The barbaric Halal slaughter of animals


Islamic Halal slaughter has increasingly come under attack from animal rights activists telling tales of barbaric blood-thirsty ritual slaughter.

...since the animal 'must' be conscious during its death, so that the 'animal spirit' can be drained from its body via its blood, therefore it cannot be cruel!

Wonder why animals rights groups are up in arms about this!
Who cares about animals anyway, they have no rights or a soul!!!!

Islamic Halal slaughter has increasingly come under attack from animal rights activists telling tales of barbaric blood-thirsty ritual slaughter.

...since the animal 'must' be conscious during its death, so that the 'animal spirit' can be drained from its body via its blood, therefore it cannot be cruel!

Wonder why animals rights groups are up in arms about this!
Who cares about animals anyway, they have no rights or a soul!!!!


How do you know animals dont have a soul you cant even prove humans have one. I say use people in your ritual instead of animals as animals are far better in may ways then alot of people are.
So I should eat people? I don't think they will pass the health standards for consumption
No I'd rather eat animals. We're having goat lungs with dill tomorrow, yummy.
I'm trying fresh cat with some friends tomorrow night, first time for everything!
I love the slaughter of animals, just not the barbaric slaughter of them. At heart I'm a total vegan, but I'm totally addicted to meat and can't fathom giving up yummy, greasy hamburgers, heavenly bone marrow, delicious pâté, savory turkey or scrumptious sushi!

I'm okay with my hypocrisy. I'll take it to the grave. I'll shed crocodile tears for every animal I consume, but soon get over it the next time my belly grumbles.

I read somewhere that scientific studies confirmed that Kosher or Halal butchering makes the animal feel pain, and that some butchers are now stunning the animals beforehand.
Ah I thought it was one of your two. You have two cats n'est-ce pas?

Yeah alright you busted me, I'll never eat cat or any other animal.
My young cat is still fighting fit but the old one died a few months back. The wife to be is looking to take on another cat from the local cat rescue before xmas.

Honestly, if you have a pet dog or cat or hamster that you love I'm sure you wouldn't eat dog, cat, etc. Strange then that so many people don't hestiate to eat other animals...but that is a whole other thread. :rolleyes:
Yeah alright you busted me, I'll never eat cat or any other animal.

Well when we had hens we switched with the neighbours because we didn't like eating our own. My cats enjoy all my meaty meals as much as I do. Sometimes, I have to fight them for it :)

{P.S. I never forget a cat person. Sorry for your loss, I recall the older cat didn't like the new entry much}

I read somewhere that scientific studies confirmed that Kosher or Halal butchering makes the animal feel pain, and that some butchers are now stunning the animals beforehand.

So do the animals like the electric shocks better than having their throats slit?
Can you really compare a short electric shock that's making you unconscious with bleeding to death? Yeah, well..try it S.A.M., and then tell us your findings.
Can you really compare a short electric shock that's making you unconscious with bleeding to death? Yeah, well..try it S.A.M., and then tell us your findings.

You ever seen a halal slaughter? I have in the backyard. Having your throat slits greatly limits your chances of maintaining blood pressure for longer than a couple of seconds. I'd say the electric shock is an unnecessary additional cause of pain. It can't be good for the meat either, probably uses up all the residual ATP in the muscle.

I used a similar process [beheading] for rats. Sometimes we stuck a needle in the heart and took their blood all out first. This is considered humane by laboratory standards. And yeah, I've killed enough rats for lab use that I find such arguments for food specious.
You ever seen a halal slaughter? I have in the backyard. Having your throat slits greatly limits your chances of maintaining blood pressure for longer than a couple of seconds. I'd say the electric shock is an unnecessary additional cause of pain. It can't be good for the meat either, probably uses up all the residual ATP in the muscle.

I used a similar process [beheading] for rats. Sometimes we stuck a needle in the heart and took their blood all out first. This is considered humane by laboratory standards. And yeah, I've killed enough rats for lab use that I find such arguments for food specious.

Yeah, in docus. before beheading the rats you let them bleed out first? I'm not sure what you mean by putting a needle into their heart...I mean wouldn't that kill them right away when you pierce their heart?
Yeah, in docus. before beheading the rats you let them bleed out first? I'm not sure what you mean by putting a needle into their heart...

Well mostly we just chopped their heads in a guillotine, sometimes, because death is a "stress" we stuck a hypodermic into their ventricles and extracted their blood before chopping off their heads.