The Battle For Earth?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
If the entire world were converted to Islam would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Christianity would there really be peace on earth, goodwill towards men?

If the entire world were converted to Buddhism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to "Your Religion or Philosophy Here" would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Atheism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to just one Religion or Philosophy, which one would be the best one? Which one would bring peace and harmony to all of the peoples of the earth? Which would bring about the end of war?

Let the battle begin... He He...
If the entire world were converted to Islam would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Christianity would there really be peace on earth, goodwill towards men?

If the entire world were converted to Buddhism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to "Your Religion or Philosophy Here" would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to Atheism would there be peace on earth?

If the entire world were converted to just one Religion or Philosophy, which one would be the best one? Which one would bring peace and harmony to all of the peoples of the earth? Which would bring about the end of war?

Let the battle begin... He He...

No but, yeah but, no! because you know Kelly Philips? She gave Andrew Baker a blowjob after P.E...........
No but, yeah but, no! because you know Kelly Philips? She gave Andrew Baker a blowjob after P.E...........

So... Umm... You are saying that Kelly Philips could perhaps bring peace to mankind all by herself? Interesting theory!!!


Wait, you may just have something here!
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Only god could save this earth, if there is any honest one. Otherwise will be better for us to self destruct. I will be honored to push a button. This planet is a devils nest and the devils should be killed.
If the entire world were converted to Islam would there be peace on earth?

No Islam is not a homogeneous relgion, it's broken up in many factions. i.e. Sunnis, Shiets (spelling? who cares) amongs others...who are constantly in confrontation. If you basically watched the news Irag has two factions fighting over superiority rule!

If the entire world were converted to Christianity would there really be peace on earth, goodwill towards men?

Another mythic religion that has been broken up into many factions, constantly waging war amongs themselves througout the ages. No! there are apx 33k different sects of christianity all claiming to be the right path of god!

If the entire world were converted to Buddhism would there be peace on earth?

Though buddhists are not generally violent, historically for religious factions to have majority rule has been brought through violence. So again, no relgious faction can have superior numbers world wide, without confrontations from other idealogies, which basically are forced upon others with other believes.

If the entire world were converted to "Your Religion or Philosophy Here" would there be peace on earth?

The key word here is (converted) how do you suppose that an idealogy, can be made to be accepted between so many world beliefs? Historically idealogies have been forced upon others. My god beat your god, so now you follow my god, and your god is subject to my god cause my is greater. Hence the reason why there exist many gods, demigods etc..

If the entire world were converted to Atheism would there be peace on earth?

Again how do you suppose atheism can be accepted, when there's so many beliefs out there? Every individual has got to come to grips with their idealogy, and realize the truth, on their own. One world government, one world religion, or one world idealism, will not solve the problems of greed, political power, or material necessity. What are you supposing? That if all think the same, we would have a utopia?
Hm...and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Turtle were speaking out of honest belief.

There would be significantly less conflict if there were no humans bogged by any religion...since even in ONE religion there are barbaric or even questionable practices that humans will riot against.

However, humans have not evolved enough to eliminate conflict entirely as yet. A lack of religion will show only a decline in (not an elimination of) violence.
Only god could save this earth, if there is any honest one. Otherwise will be better for us to self destruct. I will be honored to push a button. This planet is a devils nest and the devils should be killed.

But there is some good in this world, perhaps even you!
One world government, one world religion, or one world idealism, will not solve the problems of greed, political power, or material necessity. What are you supposing? That if all think the same, we would have a utopia?

Most people, on this forum, seem to have the idea that if only everyone else agreed with them then all would be right with the world. But I do not regard that as likely.

What do you recommend then? What would the best approach be for the world to take? How does man solve man? Can he even do so?
I couldn't agree more with the premise so far.

Universal blowjobs would indeed end all conflict. No one would have the energy to start anything of any importance.
But there is some good in this world, perhaps even you!

That's true. But the actual, tiny bit of "good" in the world is consistently overwhelmed by the "bad". And what's worse is that the better the "good" become, the easier it is for the "bad" to overwhelm it. "Good" simply can't stand up to the forces of "bad" without resorting to "bad" themselves.

Baron Max
No it just seems incredibally unlikely that so many different sects of jesus creepers exist.

I have looked into this a tiny bit in the past and I also grew up in the Christian world myself. From everything I have seen, 33,000 sects, or denominations of Christianity really is, at least, possible. Every single individual church has it's own leader, a single man, a pastor or a priest. And every single one of them tries to figure out what the "truth" really is. They are constantly, at least, verbally fighting over this doctrine or that doctrine. They routinely condemn each other to hell. And historically they have even killed each other over differences of belief. There probably really are thousands. How many exactly? I do not know.
That's true. But the actual, tiny bit of "good" in the world is consistently overwhelmed by the "bad". And what's worse is that the better the "good" become, the easier it is for the "bad" to overwhelm it. "Good" simply can't stand up to the forces of "bad" without resorting to "bad" themselves.

Baron Max

I perceive that you are a wise man.

What do you recommend to solve the world's problems?
No it just seems incredibally unlikely that so many different sects of jesus creepers exist.
well SetiAlpha6 quite right in his estimation.

According to David Barrett et al, editors of the "World Christian Encyclopedia: A comparative survey of churches and religions - AD 30 to 2200," there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many smaller ones. 34,000 separate Christian groups have been identified in the world. "Over half of them are independent churches that are not interested in linking with the big denominations." Most people in the world follow one of the religions listed in the table below. Included is the name of the religion, the approximate date of its origin, its main sacred or ethical texts (if any) and its estimated numerical strength (both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the world's population.)
and also check here