The Bible is the truth


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i haven't read the entire bible so i can't say whether it is 100% anything.

i'm a highly sinical aethiest (that can't spell to save his life), so naturally i believe near to nothing in the bible that i know of. true it can give good messages across, but any fictional story can have a high moral message behind it.

now there are some parts that could well be true, though because i don't believe in the main foundations, i then dismiss stories that could well be true.
like a witness in a court case, you simply need to prove that one thing they said was a lie, and then you can invalidate everything else they say on those grounds, even if they are actually speaking the truth.

now i'm not saying that i can PROVE that anything in the bible is false, though looking at its feasibility would lead me not to believe that it is true. you could almost call it a sort of faith, but in my own deductions, rather than the writtings of others.

though i have faith in other people's deductions too e.g. darwinism

all in all, no one can be sure of anything in bible or anything for that matter unless they were alive at the time of the content (i doubt anyone alive now was alive at the time of jesus and moses etc.)
The bible is fables used to tell stories regarding people's moral dilema on earth. Anyone who believes such fantasy needs to see a therapist,, the stories are good, but not true, the character may exsist, but just like Plato and Golliath, are fictional... Also the bible is created by men ,, every wonder why jusus is regarded as a white man mostly?
Medicine Woman said:
Can anyone tell me why Christians come here and what their real intent and purpose is?
They probably just want to express their opinion. Atheists and the religious argue because they're both right, and partly, they are also wrong. Arguing is a path between not-knowledge and knowledge, and it continues until both sides become aware of the rights and wrongs in each side. Both atheism and religion, as they are today, will dissapear.