The barbaric Halal slaughter of animals

Why don't muslims eat a donkey?

I think its because donkeys are usually not good eating. I don't think there is a rule against eating donkeys, as such. We eat camels, so donkeys should be considered edible.

Now you've made me curious. Why don't we? hmm...
Instead they could use...APPLES!!!!!.....:)....

Um, dude, the Christians already stole our freaking holidays...
Now you want the Muslims to swipe our sacraments?...Man, it don't pay to worship the earth no more...
Next the Jews will be taking over Beltane or something.

There is a theory that the pentacle originated as the symbol of a Greek agricultural and fertility goddess named Kore, also called Ceres. Her sacred fruit was the apple, and when you cut an apple in half crossways, you find a five-pointed star! Some cultures refer to the apple-star as the "Star of Wisdom", and so apples are associated with knowledge.
They could drain the lifeblood from beets...suitable color.
Very good for your eyesight, beets...

I was about to suggest pomegranates...but you can't beat beets for ritualistic sacrifices...

After some genetic engineering they could be made to grow as big as lambs or sheep, and then strapped to a ritualistic table for the draining...if the engineers are good enough, they could even be made to make little cries of pain as their beet juice is drained...

Then...not only could people partake in this ritual...but they could invite sheep and lambs to help them drink the blood of the beet!!!!

A new holiday....Kill the beet and drink its spirit blood day!!! The almighty would be so proud...:D
I can't beet that suggestion.
(Gawd I get silly after being up all night!)
Oh the beetitude...
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Instead they could use...APPLES!!!!!.....:)....

Gut apple and drain it of its life juices...its spirit....

Place it on a ritualistic table of the sacrifice....

Apples...and in special special occasions...bananas!!!

lol, except that we don't have any ritualistic tables or whatever.
Shadow, if you were going to send me to watch an animal get killed... that would bother me about as much as watching a human get killed.
Maybe more-my love for people is mixed with fear, always, whereas I just love animals.
I've gotten to see enough animals struck by cars die on me, some of them because they were obviously both in pain and unsaveable.
I got to wring their necks.
I don't care to see it.
+When you do that cut in the neck, the blood starts to go out rappidly, and the animal looses conciousness rapidly (while the knife is very sharp, that you he wan't feel much pain first, ever injured your self with a sharp knife or something sharp without knowing? and then you find out later or a minute later when it starts to feel like burning? also, ever felt dissy after a bad injury that you lost some good quantity of blood? ever wondered why many people cut the vains in their hands to suicide? it's so that they loose conciousness when they loose blood or start loosing blood, and then die, let's say "peacefully?" ) , since there's not ennuf blood reaching the brain, so the brain send orders for more blood, so the heart, pumps more blood (that's why you see the animal making those movements after the slaughterin while the blood is going out) , but nothing reachs the brain because of that cut.
Besides that, the blood is a very fertile environement for germs, and it's not very healthy to eat meat full of blood.

The latter part is completely unproven shadow, unless you have lots of germs circulating right now that I would absorb on consumption.

As for losing consciousness: actually, there appears from all accounts to be a substantial amount of pain in halal slaughtering.

Why do we have to go through these same issues again and again and again? Isn't one refutation enough? Look up the older threads on this issue.
so, did anyone actualyl read my previous post, or saw one of those two videos?

I read your post and it is true that a sharp knife works well . Being that I slit a many a throats with a good sharp knife I can totally agree. It does bleed out the animal pretty fast , but also does a heart shot with a 3006. The fastest drop dead I have experienced has to be a back shot . Shoot the spine in half and blam on the ground and dead before you can see the life go out of the animal . I reserve throat cuts when I come up on them and there still alive . Then it is knife time and the sharper the knife the better . Watching out of position of kicking legs is most important . You would be surprised how a kicking leg can get you .
Lung shots are good and fast also . Liver shots although very effective the animal might take a little bit longer for death to complete it is still a vital kill zone . Gut shot is the worst and can take a long time to die from that . The pain is tremendously painful . You don't want to die from a gut shot . Head shots have to be the best .

The wiggle of the neck and the instant drop of the animal and before they hit the ground they are dead . Course we jump right in there and cut the guts out immediately and drain the blood out . We find a stick and crack open the chest cavity with the stick . This is to cool off the animal as fast as we can .

Spaniards eat Donkey as do other cultures . Maybe just Mules and not full blown Donkeys . Me Spanish Friend ate lots of Mules . He preferred it over beef . Not that he got to eat much after he moved to Sacramento . The other curious thing about Him was he ate one big meal a day. I mean big too . That was it . A dozen flour tortillas with every meal He would not eat /snack except for that one big meal ate about the same time every day . He said it was his custom . He was old while I was still young when I knew him . I was about 21 and he must of been about 85. He was thin also . Very thin for a man that ate like that . Big meal ! Big

So this might up set some Jews and Muslims alike but I am going to tell you anyway . We have a ritual were when you kill your first elk you drink some blood from the animal . It is kind of a sacrament . A rite of passage . The thing is Barsaloisis ( spelling wrong ) It is like mad cow , but in the wild . The animals could have it so it is advised not to drink blood from wild animals . Also there is blue tongue and you don't want to be drinking any blue tongue blood either .

I lived from the blood drinking of my first elk . That was many moons ago . It was the only time
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THIS thread again?


hehe... here's my plan. Cryofreeze myself for 80 years. Then I open an Islamic middle ages theme park for Chinese tourists. Actually, we just fly them to the middle east. How much fun! Whooot!

Mom: Why look over there Wei Wei, see the man with the long beard slitting that animals' throat. He's praying to his God.
Wei Wei: Wow, this is just like in the Bronze Age!
Mom: And look, there's the obligatory "It's all the East's Fault we live in mud huts sign".
Wei Wei: WOW!!! Just like in my school history books!
I think its because donkeys are usually not good eating. I don't think there is a rule against eating donkeys, as such. We eat camels, so donkeys should be considered edible.

Now you've made me curious. Why don't we? hmm...

Probably just not don't kill your ride at the far end of a pilgrimage, right?

Most Westerners probably don't eat horse because it was taboo for germanic/viking tribes. Sacred to Wotan.