The Bible is the truth


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Namaste beyondspace&time

beyondtimeandspace said:
Truth comes from Truth.
OK, let's follow this line of thought...

So Truth always exists? Or can it be created and destroyed?
How does Truth exist?
Where does falsehood come from?
Where does Life come from?
Where does Love come from?

The view I deemed to be narrow was that which claimed that the Bible in its entirety was to be taken figuratively. Read it as you wish, it benefits you as such. However, to claim that it is to be taken wholly one way, as opposed to another, is narrow.

Maybe you didn't read my later post that the Bible can be read 3 different ways - literally, allegorically, and spiritually.

I thought I was implicit when saying" that one should not read the bible literally" as that implied MORE then ONE way, but re-reading my original post I see that I explicitly omited one word.

The bible is not to be meant read {ONLY} literally.

There, happy? ;-)

The fact that people can read it many ways, is proof.

The fact that people can read it many ways is proof indeed, proof that you read what you WANT to read. The bible ranks alongside War and Peace, Lord of the Rings and suchlike as the most widely read - piece of fiction.
Red Devil said:
The bible ranks alongside War and Peace, Lord of the Rings and suchlike as the most widely read - piece of fiction.

Are you not aware of what Origen wrote in De Principiis?

"Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not." (Emphasis added)

The bible was never meant to be a history book - if you read it as such, you will find many contradictions.

Church Historian Eusebius wrote "Many were led astry by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

Books such as Lord of Rings (while great works) do not teach man how to achieve the annointing of the mind, enlightenment, or perceive the higher realities. The Bible is not the first book to teach this, and it is not the last either.

To say the Bible is just another work of fiction, misses the point. Whether a story is true or not, is completely irrelevent if you come to understand the moral of the story, and how to apply it in your life.

So is Dr. Seuss. Most christians™ are too stupid to know what's truth and what's not. Therefore they feel comfortable being spoon fed "truth" from a book of insane ramblings by ancient middle eastern shamans. Get out your gourds. Shake real hard and maybe the river will flood for us again this season.
James R said:
Hmm... pretty strong result in the poll here.

yeah, but it's 'unfair' since there aren't many christians on sciforums. mostly atheists I think.
superluminal said:
So is Dr. Seuss. Most christians™ are too stupid to know what's truth and what's not. Therefore they feel comfortable being spoon fed "truth" from a book of insane ramblings by ancient middle eastern shamans. Get out your gourds. Shake real hard and maybe the river will flood for us again this season.

It seems that you're jaded...maybe not seeing things too clearly. Why do you feel the need to exaggerate like this? Generalize? It's kind of like a racist does, you know?

I'd bet I'm smarter than you are. I'd bet good money...
I doubt that, but lori define smarter, and why or how would come to that conclusion, from supers post, you can still be insane and highly intelligent.
have you ever heard of the expression "Mad Scientist". but that is a generalisation, because usually scientist are just a bit over zealous in there work. and they only kill people in story books. it was done to scare the children of the religious into thinking science was evil, however I'm diversifying.
the point is you must be insane to give gredence to a 2000 year old book as truth, you may as well say, that easops fables and a thousand and one nights, homer's illiad, are all the truth.
Yorda_7 said:
yeah, but it's 'unfair' since there aren't many christians on sciforums. mostly atheists I think.
M*W: I always wonder why Christians come to sciforums. They have no intention of learning anything new. They perpetuate their argument that they are right and atheists are wrong. They usually don't have the full capacity for scientific data. They never offer anything new or discussion worthy. Can anyone tell me why Christians come here and what their real intent and purpose is?
The unanswerable question! Praise the Lord and pass the tangerines. Some Christians can argue a point without resorting to the use of paraphrasing the bible, but unfortunately most cannot argue anything without resort to the text from the bible. This is ultimately exceedingly boring and readers will skip such posts as irrelevant to a discussion.

It seems that you're jaded...maybe not seeing things too clearly. Why do you feel the need to exaggerate like this? Generalize? It's kind of like a racist does, you know?

I'd bet I'm smarter than you are. I'd bet good money...

You may well be. But you also may not. I said MOST christians are too stupid to know truth from non truth. And racist? I find the stupidity of MOST christians to be as fundamental as skin color. Am I racist if I comment that MOST caucasians have light skin?

Must try harder miss smarty pants.
Without crossing the border between race and creeds, anyone who is critical, or apparently critical of another race is perceived as racist. This is very wrong. A racially biased person is not racist either.
Red Devil,

I've found that anyone who even points out a difference is considered racist (at least here in the US). I know people, many people, who, if confronted by a crowd of white poeple with one black in the middle (who they need to refer to for any reason) will go to almost painful lengths not to say "Yeah. You need tickets? Go see the BLACK guy over there." They'll describe how tall he is, the clothes he's wearing, his "dark" hair... Idiots. Complete idiots.
cool skill said:
Do you believe the Holy Bible 100% true?
Do you think it is less than 100% true?
Since 0 is less than 100, then the second one.

Why in the world would anyone take one book, of questionable pedigree, and declare it "truth"? You and all christians are simply the current generation of recruits in a long history of a battle for dominance by religious overlords.

You have had revelations in your mind that tell you that Jesus and the bible are the truth and the word of god. I've had a revelation that says exactly the opposite. You and all christians have only this book and the self serving support of other christians to validate your position. I have the entire universe of testable, provable truths to support mine.

It dosen't matter anyway. You are of the subspecies Homo mysticalus which is by far the prevalent subspecies of human on the planet. While I am of the subspecies Homo skepticalus. A rare breed, but one that has done far more, IMO, to positively influence the world than all of H. mysticalus combined.
superluminal said:
Red Devil,

I've found that anyone who even points out a difference is considered racist (at least here in the US). I know people, many people, who, if confronted by a crowd of white poeple with one black in the middle (who they need to refer to for any reason) will go to almost painful lengths not to say "Yeah. You need tickets? Go see the BLACK guy over there." They'll describe how tall he is, the clothes he's wearing, his "dark" hair... Idiots. Complete idiots.

Here in the UK it is allegedly racist to refer to a "black" but the "blacks" refer to themselves as "blacks". Police wont even stop them on the street in case of racist claims, they drive with impunity.