The Atheist's Nightmare

Nowadays Christians are incorporating scientific fact in their own arguments as has been evident in recent arguments on this forum.

yeah well if you took away all the advancements made be theists you would be sitting on a log in the woods with a chisel and a rock for communication.
Maybe their bid is to stun the scientific argurment into silence or into laughter because there is no argument against banana man and peanut butter man. How can anyone actually debate through hysterical laughter at the 5 edged banana skin made to fit in the hands of man with 5 fingers?

Although I must admit, when that peon opened that jar of peanut butter, I was expecting a snake to leap out of it.. proving it was all a joke. Sadly it was not meant to be.:bawl:

Christians should be appalled and embarrassed these two buffoons are representing them.
The liberal media have obviously chosen the participants here, to make religion look bad. On this forum, too.

Nowadays Christians are incorporating scientific fact in their own arguments as has been evident in recent arguments on this forum.
Where on this forum has that been happening?
Really BELLS?

The Human Genome Project was this audacious, absolutely unheard of, ambitious effort to read out all of the letters of the human DNA code, all three billion of them -- an enormously challenging problem. And yet, over those next 13 years, we finished the job early, two years ahead of schedule and actually under budget, which surprised everybody, especially in Washington, D.C.

I'm just a git from Edinburgh, but how's that again laddie?

You're Scottish?



Isn't Robert Winston a theist? I mean if they wanted someone who actually made some sense, can argue a point and who is not a twit, why don't they get people like him? Of all the theists, they had to get those two gormless gits? I pity the believers who will be switching on to watch that debate with great anticipation and getting those two...

Although my husband did choke on a donut from laughing too much at the banana video. He had to stop half way through and refused point blank to watch anymore. Was too "painfully stupid" apparently.:p
I think the show is going to be entertaining. I'm surprised the Christians are doing it since they may come off as a bit odd. I do think it will make for good tv. Cameron and the other guy are really good at getting people saved. This whole thing kind of perplexes me. And I'm not so sure it will help "our" cause.
I think the show is going to be entertaining.

That it will. Although not for good reasons.

I'm surprised the Christians are doing it since they may come off as a bit odd.
They will be if they carry on like they did in the links you provided.

I do think it will make for good tv.
As you said yourself, it will make for entertaining TV.

Cameron and the other guy are really good at getting people saved.
Good grief!

Those two will be the ones representing the theists side in the debate?:eek:

This whole thing kind of perplexes me.
It should.

Precisely for the reason you state yourself:

I'm not so sure it will help "our" cause.

If they come out with the banana and peanut butter argument, it will make your "cause" go down in a blazing glory of flames and ridicule. Your "cause" will come out looking like a laughing stock.
I posted this link tongue-in-cheek. I know the show is going to be odd. Just like I posted the link that indirectly made fun of Bush, I can/do see humor on both sides.
Is God is sitting up in Heaven laughing at stupid humans or is He deeply saddened by our lack of faith?
This presents a logical fallacy known as the false dichotomy and assumes the premises that a god exists as well as that there is a heaven from which to observe humanity. Moreover, it assumes another premise that, should a god exist, it even has time or desire to be involved with humanity or to observe it.
Is God is sitting up in Heaven laughing at stupid humans or is He deeply saddened by our lack of faith?

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? ... He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision." - Psalm 2

Indeed, "we" should be saddened by "our" lack of faith.
didnt watch the link but have heard to banana arguement before.its in the top 10 stupidest things i have ever heard.
if there is a god he would render those people blind deaf and dumb so they couldnt hurt his cause anymore than they already have.
Is God is sitting up in Heaven laughing at stupid humans or is He deeply saddened by our lack of faith?

M*W: No! If the "god(s)" in heaven are looking down on us, and if they have the ability to "reason," they would be deeply saddened by our lack of belief in their true meaning.
didnt watch the link but have heard to banana arguement before.its in the top 10 stupidest things i have ever heard.
if there is a god he would render those people blind deaf and dumb so they couldnt hurt his cause anymore than they already have.

render them dumb?
render them dumb?
