The best article on Atheism I have read

KennyJC said:
You really are making this easy for me.

Dictatorship is not good wether it be a religious or atheist dictatorship. Any leader that forces atheism on it's citizens is clearly not anymore rational than any religion.

I am talking about atheism that citizens are free to choose in free democratic societies.

If you go back and check the topic 'most americans will be non christian in 2035', you will see an article that countries with high levels of atheism are also the countries with the highest social health and social security. That is just a fact, and I'm getting fed up having to repeat it to fundies.

"High levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality. Most nations characterized by high degrees of individual and societal security have the highest rates of organic atheism, and conversely, nations characterized by low degrees of individual and societal security have the lowest rates of organic atheism.

Organic atheism is that which is voluntary and not forced by government"

Actually, you are making this easy for me. The countries with high levels of social health, that have high organic atheism, isn't because of atheism itself, it's because the people freely chose to be atheist. When anything is forced upon a person it is bad. When someone freely chooses to be something OBVIOUSLY social health will be higher, as will suicide rates be lower. It's only logical. It has nothing to do with denying the existence of God or Gods.

Your logic is still flawed. You're saying that atheism itself causes these things when it isn't the fact that they deny the existence of God, therefore social health is up. It's the fact that the society is free and allows people to freely choose to be whatever they want. As you said, organic atheism is what people FREELY CHOOSE to be.

So my assertion is correct, it is not atheism itself, because when atheism is forced upon a person, these so-called benefits all drop. You agree with this assertion, yet you still claim atheism itself is better...this is illogical.
That may even be true, afterall if I was born and raised in America I would stand high risk of being an idiotic fundie. Although you have not allowed for the possability that a lack of religion is what results in a safer and improved society in the first place.

Either way, if religious faith is only the result of hardship, why should it be worth anything in a secure and healthy secular world? Fundies normally say a strong faith in religion is needed to keep law and order, but the facts say that is not true.

Even if atheism is the result of nothing else but a safe society, then that doesn't disguise the fact that secular countries are not likely to start invading other countries and drop bombs, unlike current tensions in the middle east, and well... America versus the rest of the world. Can you see Sweden wanting to kill all infidels or Austrailia wanting to invade New Zealand to check if they have weapons of mass destruction? :D