The Atheist's Nightmare

Peanut butter + heat not= life. Wow that's convincing.
Remind me never to visit the States.
Are these people for real? Or is this an April Fool's joke that someone's only just picked up on?
Whoever the theists are should go up against persons like Sam Harris. I'm sure the debate will be stacked in favour of whoever the producer wants to win.
What are coconuts then, or cactus fruit, or bulls with horns, some kind of perverse joke?
My tapeworm fits my intestines! Hallelujah! Wait, my snot is nice and soft so it can fit in my nose! Glory! And never have I shit a square turd! There by the grace of God go I!
Nowadays Christians are incorporating scientific fact in their own arguments as has been evident in recent arguments on this forum.
oh cool my bro converted me and my family was on holiday and when we came back he was christian

Before I clicked that link I was wondering wether or not it would be the "OMG BANANA'S FIT IN OUR MOUTH THEREFOR GOD EXISTS" people, and sure enough, it was... LOL that's a real big nightmare for the atheists :bawl:

Maybe it was us that was made for the banana. After all; there are certainly more bananas on earth now then ever people there were; by our own propagation have we made them.
And flowers fit a hummingbird's beak, these are beautiful examples of co-evolution.

Before I clicked that link I was wondering wether or not it would be the "OMG BANANA'S FIT IN OUR MOUTH THEREFOR GOD EXISTS" people, and sure enough, it was... LOL that's a real big nightmare for the atheists :bawl:

holy phuck Sandy, thanks for joining the forum LMAO
. . imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for. - douglas adams

Before I clicked that link I was wondering wether or not it would be the "OMG BANANA'S FIT IN OUR MOUTH THEREFOR GOD EXISTS" people, and sure enough, it was... LOL that's a real big nightmare for the atheists :bawl:

a penis fits into a male rectum jst fine, so god must aproves male buttsecs

sorry for the mental image guys... I just had to
My tapeworm fits my intestines! Hallelujah! Wait, my snot is nice and soft so it can fit in my nose! Glory! And never have I shit a square turd! There by the grace of God go I!

You are the winner of this thread so far!


After having watched those two clips, let me say that 'the force is strong' in the believers (primarily the two gits in those clips). We atheists are doomed to failure.

After all, who could possibly win against such stupidity?

Please tell me those two gits are a joke and not the ones representing the theists arguments? Because as an atheists, I am finding myself feeling nothing but pity for the people those two are meant to represent.:(