The Bible. Myth or Reality?

Last time I checked you said, It seems to me that it is quite possible to discuss whether the bible is factually accurate in a historical sense, or a scientific sense, or in many other senses, without having regard to whether God exists.
Erm... a science, or history one.
The title of the thread is "The Bible, Myth or Reality?". On the whole, I think that discussion of myth is better suited to the Religion forum than to a Science or History forum. And we're talking about the bible which, as I noted, is primarily a text about God - a religious text.

How complex is sounding the universe into existence?
Hey. Is that a video that shows matter organising itself?
The title of the thread is "The Bible, Myth or Reality?". On the whole, I think that discussion of myth is better suited to the Religion forum than to a Science or History forum.

Why do you?

And we're talking about the bible which, as I noted, is primarily a text about God - a religious text.

So from your perspective (and most other on here) God either does not exist, or to give it a little for credibility, there is no evidence or argument which shows that God exists, or even could exist. I take it that the biggest cause for the Bible to be labelled as myth, as you have done, is the lack of existence of God . So what is the purpose of it being in the Religion forum, as you have reduced it to an ordinary book.

Hey. Is that a video that shows matter organising itself?

Let's pretend that there isn't a causal agent turning the frequency knob in order to create different patters, or putting in the raw un-manifested material.

You're right it is a video that shows matter organising itself.

Here's the question again.
So what is the purpose of it being in the Religion forum, as you have reduced it to an ordinary book.

If you can't answer it, don't bother to respond to it.

All religions are based on ordinary books.
Why does God need a cause?
For the umpteenth time, you are the one who claims everything needs a cause, aren't you?
If there is an answer, just tell us what it is.
I thought you said you read scriptures.
What does me reading scriptures have to do with you answering a question? If you have read the scriptures and you claim the scriptures have the answers, just answer the questions.
How am I being evasive. I pointed you in a direction, and you failed to distinguish.
If you have read the scriptures and you claim the scriptures have the answers, tell us the answers. All else is evasion.
Then go seek flying pigs. At least if they exist you will be able to observe them.
I have sought flying pigs and found none. I have sought gods and found none. I am asking you to explain how one quest is different from the other and how one result is different from the other.
For the umpteenth time, you are the one who claims everything needs a cause, aren't you?

God isn't a thing.
So tell me why you think God needs to be caused.

What does me reading scriptures have to do with you answering a question? If you have read the scriptures and you claim the scriptures have the answers, just answer the questions.

I could explain it to you through scripture (the way I basically comprehend it), but as you have, by your own admission, studied scriptures, plus, studied the writings of C. S. Lewis, who explains far better than I could even hope to explain it. It seems I would be just wasting my time.

If you have read the scriptures and you claim the scriptures have the answers, tell us the answers. All else is evasion.

You have read the scriptures already, and atheists like to boast how they know the scriptures better than theists. So why should I waste my time explain stuff you already reject, or more appropriately,deny. What's in it for me? :)

I have sought flying pigs and found none.

Where did you look?

I have sought gods and found none. I am asking you to explain how one quest is different from the other and how one result is different from the other.

From your perspective there are no differences. From my perspective there are.
That's all.

So tell me why you think God needs to be caused.
As I keep pointing out, you are the one who says everything needs a cause. If your logic is correct, then God would need a cause. You can't just arbitrarily define God as "an entity that doesn't need a cause".
I could explain it to you through scripture (the way I basically comprehend it), but as you have, by your own admission, studied scriptures, plus, studied the writings of C. S. Lewis, who explains far better than I could even hope to explain it. It seems I would be just wasting my time.
That's like saying you could swim the Atlantic Ocean but it would be a waste of your time. The more likely explanation is that you just can't do it.
You have read the scriptures already, and atheists like to boast how they know the scriptures better than theists.
I make no such claim. However, I will gladly play duelling scriptures with you and let the intelligent members of the forum decide who knows what.
From your perspective there are no differences. From my perspective there are.
I'm asking what the differences are. Is it your perspective that black and black are different? Or that white and white are different? Why don't you tell us what your perspective is? If you can't, could it be because there is no difference?
As I keep pointing out, you are the one who says everything needs a cause. If your logic is correct, then God would need a cause. You can't just arbitrarily define God as "an entity that doesn't need a cause".

EveryTHING has a cause.
God is NOT a thing.
This will be the last time I explain.

That's like saying you could swim the Atlantic Ocean but it would be a waste of your time. The more likely explanation is that you just can't do it.

No, it's like we both know we have swam the ocean, but you insist on asking me to prove that I have. A waste of my time.

I make no such claim. However, I will gladly play duelling scriptures with you and let the intelligent members of the forum decide who knows what.

Okay. I'm up for that.
How do you play duelling scriptures?

I'm asking what the differences are. Is it your perspective that black and black are different? Or that white and white are different? Why don't you tell us what your perspective is? If you can't, could it be because there is no difference?

I've told you what my perspective is.
We have basically looked at the same point of reference, and come to different conclusions.
You seem to think that I'm obligated to answer any question you ask, and you're exempt from answering any question I ask.

EveryTHING has a cause.
God is NOT a thing.
This will be the last time I explain.
That's not an explanation; it's an empty assertion.
No, it's like we both know we have swam the ocean, but you insist on asking me to prove that I have.
But I don't believe you have swum the ocean and I don't claim that I have. I'm asking you to prove your own claim that you got "the answers" from scripture.
How do you play duelling scriptures?
Simple. Quote scriptures to back up what you've been saying. For example, quote scriptures on how to find God.
You seem to think that I'm obligated to answer any question you ask, and you're exempt from answering any question I ask.
You keep saying it would be a waste of your time to answer my questions, yet you keep wasting your time repeating that it's a waste of time. If you had any answers, you couldd save a lot of time by just answering the questions.

And if I've failed to answer any of your questions, feel free to repeat them.
That's not an explanation; it's an empty assertion.

According to your presupposition (someone who goes out looking for flying pigs, not mine. God necessarily exists, and He's not a thing.

But I don't believe you have swum the ocean and I don't claim that I have. I'm asking you to prove your own claim that you got "the answers" from scripture.

We both claim to have studied scriptures, so I don't believe you don't know the difference between looking for flying pigs, and God. I believe you are lying.

Simple. Quote scriptures to back up what you've been saying. For example, quote scriptures on how to find God.


Chapter 4, Verse 9
One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

Chapter 4, Verse 10
Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purifled by knowledge of Me—and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me.

Because without explanation (and a definition is not an explanation) you have set God aside from everything.
And that will be the last time I explain that to you.

Firstly, what do you mean by explanation?

Secondly if as you say I have not given a definition, how do you know I have set God aside?
