact that the greater majority end up being aborted.. Which if that is a female's response to rape, the desire to kill the offspring from rape would also be a biological response and evolutionary trait in females. Your links about primates also does not support the evolutionary benefits of rape, since the male will simply kill off any offspring the female is caring for so he can mate with her. And amongst humans, maternal divestment even before the off-spring is born results in the greater majority being aborted.

I love it when you do this. You claim that my defenders/posse have been pushing 'rape prevention theory' and that I should denounce them. (Funnily, you don't mind all your own faults, but never mind that right now.) I ask you to cite these events. You don't. I ask you again: I say something like "all right, cite where this has happened and I shall look at it". You still don't.
As I said, it was linked. Not my problem that you didn't click on it. In short, we led you to the water, we gave you a cup. Just because you chose to relieve yourself in said water is not our problem that you now have no clean water to drink.

Let's dig deeper, though: you're obviously not going to cite the relevant posts - a clear violation of SF rules... sometimes - but you desperately want me to attack or critique these people. Why? Ethics? Haha! Are you kidding? This is the Ethics, Justice and Morality subforum!
See, this is when you are once again caught out in a lie. As noted repeatedly, it was provided to you, Kitta even quoted directly for your perusal. I linked them as well.. You are taken to the water, you dropping your pants and taking a dump in the water, is why you are now thirsty.

But, seriously: let's say I did. Let's say I found great fault with them. And? How would that affect the outcome of this discussion? To what end would it be? I am not a moderator. I am not obligated to assist the flow or the ethics of the forum. That is your job, as I recall. Is it that you would feel better if I would dismiss these people? Or instead do you think it would be a great blow for justice or something? I guess what I'm asking is what would this get for Bells?
That's the thing. Your lack of ethics, your admitted greed means that you won't. And you never will. I asked for your opinion of them because in the rape thread, you argued against rape prevention and the onus being placed on the woman. Yet when push comes to shove, when you are asked about your friends plainly advocating that a woman has to be responsible if she wishes to prevent being raped (you know, placing the onus on her), you deny seeing it, you refuse to click on the links to those posts and pretend it never happened and then whine, as you always do, that it wasn't shown to you.. Then when it becomes clear, you allude to agreeing with rape prevention to an extent and then fluff your hands in the air and try and change the subject. What's the matter GeoffP? Scared of losing the fan base?

:shrug: You have provided no links to the promulgation of this 'rape prevention theory' posted by other people. If one were to wish me to critique them - which in light of the above I am unconvinced I ought to do anyway - you must post such links. This is the 'homework' to which I refer. it's funny, your bitching about this when you don't bother to provide a link to what it is you're asking about. So, I await your selection on tenterhooks! ... well, I'm not really 'awaiting' it. I mean, the world is going to end eventually, and I have things to do in the meantime.
I beg to differ.

You might want to try and switch that lie around a bit.

No, they were wondering where you'd got to. I didn't have the heart to tell them you were monitoring an internet forum for evildoers.
Nah, I don't do woo woo like you woo woo. If I did, I'd just visit the local Catholic Church.

Know what would be more weird? You linking those people you're dying for me to argue with instead of you.
As I said, you might want to not lie at this point.

You should let Kitta know that that was what he meant, all along.
Err can't you read? It's his argument. I'm sure he knows what he's talking about.
Well, I could scarcely have missed the lessons about 'fair' debate you were trying to impart for pages now, Obi-Wannabe. Isn't turnabout fair play?
I am shocked that you can even spell the words, Geoffy. Let alone understand their meaning.

I guess it would be just too hard to prove this. All tuckered out, are we? There there. I mean, your feckless defense of Kitta makes so much sense when you stop to consider he actually does think that there's a major biological element to rape... and I... don't. Huh. All right, I guess it doesn't make that much sense after all.
The proof is in reading the words.

You should try it sometime.

Randwolf said:
I'm quite shocked to hear this Bells. Why in the world would you ever secure your dwelling or take self defense courses? I'm so confused...
Why is that?

Self-defense was not for rape prevention. It was for survival. The policeman who taught us told us, rape is the least of our concerns. Our sole concern is to survive. So if we struggle and the rapist causes us more pain and gets off on it, stop struggling. Because the most important thing is to live. In fact, as he told us, unless we understood the psychological make-up of the rapist, it could result in costing us our lives if we were ever faced with such a situation. Because not all rapists are the same. Not all respond to the same thing. Some don't like it if you scream and try to fight back and they end up losing their erection because they are convinced that their sexual prowess will simply win you over, so if they are sadistic enough, they can end up raping you with an object like a knife, or bottle, or they rape you with their fist. Others get a sadistic pleasure out of you fighting and beat you and threaten you with a possible weapon, and sometimes they put a knife to your neck while they rape you, and tell you how you will come to love it. So unless rape prevention classes involves an intensive lesson in the psychological make up of rapists, which they do not, self defense classes here tell us that the primary thing is to survive. Rape is secondary to survival. In short, the worst thing that can happen is to be killed. Self defense classes teach to survive and live. You do get that, right? Unless of course you believe that being raped is worse than being killed, so it's more important to learn to prevent a rape than to learn how to survive a violent attack on your person? Rape prevention doesn't teach you about how it's most likely to be the man or woman you sleep next to every night who ends up raping you.

And just something that rape prevention advocates should keep in mind..

Importantly, some researchers have found that compared to batterers, men who batter and rape are particularly dangerous men and are more likely to severely injure their wives and potentially escalate the violence to murder (Browne, 1987; Campbell, 1989).

Rape prevention advocates always discuss rape prevention in terms of stranger rape. Marital rape is vastly different to stranger rape and self defense classes do not deal with marital rape. They teach women how to fend off an unknown attacker. Not the man sleeping next to you in your bed. Which sets a dangerous picture for these women, because if you keep going on about rape prevention and tailoring it to stranger rape, which they all do, women who are raped by their husbands don't even believe that it is rape. That marital rape is "rape", because the language about rape is so catered to other types of rape, especially rape prevention, that none cater to the large number of women who are raped by someone they intimately know. Rape prevention ideology that caters to the minority of rape has a lot to answer for.

A final compelling reason for women’s under-reporting is that many do not define their experiences of forced sex in marriage as rape. Some believe that only stranger rape is “real rape;” and other women see sex in marriage as an obligation and define forced sex as a “wifely duty,” not rape (Bergen, 1996). If they do not define their experiences as rape, women are unlikely to seek outside assistance to stop the violence. Research indicates that when women do seek assistance for marital rape, there is often a failure on behalf of others including police officers, religious advisers, battered women’s shelter advocates, and rape crisis counselors to provide adequate assistance.

I would advise not continuing to support an ideology that results in and supports the continued belief shared by such a large portion of rape victims who believe they aren't being raped when their husband rapes them, especially because all rape prevention advocacy supports stranger rape, not marital rape or even acquaintance rape.

High fences around my house? You think that was to prevent being raped in my home? Okay then, you run with that. Good luck!
High fences around my house? You think that was to prevent being raped in my home? Okay then, you run with that. Good luck!
Really? See these little guys "?". They call them question marks for a reason. As in: "Why in the world would you ever secure your dwelling or take self defense courses?"

Having said that, I believe adequate self defense can do more than just help you "survive and live", redundancy and all. They can prevent physical harm to your person, can they not? Do you agree or disagree?

Our sole concern is to survive.
The nice policeman lied to you then. Survival may be your primary concern but it is not your sole concern.
Right. Sad isn't it? The funny thing is that my comments really had nothing to do with you. You just served as a convenient segue...

True. You're just not any good at it.

Edit to add: Tell me Kitt, if one were to suggest the common sense measure of not leaving your drink unattended whilst visiting the facilities or off dancing because it might reduce the risk of physical assault or rape would you advocate for that suggestion?

To be fair, I'm not sure what you are asking here Randwolf - as I said, common sense... at parties, I never leave my drink (or food) unattended... not because of a fear of someone trying to drug me (I trust me inner-circle of friends enough not to try something like that) but also because, lets face it... leaving trash around someone elses house is rude, and there is too great a risk someone may mistake my cup for theirs. I'm not a germophobe or anything, but I'd rather not swap spit with anyone besides my wife, thanks.
Really? See these little guys "?". They call them question marks for a reason. As in: "Why in the world would you ever secure your dwelling or take self defense courses?"

Having said that, I believe adequate self defense can do more than just help you "survive and live", redundancy and all. They can prevent physical harm to your person, can they not? Do you agree or disagree?

The nice policeman lied to you then. Survival may be your primary concern but it is not your sole concern.

Read my edit.

And survival while being violently attacked is my primary concern. And was.

When he started beating me in the face and body and biting my breasts, drawing blood, the first thing I thought about was to survive. Because I thought he would have killed me. The rape at that point became secondary. And I stopped struggling, because if he kept punching me in the face and head, I would have passed out and as soon as he let his guard down and stopped pushing my shoulders down into the couch and pinning me down, I pushed him off me and rolled out from under him and ran.. my first instinct was to run to save my life. Not to run because he raped me. So not only did the police officer who taught me this not lie, but he more than likely saved my life in doing so. There was no one else in the house. Since no one had heard my initial screams for help, no help was near.. My struggling and screaming for help is why he had started to punch me and bit me until he drew blood. Not struggling and screaming led him to think I was enjoying it and he let up. Survival was my sole concern at that point. As it should always be. The only time my survival would become secondary is if my children's lives were endangered. Because then, their survival would become my primary concern. Understand now?
Really? See these little guys "?". They call them question marks for a reason. As in: "Why in the world would you ever secure your dwelling or take self defense courses?"

Having said that, I believe adequate self defense can do more than just help you "survive and live", redundancy and all. They can prevent physical harm to your person, can they not? Do you agree or disagree?

I would disagree - self-defense classes can help you fend off a small-time mugger or such... but unless you become PROFICIENT at it, you are just as likely to hurt yourself or provoke the person into doing even more harm.

Think of it this way - you take a basic self-defense class that teaches you how and where to strike someone to cause them pain (such as breaking the nose) so you can flee.

Someone breaks into your home with the intent on raping you. You break their nose. Uh oh, yeah he's in pain, but this particular bastard gets off on pain! Now, you've pissed him of (You've marred his figure!) so he's going to make you suffer for it!

No... I know it sounds... terrible... but if you are going to defend yourself in your own home, you have to make sure that whatever you do, they CAN NOT get back up afterwards to continue fighting you.

Hence why my grandfathers Colt M1911A1 is my go-to weapon of choice for home defense. Someone breaks down the door, that is what they will be looking at.

It isn't a scenario I like... in fact, it is one I hope to God NEVER comes to pass... but if it does, I know where to aim, I know how to shoot, and... well, I've drilled into myself a thousand times that it isn't about killing them, it's about protecting my family. Taking a life isn't something I look forward to ever having to do, but I'll be damned sure I make sure my family is safe.
Teaching preventive techniques is good and all (though, in all honesty, the best prevention is some simple common sense)... the problem is there are plenty of times where the victim simply CANNOT reasonably prevent it from happening, such as when someone breaks into your house to get at you... sure, you can potentially protect yourself by being armed... but that assumes you keep the weapon (and ammo if applicable) somewhere you can quickly get to it in an emergency, not an option if you have children. You could have a large dog I guess, but not everybody likes dogs, can afford a dog, or lives somewhere where large breeds are even allowed... and then there is the whole aspect of training a dog to be a guard dog (lets face it, some dogs know it by instinct, many do not).

The point that most of us are trying to get at is that asking the woman to do all the work to prevent the rape is not only unfair, it's completely illogical and utterly foolish.
exactly my point
= adequate self defense.

Problem is, at least in the United States, you have to contend with the whole concept of "retreat laws" and "reasonable force" and such bullshit... it's insane. Far as I'm concerned, you break into my house and threaten my family, your life is null and void so long as they are in danger. Unfortunately the law doesn't seem to think that way, at least in some states.
Problem is, at least in the United States, you have to contend with the whole concept of "retreat laws" and "reasonable force" and such bullshit... it's insane. Far as I'm concerned, you break into my house and threaten my family, your life is null and void so long as they are in danger. Unfortunately the law doesn't seem to think that way, at least in some states.
Well, why don't you move down here to the famous "Stand your Ground" state that I happen to live in - Florida. You'd be right at home here. Parts of my state are very progressive and parts - well not so much. But, what's your point?

Let me restate - these rape threads get everyone's blood up so much that rational discussion is impossible.
Understand now?
Believe it or not, I understood before. You just won't let anyone understand, a common reaction of victims of violence and rape. (Not that they are mutually exclusive). And, to be more specific, I don't "understand" your particular experience as such, but to generalize, yes. I do empathise. I really do. From past experiences with abusive (I was about to say "relationships") interactions. No two are the same. The main part of mine is "what did I do to bring this on?" Nonetheless, as I am dealing with past experiences, I'm not going to start leaving my drinks unprotected because it's my right not to have someone put a roofie in it. I'm not going to figure I can go anywhere, anytime, in any part of the city because it's my God given right or something. I will do what I can to protect myself and still lead a happy life. So fuck those of you that say that's wrong, that's the way I choose to live.
Well, why don't you move down here to the famous "Stand your Ground" state that I happen to live in - Florida. You'd be right at home here. Parts of my state are very progressive and parts - well not so much. But, what's your point?

Let me restate - these rape threads get everyone's blood up so much that rational discussion is impossible.

Indeed they do. Worse than that, though, is that some people try to use them to vilify people they dislike
Trooper said:
We can't conclude that misogyny over mental illness was the root cause. When we do, we run the risk of trivializing the more serious issue at hand, mass murder.

And how can you think mental illness does not trivialise the crime of murder? Especially when you factor in that mental illness often absolves the killer of any responsibility for his crime...

Trooper said:
Does it? Aren't you an attorney?

Yes. And insanity is often the reason many walk.

Pay particular attention to the word "often"... Then read what you quoted.. I know, it's tricky. In other words, if someone is insane, they are often not found guilty and thus, deemed to not be responsible for the crime they committed. Get it? Yes?

It is used often enough. My rapist won't even make it into a court room. The deal was done before it even got to court. He was deemed too mentally unstable to face trial, but not mentally unstable enough to have 50/50 custody of his kids or to work, etc, so the charges were dropped. Go figure that one out. I have seen that happen too many times to count.

Bells said:
He is deemed too mentally ill. This is what happens. They aren't going to waste time on a case where the perpetrator had clear issues. And they don't think he'd be competent to stand trial.

The main issue with the DPP, in Queensland in particular, and this is the same with other States, is that it is about the numbers. They are bogged down. So they trim. Dropping my case was not unusual. This is what they do.

Trooper and Tiassa

In my case, as I was duly informed by those in the employ of my former employer, here we have a mentally ill man by all accounts, who his therapists and his ex wife claim, had a sort of psychotic breakdown which led him to obsess and well, hate me - I was even told why. So for the prosecutor, he could clog up the court system and as he put it, victimise me further in the process, have me explain it in detail in court, relive it, traumatise myself and my family and the likely result is that he would just walk out of court anyway since the courts would likely find in favour of his receiving his ongoing treatment and could acquit, so the prosecutor believed that of course I would not want to put myself through that and struck a deal. The charges were dropped and got the treatment he so desperately needed.

I was told this was a win/win scenario as per reasons stated. I am spared from the horror of a trial, he gets the treatment he needs - unspoken words that I know well, reduced work load, no pesky trial and reduced court time.. And as far as the prosecutor is concerned, my rights do not matter. I have no say in it at all. This is how it is conducted in Australia. As such, I have no legal representation in the case.

As such, if they went after him with all guns blazing, it would not look good, since I am a former employee and his lawyers had already hinted of how I knew the system and the law to the prosecutor.. The trial could end up being long and protracted and costly (in a political climate that is trying to reduce cost), could show the DPP as favoring its own since his lawyers would inevitably bring out the reports such as the one I linked above about how few are prosecuted.

So the charges were dropped because it does not serve the public interest to prosecute.

This doesn't make sense to me.

Why were the charges dropped, again? It wasn't due to lack of evidence, that’s for sure.

Was it because he was too incompetent to stand trial, because you knew how the system worked as a former employee, case overload, or because it didn't serve the public interest to prosecute? Why did they feel that it wouldn't serve the public interest to prosecute? Was it because it was a revenge rape, is that why?

Do you think he’s capable of doing this to another woman?

You're a misogynist for declaring that Elliot Rodger was right about his views on women.

His views on women, which ones? Where? Link, please.
Believe it or not, I understood before. You just won't let anyone understand,
actually the problem is the nonsense you are doing.
the stupid sarcastic nonsense.(which you are only doing because you think you're funny or something.)
it's that simple.
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