The Bible


Registered Senior Member
For those who believe the bible is inerrant, I have a question. How do you know this? Or do you really not know it, and just take it on faith? And, if you believe in science and the scientific method for some subjects, then how to you reconcile it with biblical accounts?
For those who believe the bible is inerrant, I have a question. How do you know this? Or do you really not know it, and just take it on faith? And, if you believe in science and the scientific method for some subjects, then how to you reconcile it with biblical accounts?

M*W: Good question, but since you addressed your question to those who believe the bible to be inerrant, you might not want to hear from me. They really don't know if the bible is truly inerrant. They 'believe' the bible is inerrant which confirms their 'belief' that there is a god and a savior.

Enough research has been done on the bible to affirm the many errors and contradictions which have already been discussed many times on this forum. The question then is, why do these people STILL believe the bible is inerrant? Now that's a mystery, if you ask me.
M*W: ...
Enough research has been done on the bible to affirm the many errors and contradictions which have already been discussed many times on this forum. The question then is, why do these people STILL believe the bible is inerrant?

I am assuming it is a faith thing, that some religious experience can account for their beliefs. But I may be wrong. I just want to know what separates me and my very secular belief system from someone who has been exposed to the same evidence and developed a completely different belief system. Are they more trusting, stubborn, optimistic, foolish, enlightened, or what??? I can understand finding a lot of truth or wisdom within the bible or another religious document. I cannot, however, understand finding it to be the literal truth.
I am assuming it is a faith thing, that some religious experience can account for their beliefs. But I may be wrong. I just want to know what separates me and my very secular belief system from someone who has been exposed to the same evidence and developed a completely different belief system. Are they more trusting, stubborn, optimistic, foolish, enlightened, or what??? I can understand finding a lot of truth or wisdom within the bible or another religious document. I cannot, however, understand finding it to be the literal truth.

M*W: The difference between wisdom and truth can be a vast domain. As far as I can surmize, those who are adamant about believing religion is made up of truth are desperately needy intellectually. They don't want to find the truth for themselves. They want to be spoon fed by the spoon feeders and accept it as truth, believing the spoon feeders must know the truth since they're the ones with the spoons.

What separated me from the truths I believed was the actual truth. I was happy as long as I was being spoon fed. I didn't have to do any work for the truth. I should say the truth of others.

Wisdom is not something one learns. Some of it can be found in books. I found a lot of it in poetry not in the bible. Acquiring wisdom can be different for each individual. Wisdom isn't learned, it is revealed. There's a difference. Sometimes you search one avenue for the truth but end up believing lies. You're lucky if you can ever figure this out.

Wisdom is an odd thing. You can read ten books on how to acquire wisdom, but one day you look at a squirrel running up a tree, and it all becomes clear. I think we should spend more time watching squirrels run up trees.
Wisdom is an odd thing. You can read ten books on how to acquire wisdom, but one day you look at a squirrel running up a tree, and it all becomes clear. I think we should spend more time watching squirrels run up trees.
And none of the books mentioned watching squirrels? Clearly, this is a niche for a new book on how to acquire wisdom :D

What do you think of Paul Graham's article on wisdom vs intelligence?
I believe the Bible is false. Why? Same reason most believe that Unicorns don't exist, that Atlantis didn't exist, that Leprechauns are a myth, that Hercules was a myth, that dragons are a myth, etc. That reason being that there is no scientific evidence suggesting the Bible is from a god, of which there is also no scientific evidence for, and because the Bible contradicts itself and is scientifically wrong on countless occasions. That rules out any possibility of it being true when taken literally, and frankly, it has no supporting evidence for it being "the word of God."

Now, if you say you don't believe in science, then you are suggesting that testable and re-testable experiments, with the same outcome each time, are wrong. The only real way I can see you argue that is if you go all "Descartes" on me, or probably a few other neat, yet equally silly (but again, I will admit, neat) philosophical ideas and say that nothing is certain except your own existence.

Other than that, i don't see why you should think science to be anything other than truth.

Now... if you are saying that observations made by scientists can be compared to "observations" made by the writers of the bible, I can see your view of the argument and see you see that as a logical argument. But there's several holes in that logic. The bible contradicts itself and makes no attempt to correct itself, science never contradicts itself, it merely corrects itself. Science is based off of evidence that can be tested and re-tested anywhere, by anyone (given they know what the hell they are doing and the tools) around the world and confirmed. The bible cannot.

Really, to argue they can be compared doesn't really work.

Although, if you have an argument otherwise, I'd be interested in hearing it. Really.
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M*W: Good question, but since you addressed your question to those who believe the bible to be inerrant, you might not want to hear from me. They really don't know if the bible is truly inerrant. They 'believe' the bible is inerrant which confirms their 'belief' that there is a god and a savior.

Enough research has been done on the bible to affirm the many errors and contradictions which have already been discussed many times on this forum. The question then is, why do these people STILL believe the bible is inerrant? Now that's a mystery, if you ask me.

There are two ways to find the answers you were looking for. TWO...neither of them are very pleasent.
This is not to say i know everything, just possibly a little more.

It is not knowledge or at least anything you can discover (read)...merely prolonged circumstance.
This is not to say i know everything, just possibly a little more.

It is not knowledge or at least anything you can discover (read)...merely prolonged circumstance.

M*W: Forgive me, but I am not good with riddles. Are you saying you cannot find answers by reading, and reading would only be prolonging the final true answers? Please explain why you believe you cannot gain knowledge by reading.
M*W: Forgive me, but I am not good with riddles. Are you saying you cannot find answers by reading, and reading would only be prolonging the final true answers? Please explain why you believe you cannot gain knowledge by reading.

My post is not a riddle, 'find' is not a good word for it dont think it happens that way.

Please explain why you believe you cannot gain knowledge by reading.

Only when it is conjecture.
The accounts in the Bible may seem erroneous to some

For those who believe the bible is inerrant, I have a question. How do you know this? Or do you really not know it, and just take it on faith? And, if you believe in science and the scientific method for some subjects, then how to you reconcile it with biblical accounts?


1 Timothy 2:13-15

For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

How can she be saved? Whom does the word "she" in the last sentence above refer to?

If even in that particular NEW TESTAMENT ACCOUNT you cannot resolve, how much more the old...

And God said, Let us make man in our image... Circumcisetherefore the foreskin of your heart...
kerux said:
And God said, Let us make man in our image

I've heard this before...the multiple-gods theory. I heard that it something to do with a mistranslation of the term for "god" in that language, or something. I don't remember if it was that the original word meant 'gods' or 'god'....
The Bible is not a legitimate source of information, it has been violated. But it is not completely errant either, I still read it, and will continue reading it.
Why do I read a bogus source of information? Because it still contains the wisdom of the old prophets, the parables haven´t changed, and the wisdom is still there...
The Bible is not a legitimate source of information, it has been violated. But it is not completely errant either, I still read it, and will continue reading it.
Why do I read a bogus source of information? Because it still contains the wisdom of the old prophets, the parables haven´t changed, and the wisdom is still there...

You're referring to the numerous translations?
You're referring to the numerous translations?

Yes, it is like reading a political Text that has been translated several times by people with political agendas. Not only that, they burned the originals too.

The thing is, besides this obvious gap in the Bible, there are things that meant nothing to the people that translated them. Like Genesis, Apocalipse, the Jesus parables, etc... Those writtings meant nothing to the translators, so they leaved it as they were, because they somehow seem like childish stories... Most people look still look at Genesis or Apocalypse as absurd or childish, but that is what the original writers wanted you (and the translators) to think.
The thing is, this is how wise men spoke, in order for their words to remain... The hidden meaning of this writtings is a mystery to most people, but there are interesting interpretations that coincide with secret knowledge of many esoteric beliefs.
In the past, in the time of the prophets and then Jesus, knowledge meant power, and therefore was hidden to the common folks. That is why this writtings remain, for the hidden knowledge of the ancients to remain...
I thought this was a valid question, but no one who believes the bible is inerrant has answered. Please enlighten me- I really am not trying to be sarcastic.
I thought this was a valid question, but no one who believes the bible is inerrant has answered. Please enlighten me- I really am not trying to be sarcastic.

Nobody can seriously believe that the Bible is inerrant, there is proof of the opposite. But many teachings of the Bible still contain the wisdom of the ancients.

So why try to argument about the accuracy of the Bible, and not read it yourself to get to your own conclusions?
So why try to argument about the accuracy of the Bible, and not read it yourself to get to your own conclusions?

I have read parts of the bible- I was raised semi-catholic. I use to read the psalms quite frequently actually. I tried reading it cover to cover but couldn't make it through genesis- it kept occurring to me that people actually believe that stuff is true.
I have read parts of the bible- I was raised semi-catholic. I use to read the psalms quite frequently actually. I tried reading it cover to cover but couldn't make it through genesis- it kept occurring to me that people actually believe that stuff is true.

Hehe, then you read it in the wrong way my friend, if you read it like a child story, it would be just that.
The same thing used to happen to me, but then I started researching about Gnosis, Apocrypha, Buddhism, Kundalini energy, and others... And suddenly, Genesis made a LOT of sense. And I have read it many times since then, I confess I still not understand it entirely. But each time I read it, I learn something new, and is excelent to meditate about.

I consider Genesis: A pearl of Ancient Wisdom.