The barbaric Halal slaughter of animals

Well mostly we just chopped their heads in a guillotine, sometimes, because death is a "stress" we stuck a hypodermic into their ventricles and extracted their blood before chopping off their heads.

Doesn't the process of putting a hypodermic into their ventricles also cause stress?
Doesn't the process of putting a hypodermic into their ventricles also cause stress?

Not as much as chopping off their heads; also it depends on which hormone you're collecting. Friends of mine in neuro routinely chopped off heads without anesthesia because it interferes with chemical responses.
Not as much as chopping off their heads; also it depends on which hormone you're collecting. Friends of mine in neuro routinely chopped off heads without anesthesia because it interferes with chemical responses.

I thought that chopping off someone's head would usually just take a split of a second, and therefore not leave any space for stress?
Stunning is OK in at least some people's Halal ritual. And a blow to the head does not cause immediate suffering, even if it has to be repeated to kill - ask anyone who's taken one.

An old employer of mine sold a beef cow to some Somali guys; they bought from him because he would allow them to slaughter it properly, right on the farm.

They showed up with these big knives, went over to the yard, and discovered that US beef cattle are about four times the size of Somali beef cattle, and not herded or tamed by human contact - they were looking at upwards of 1700 pounds of not very cooperative animal.

The compromise was: he shot the animal in the head while it stood on a wagon, and they slit its throat quickly before it actually died, rolling it into proper drain position.

There's nothing inhumane about it.
Once upon a time (and in lesser parts of the world) it had its place. Lack of refrigeration, rancid meat, delays to market, and other issues, these rules ensured the least potential for contaminated meat. Now its a stupid, archaic tradition that has no place in the modern world. Its cruel and imprecise, especially in slaughterhouse situations.

Guillotined rats are no comparision. Their heads are off, their spinal cord severed.

An animal should be dead BEFORE you drain its blood.
Islamic Halal slaughter has increasingly come under attack from animal rights activists telling tales of barbaric blood-thirsty ritual slaughter.

...since the animal 'must' be conscious during its death, so that the 'animal spirit' can be drained from its body via its blood, therefore it cannot be cruel!

Wonder why animals rights groups are up in arms about this!
Who cares about animals anyway, they have no rights or a soul!!!!

Is it not the same as the Jewish slaughter of animals ?.
I think the Jews and the Muslims do it the same .
Electroencephalography recordings, which record electrical activity along the scalp due to rapid neuron activity within the brain, have been surgically implanted onto the skull of various sheep and cattle in the past to test their reactions to two methods of slaughter: halal (slitting the animal's throat), and captive bolt stunning (firing a rod into the brain of an animal, at which point it recoils back into the pistol by spring tension).

It was discovered that halal slaughter was painless in the sheep and cattle who were tested; the captive bolt stunning method, which is the popular and widely encouraged method, was found to cause severe and painful reactions in the animals. It is also worth mentioning that halal and kosher meats generally taste better due to salted blood extraction. The salts used to extract the blood from animals slaughtered by halal and kosher methods through osmosis give the meat a better flavor; the extra sodium within the meat cells also help to retain the juices in the meat.
well how about that. My family has been butchering pigs the Halal/Kosher way for decades. Hell, generations.
I am basing my information on a study conducted at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany by W. Schulze, H. Schultze-Petzold, A.S. Hazem, and R. Gross in 1978. Here is a link to the study translated by Dr Sahib M. Bleher (the original is written in German).

And I will raise you two studies which declare the opposite.

Captive bolt stunning followed by sticking one minute later resulted in immediate and irreversible loss of evoked responses after the stun. Spontaneous cortical activity was lost before sticking in three animals, and in an average of 10 seconds after sticking in the remaining five animals.

The duration of brain function after shechita was very variable, and particularly contrasted with captive bolt stunning with respect to the effects on evoked responses. These were lost between 20 and 126 seconds (means of 77 seconds for somatosensory and 55 seconds for visual evoked responses) and spontaneous activity was lost between 19 and 113 seconds (mean 75 seconds) after slaughter.

The prevalence of large (>3 cm outer diameter) false aneurysms in cattle carotid arteries was 10% for both shechita and halal slaughter. The prevalence of animals with bilateral false aneurysms (at least 2 cm in one artery and at least 3 cm diameter in the opposite artery) was 7% and 8% for shechita and halal slaughter, respectively.

No false aneurysms occurred during bleeding in cattle that were electrically stunned and simultaneously developed a cardiac arrest.

The combination of false aneurysms and collateral routes to the brain present a risk of sustained consciousness during religious slaughter in cattle.
I used a similar process [beheading] for rats. Sometimes we stuck a needle in the heart and took their blood all out first. This is considered humane by laboratory standards. And yeah, I've killed enough rats for lab use that I find such arguments for food specious.
and you did so when the rat was unconscious and under anesthetic. Was the Hala animal unconscious and under anesthetic when it's throat was cut?
Electroencephalography recordings, which record electrical activity along the scalp due to rapid neuron activity within the brain, have been surgically implanted onto the skull of various sheep and cattle in the past to test their reactions to two methods of slaughter: halal (slitting the animal's throat), and captive bolt stunning (firing a rod into the brain of an animal, at which point it recoils back into the pistol by spring tension).

It was discovered that halal slaughter was painless in the sheep and cattle who were tested; the captive bolt stunning method, which is the popular and widely encouraged method, was found to cause severe and painful reactions in the animals. It is also worth mentioning that halal and kosher meats generally taste better due to salted blood extraction. The salts used to extract the blood from animals slaughtered by halal and kosher methods through osmosis give the meat a better flavor; the extra sodium within the meat cells also help to retain the juices in the meat.

Yeah thats right. Anyone who thinks electric shocks are painless are welcome to experiment on themselves.
Yeah I just pulled off the heads of some nice yummy Bombay ducks. grrrrr!