The Bible says: The Earth is flat!


why u laughing sir?
Because of -

“We have four gospels because these were the only one deemed true. We have four gospels because this is what the apostles gave us.”.

Which doesn’t reflect history only dogma.

Try this which gives a more thorough view of how the gospels were contrived and manipulated.
Another confusion in the bible:

The Genealogy of Jesus.

a) From David to Jesus 41 names (generations) are given by Matthew [although he claims there are 42] as against the 26 names [generations] given by Luke [Luke 3]!

A difference of 15 whole generations in the genealogy of the same man !

Matthew mentions that Jesus was the seed of David through Solomon, while Luke says that Jesus was the seed of David through Nathan [Solomon's brother]. This is a contradiction as the seed of David could never reach Jesus through Solomon and his brother Nathan at the same time. According to Matthew Jesus' grandfather is Jacob [the father of Joseph] while according to Luke it is Heli !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Cris

Because of -

“We have four gospels because these were the only one deemed true. We have four gospels because this is what the apostles gave us.”.

Which doesn’t reflect history only dogma.

Try this which gives a more thorough view of how the gospels were contrived and manipulated.

but it is word of god. how come it is manipulated. it is troublesome if you are right.
Originally posted by heart

Thank you for addressing this, MW!! I have asked this question before (not as detailed) and haven't received an answer. I would love to hear one. I hope you get a reply.
M*W: Me, too... but I'm not holding my breath!

but it is word of god. how come it is manipulated. it is troublesome if you are right.
It is only claimed to be the word of a god. No one has yet shown that a god or gods can or do exist or have ever existed, or are even possible in any shape or form.

That such texts can be shown to be; inconsistent, ambiguous, plain wrong, have been manipulated for political purposes, plagiarized from other myths, or just pure myths, should come as no surprise if one takes even a cursory but independent and objective examination of the history of Christianity.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Another confusion in the bible:

The Genealogy of Jesus.

a) From David to Jesus 41 names (generations) are given by Matthew [although he claims there are 42] as against the 26 names [generations] given by Luke [Luke 3]!

A difference of 15 whole generations in the genealogy of the same man !

Matthew mentions that Jesus was the seed of David through Solomon, while Luke says that Jesus was the seed of David through Nathan [Solomon's brother]. This is a contradiction as the seed of David could never reach Jesus through Solomon and his brother Nathan at the same time. According to Matthew Jesus' grandfather is Jacob [the father of Joseph] while according to Luke it is Heli !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M*W: Yes, it is confusing. If you're really interested in the true genealogy of Jesus, you should read Bloodline of the Holy Grail and Genesis of the Grail Kings by Laurence Gardner. It blows the Gospels right out of their holy moly book! Here's another site I just found (I haven't had a chance to read it! Here are two links you might enjoy!
Which doesn’t reflect history only dogma.
Try this which gives a more thorough view of how the gospels were contrived and manipulated.
The Didache dated around 50AD mentions a Gospel. Thus your article begins with an inaccurate statement. More so, Polycarp, Ignatius, and Justin extensively quote from new testament before 140AD. I suggest that you <i>only</i> trust primary sources due to the nature of this topic. Your article posted, however, is not primary nor even secondary. You can read the Church Fathers if you wish at If you want to argue the nature of how the bible was created and what book became authoritative you will have to trust primary christian sources. There is no way around it. Either you admit to have <i>no</i> inforrmation on the subject or you trust what they say.
Matthew mentions that Jesus was the seed of David through Solomon, while Luke says that Jesus was the seed of David through Nathan [Solomon's brother]. This is a contradiction as the seed of David could never reach Jesus through Solomon and his brother Nathan at the same time. According to Matthew Jesus' grandfather is Jacob [the father of Joseph] while according to Luke it is Heli !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is of your own opinion that both genologies are of Jesus. There is no reason why the one in Luke could not have been of Mary.

If you want to argue the nature of how the bible was created and what book became authoritative you will have to trust primary christian sources.
That’s like trusting an alleged criminal to tell the truth.
At length, when they came to a valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."

So he smiled, amused at her speech; and he said: "O my Lord! so order me that I may be grateful for Thy favours, which Thou has bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may work the righteousness that will please Thee: And admit me, by They Grace to the ranks of Thy Righteous Servants."

-- Sura An-Naml [The Ant] (27):18-19

in contradiction to the Qur'an, ants do communicate using smells, not modulation of sounds. Solomon could not have heard any talk since ants do not produce any.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: Yes, it is confusing. If you're really interested in the true genealogy of Jesus, you should read Bloodline of the Holy Grail and Genesis of the Grail Kings by Laurence Gardner. It blows the Gospels right out of their holy moly book! Here's another site I just found (I haven't had a chance to read it! Here are two links you might enjoy!

Thanks my dear lady, you are really such a MEDICINE in this jungle !

:D So the writers didn't have as much astronomical knowlege as we have now. Big deal. :p Anyway, I think it should be taken literally. :)

Matthew mentions that Jesus was the seed of David through Solomon, while Luke says that Jesus was the seed of David through Nathan [Solomon's brother]. This is a contradiction as the seed of David could never reach Jesus through Solomon and his brother Nathan at the same time. According to Matthew Jesus' grandfather is Jacob [the father of Joseph] while according to Luke it is Heli !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah well they are different writers. I try to judge what each writer was actually like as a person, from their writings, and then I can decide who I beleive. John the baptist (or Johnny B as I like to call him) is probably highly accurate because he and Jesus seem to be quite close. When Mary found out she was pregnant she went to see Elizabeth at Zechariah's house, where she stayed for 'about three months' (and all the sources I have seen give roughly the same time period). Apparently that is when Elizabeth (who was supposedly unable to give birth) became pregnant too: 'filled with the holy spirit'. I get the impression Jesus and John were quite close because of this. Whatever the case I beleive the geneology of Jesus is what is central to Christianity!

What does the Quaran say about the world and how it was created?
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Proud Syrian, firstly, (James 4:6 NKJV) But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

Secondly, can you say "hermeneutics"???? Goood, I knew you could....
Just to throw in my two cents on the flat earth thing: to say that the Bible is ignorant of Science because it says "four corners of the Earth" is like calling someone ignorant of Science for saying," Look at the pretty sun rise." Oh yeh and check out Isaiah 40:22.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Another confusion in the bible:
The Genealogy of Jesus.

a) From David to Jesus 41 names (generations) are given by Matthew [although he claims there are 42] as against the 26 names [generations] given by Luke [Luke 3]!

A difference of 15 whole generations in the genealogy of the same man !

We all have two genealogies, one from our father and one from our mother.

Matthew's Genealogy begins with Abraham and goes to Christ(Counting Christ that's 42). Luke's goes backward from Christ to Adam(76 generations, 56 to Abraham though.) This can be explained in that there are some holes in the genealogy(Uzziah is the great-great-grandson of Joram.) The wording occasionally indicates that the latter is a remote ancestor than an actual father. Matthew never actually establishes a paternal relationship; he just says that so-and-so begot such-and such. Indeed, this is the case(to say my grandfather begot me is not incorrect, b/c he did, just indirectly through my father)

Also in Matthew 1:11, it mentions Jeconiah. According to Jer. 22:24-30, a curse was upon his lineage. Matthew's genealogy is through Joseph, so there fore Jesus couldn't be the Christ if Joseph begot him. BUT, Christ comes through Mary"of whom was born" rather than "begot" This means that Jesus was not born in the normal fashion. So Jesus wasn't under the curse of his father's lineage.

Matthew mentions that Jesus was the seed of David through Solomon, while Luke says that Jesus was the seed of David through Nathan [Solomon's brother]. This is a contradiction as the seed of David could never reach Jesus through Solomon and his brother Nathan at the same time.

Not quite. Matthew gives the legal genealogy of the father, who is of Solomon's lineage. Luke gives the genealogy of Mary, who is of Nathan's lineage.(see next paragraph) In fact the two are very distant cousins(I should emphasize the "distant" before anybody gets some inbred ideas) Jesus was thought to be Joseph's son, but actually Joseph by marriage of Mary, gave her son the rights to the inheritance.

But in Luke 3:23, it says son of Joseph, who was son of Heli. This can still be Mary's lineage. The Greek language has no separate word for "son-in-law". So they had to use the next best thing, son. This clears up the Heli or Jacob thing also.
Only problem is "adopted" children do not inherit a tribe. No matter which tribe Joseph belonged to, Jesus never was of that tribe. This status is worked out from the birth parents, which Joseph isn't.

Also, tribe is inherited from the father, never the mother. So whatever tribe Mary belonged to doesn't matter.
in luke 3:23 "being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph. It was just assumed that Jesus was Joseph's child (see Luke 4:22 and John 6:42).

But even then, Joseph and Mary were of the same tribe so the inheritance wouldn't have gone anywhere.
in luke 3:23 "being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph. It was just assumed that Jesus was Joseph's child (see Luke 4:22 and John 6:42).

I guess people can then assume that he was not the son of G-d either. Doesn't matter.

But even then, Joseph and Mary were of the same tribe so the inheritance wouldn't have gone anywhere.

I suppose this depends on whether you prefer lukes or matthews interpretation of the genaeologies.
According to Matthew there is a line (Jehoiakim) that is disqualified for kingship. Whereas in Luke this is not mentioned at all.
Originally posted by Mogget
I guess people can then assume that he was not the son of G-d either. Doesn't matter.

No, people assumed that Jesus was Joseph's son. (Read Luke 4:22 and John 6:42)
In reality, Jesus was born the son of God, not of man or by normal circumstances.

I suppose this depends on whether you prefer lukes or matthews interpretation of the genaeologies.
According to Matthew there is a line (Jehoiakim) that is disqualified for kingship. Whereas in Luke this is not mentioned at all.

Absolutely. The line in Matthew is Joseph's. In that line a curse is pronounced by God onto Jeconiah that none of his lineage would sit upon David's throne. Had Jesus actually been Joseph's son, then he indeed would have been disqualified for the throne. But in Luke, Mary's genealogy was given. She is also from David's line, through Nathan, so she is where Jesus can be called the seed of David.
No, people assumed that Jesus was Joseph's son. (Read Luke 4:22 and John 6:42)
In reality, Jesus was born the son of God, not of man or by normal circumstances.

Yes they can. And I did read them. All this proves that back then people saw him as the son of Joseph, not as the son of G-d right? DId they retract that statement later on? If they thought he was the son of Joseph, then why can't I?

In reality then Jesus is not a viable for Kingship through the Davidic line either way you look at it.

Absolutely. The line in Matthew is Joseph's. In that line a curse is pronounced by God onto Jeconiah that none of his lineage would sit upon David's throne. Had Jesus actually been Joseph's son, then he indeed would have been disqualified for the throne. But in Luke, Mary's genealogy was given. She is also from David's line, through Nathan, so she is where Jesus can be called the seed of David.

My earlier point was that tribal inheritance (including kingship) cannot be through the mother. Its only ever and always has been through the father.