The Bible is Bullshit


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
A nice video from Penn and Teller. I suspect this has already been listed in some thread but I couldn't find it - no harm in a refresh.

I was actually researching drinking water health and found their gem of a video on the scam of bottled water.

But whatever: The punchline in this video is - go read the bible it will significantly help your atheism.

Key points -

1. Really basic inconsistencies.
2. Many messiahs.
3. Moses? Huh!
4. Noah and the local flood.


But the bible is BS, right? Can anyone honestly dispute these points made by P and T?
Yeah, I can. I actually have a personal relationship with god that was accomplished through christ.
As a whole, yes. But it provides some insight into ancient psychology. And there are some nifty sayings. Like people everyone, some were wise and some not, and the bible had multiple authors.

Yeah, I can.
Claiming you can and actually succeeding are quite different challenges.

I actually have a personal relationship with god that was accomplished through christ.
Even if true that doesn't invalidate P&Ts observations of a BS bible.
I always look at the bible and interpreted it. I am a reform Jew, so I believe in evolution and homosexual marriage. The stories in the bible might not be meant to be taken word for word, but read, questioned, and thought about. In Hebrew school, Leviticus, the long book of commandment roughly the biblical equivalent of law book, is taught before the interpreted stories in genesis and exodus.

Claiming you can and actually succeeding are quite different challenges.

Even if true that doesn't invalidate P&Ts observations of a BS bible.

i did succeed, because what i said is true.
you know, people make dead baby jokes, and it doesn't make the death of a child funny. and people make racist jokes, and it doesn't make racism funny. people make derogatory jokes about women or men and it doesn't make sexism funny. and people make jokes about the bible too. it's ok. god has a sense of humor. i would imagine that he has to in order to put up with our stupidity.

Make no mistake here - this is not a joke. Despite their perhaps crude approach they are very serious, and so are many of us, about the very obvious idiocy of much of the bible.

Claiming you can and actually succeeding are quite different challenges.

Even if true that doesn't invalidate P&Ts observations of a BS bible.

she is one of faith you cant touch someone who believes in a fairy tail. if they have faith they ahve faith thats all you can do

Make no mistake here - this is not a joke. Despite their perhaps crude approach they are very serious, and so are many of us, about the very obvious idiocy of much of the bible.

lol...well if the many of you don't understand it, then perhaps you are the idiots. :shrug:

as a matter of fact it states in the bible that those who do not receive interpretation in regards to it by the holy spirit will not understand it.

see, it's true!
she is one of faith you cant touch someone who believes in a fairy tail. if they have faith they ahve faith thats all you can do

the bible isn't meant to be a fairy tale, or a history book, or a textbook, or the topic of debate for that matter. the bible is meant to be a tool that is used by the holy spirit to teach individuals in conjunction with a relationship with god. people don't even understand what the bible is for, how can they hope to understand it?
Barring all of the polite, erudite discussion - yes, the bible is total bullshit, no more or less so than any of the thousands of mythological texts and stories that are rejected by everyone today.

Rejected 'mythstories': 1000's

Accepted 'mythstories' (that share much of the same content as the rejected ones: 3 - 5

she is one of faith you cant touch someone who believes in a fairy tail. if they have faith they ahve faith thats all you can do
Agreed, and as the video so aptly explains. That does mean that any attempt to debate the writings in the book with such folks is essentially pointless and fruitless, as we can see here in the few posts with Lori already.
the bible isn't meant to be a fairy tale, or a history book, or a textbook, or the topic of debate for that matter. the bible is meant to be a tool that is used by the holy spirit to teach individuals in conjunction with a relationship with god. people don't even understand what the bible is for, how can they hope to understand it?

So were the sacred texts of every ancient civilization you can name, only a handful of which remain today (heavily modified of course, e.g. bible, quran).

And if I had an equivalent tool, say a hammer, that had to be so intensely scrutinized and interpreted for proper use, I'd b e bashing my thumb every time.

Oh, right. That's what religion does. Bashes humanities collective thumb almost every day in a billion different ways. Yay for poorly designed hammers and instruction manuals.
you know, people make dead baby jokes, and it doesn't make the death of a child funny. and people make racist jokes, and it doesn't make racism funny. people make derogatory jokes about women or men and it doesn't make sexism funny. and people make jokes about the bible too. it's ok. god has a sense of humor. i would imagine that he has to in order to put up with our stupidity.

You know if your trying to defend your religion perhaps you might not want to give such great set ups for those who wish to mock it and its followers.

Really some one could easily make the comment that of course god can put up with stupidity he has to deal with his followers which is perfectly set up with your comment.

Agreed, and as the video so aptly explains. That does mean that any attempt to debate the writings in the book with such folks is essentially pointless and fruitless, as we can see here in the few posts with Lori already.

right back atcha cris.
it's ok. god has a sense of humor. i would imagine that he has to in order to put up with our stupidity.

Human beings have to put up with his stupidity every day, there are genetic disorders, diseases, parasites, back problems, mental illness... it's like he hates us or something.