The Bible says: The Earth is flat!



When it comes to scientific claims, the Bible has the dumbest claims, with all due respect to Jews and Christians. The Bible claims that Earth has four ends and four corners. Nobody can ever think a ball or a cycle to have corners and ends! Only flat items can have corners and ends, and this is exactly what the bible is trying to express regarding the shape of the earth. The earth is not flat, as once thought and it has no corners or ends at all. If Magnetic Poles can be taken as ends or corners of earth, then this definitely opposed to the axis of rotation.

Isaiah 11:12
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH. (KJV)

Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (KJV)

Job 38:13
13 That it might take hold of the ENDS OF THE EARTH, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (KJV)

Does the Earth have 4 corneres ?????????

Another ABUSRD verse:

"He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 104:5)"

Here the bible tells us the EARTH can never be moved !!!!!!


"The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. (From the NIV Bible, Ecclesiastes 1:5)"

Here, the scientifically accurate bible is telling us that it is the SUN which hurries back to where it rises !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once the Arabs had acquired an empire, a coherent religion was required in order to hold that empire together and legitimize their rule. In a process that involved a massive backreading of history, and in conformity to the available Jewish and Christian models, this meant they needed a revelation and a revealer (prophet) whose life could serve at once as a model for moral conduct and as a framework for the appearance of the revelation; hence the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sira, were contrived and conjoined over a period of a couple of centuries. Topographically, after a century or so of Judaeo-Muslim monotheism centered on Jerusalem, in order to make Islam distinctively Arab the need for an exclusively Hijazi origin became pressing. It is at this point that Islam as we recognize it today - with an inner Arabian biography of the Prophet, Mecca, Quraysh, Hijra, Medina, Badr, etc. - was really born, as a purely literary artefact. An artefact, moreover, based not on faithful memories of real events, but on the fertile imaginations of Arab storytellers elaborating from allusive references in Koranic texts, the canonical text of the Koran not being fixed for nearly two centuries. This scenario makes at least as much sense of the sources as the traditional account and eliminates many anomalies.

from an article
By Frank R. Zindler

This article was published in The American Atheist Vol. 40 #1, Winter 2001-2002.
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The "four corners" of the earth is an expression.

Here, the scientifically accurate bible is telling us that it is the SUN which hurries back to where it rises !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what? It is an poetic section not directly the words of God. You have to differentiate between God speaking and speaking under inspiration of God. Further, one of the Hadith's says something similar.

Move is entirely based on referance.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian

"The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. (From the NIV Bible, Ecclesiastes 1:5)"

Here, the scientifically accurate bible is telling us that it is the SUN which hurries back to where it rises !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the sun seems to rise and set what is the fun with telling that its hurrying back to where it rises.!?

PS, as for defying scientific truths, both the bible and quran seems to compete with each other. for that matter all the religions do the same to quite some extent. you seem to enjoy when the christians retaliate quoting quran.
Originally posted by okinrus
The "four corners" of the earth is an expression.

So what? It is an poetic section not directly the words of God. You have to differentiate between God speaking and speaking under inspiration of God. Further, one of the Hadith's says something similar.

Move is entirely based on referance.

What loads of CRAP ? The above verses are from the BIBLE ( your true word of God ) it is not poetic expressions, it is describtion of how ABSURD the bible is.
Re: Re: The Bible says: The Earth is flat!

Originally posted by everneo
If the sun seems to rise and set what is the fun with telling that its hurrying back to where it rises.!?

There is NO fun in claiming that the sun is the one whic hurries back, it is just PURE SCIENTIFICAL ERROR in a book which is supposdly a true word of God !

What loads of CRAP ? The above verses are from the BIBLE ( your true word of God ) it is not poetic expressions, it is describtion of how ABSURD the bible is. </b></i>
No, well it could be how absurd someone views a book. If you believe that the whole message of the passage was that the earth was flat than you are mistaken. When someone speaks by the Spirit everything is true but the author will add examples that is from their world. For example, Paul gives an example where he constrasts the different elements of the luminaries, earth, water and flesh. But this wasn't a scientific argument. Far from it in fact.

Your example, however, is flawed. The earth is flat to one who wants to see it flat. The surface of the earth could be spread out onto some plane but only made to appear to us as round. Furthermore, whether the foundation of the earth is viewed as gravity or a series of huge poles is only human perception. Reality itself is only perception.
Yes, Tiassa. A passage such as The phrase "attacked in all four corners is often used. We have four gospels because these were the only one deemed true. We have four gospels because this is what the apostles gave us.
Re: Expressions

Originally posted by tiassa
And why are there four Gospels? Ask Irenaeus of Lyon.

Well said, you see, those christians never discuss the specific verses but they rather turn around the topic ending up by their famous sentence: JESUS LOVES YOU.

Originally posted by okinrus
Your example, however, is flawed. The earth is flat to one who wants to see it flat. The surface of the earth could be spread out onto some plane but only made to appear to us as round. Furthermore, whether the foundation of the earth is viewed as gravity or a series of huge poles is only human perception. Reality itself is only perception.

If someone wants to see the earth as FLAT, then this someone is FOOL.

I sensed in your response an attempt to 'explain' the scientific absurdity of the bible, something which is beyond belief.


Discovered here at Sciforums:

Proud Syrian's head is flat!

Story at eleven!
Originally posted by okinrus
The "four corners" of the earth is an expression.

So what? It is an poetic section not directly the words of God. You have to differentiate between God speaking and speaking under inspiration of God. Further, one of the Hadith's says something similar.

Move is entirely based on referance.
M*W: In many other posts you and all the other Christians have stated that the "Bible is the inspired word of God." Now it seems that the "poetic" sections are NOT "directly the words of God."

Secondly, please elaborate, for those of us who are non-Christian, the difference between "God speaking directly" and "speaking under the inspiration of God." How does one discern when "God is actually speaking" to them? How do you recognize God's voice? How do others discern when an individual is "speaking under the inspiration of God?" How does one go about determining that which is "directly the words of God" as opposed to that which is the non-essential "poetry?"

Thirdly, why is it that "poetry" cannot be classified as the "actual" or "inspired" word of God? How do you know the difference between what is "poetry" and what is not? Does it have a specific rhyme scheme that would set it apart or make it stand out from the "direct words of God" as opposed to the "inspired word of God?"

Fourthly, considering all the translations of the thousands of translations of Bible scripture, how do you know when you hear God speak which translation he is referring to? It seems like that would be the most confusing part, especially since the modern Bible has well-documented errors in translation.

And last, but not least: Is there a difference between the OT and NT "when God speaks directly to man," when the scripture is "inspired by others," and the differences in the "poetic" sections? What is your understanding of the gift of discernment and how is it applied in the modern world? With the advent of the Internet, and the use of the media, do you believe these avenues could be a possible tool for modern age discernment?
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: In many other posts you and all the other Christians have stated that the "Bible is the inspired word of God." Now it seems that the "poetic" sections are NOT "directly the words of God."

Secondly, please elaborate, for those of us who are non-Christian, the difference between "God speaking directly" and "speaking under the inspiration of God." How does one discern when "God is actually speaking" to them? How do you recognize God's voice? How do others discern when an individual is "speaking under the inspiration of God?" How does one go about determining that which is "directly the words of God" as opposed to that which is the non-essential "poetry?"

Thirdly, why is it that "poetry" cannot be classified as the "actual" or "inspired" word of God? How do you know the difference between what is "poetry" and what is not? Does it have a specific rhyme scheme that would set it apart or make it stand out from the "direct words of God" as opposed to the "inspired word of God?"

Fourthly, considering all the translations of the thousands of translations of Bible scripture, how do you know when you hear God speak which translation he is referring to? It seems like that would be the most confusing part, especially since the modern Bible has well-documented errors in translation.

And last, but not least: Is there a difference between the OT and NT "when God speaks directly to man," when the scripture is "inspired by others," and the differences in the "poetic" sections? What is your understanding of the gift of discernment and how is it applied in the modern world? With the advent of the Internet, and the use of the media, do you believe these avenues could be a possible tool for modern age discernment? [/B]


Thank you for addressing this, MW!! I have asked this question before (not as detailed) and haven't received an answer. I would love to hear one. I hope you get a reply.
I thought I told you to ask Irenaeus

We have four gospels because these were the only one deemed true. We have four gospels because this is what the apostles gave us.
I thought I told you to ask Irenaeus.

Your response has nothing to do with Irenaeus.

(Hint: Cris' link covers the issue well enough.)
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
When it comes to scientific claims, the Bible has the dumbest claims, with all due respect to Jews and Christians.................................................................................
Here, the scientifically accurate bible is telling us that it is the SUN which hurries back to where it rises !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your 'Holy Quran' is even dumber!
For instance consider this outrageous claim:
Mohammed of Arabia wrote in his Quran that 'Dhil Qarnain', supposedly 'Alexander the Great' saw the sun goes through a pond of muddy water at the west end of the earth!
That is despite the fact that the size of the sun is more than 300,000 times the size of the earth.
What a folly! What a blunder! What a stupid mistake!

Tiassa, I'm well aware that gospels were founded on the tradition of the Church and held in authority because of tradition handed down by the apostles. Origen also mentiones that the four gospels were held in authority. So too Iraenaeus, who knew Polycarp and would have recieved the proper tradition from the disciple of John. The article mentions Marcion. Hardly a truthful character. He gave out corrupted versions of Paul's gospels and did not accept the God of the old testament as a true God.