The Atheist Republic

Guys, there's a thread about Pi's banning in About the Members. Use that one instead.
Theoryofrelativity said:
As far as I am aware atheism is simply a point of view which is 'do not believe in existance of a 'god'......... the end.

Atheism isn't a country or town or city, it is NOT a religion or political party, alliance etc so it really shouldn't have any laws should it?

When you start asking that people use this 'point of view' to form an alliance with others who share this point of view, start electing leaders, initiating rules, giving out prizes, you have something MORE than a point of view thats now being expressed.

You have yet another 'group' that wishes to separate itself and mark itself out as different to the rest of the population. Who else does this?...............ah yes the religious, the political, the cults.

Now as this is NOT a religion and it's NOT a political party, that only leaves CULT.

Of course this 'cult' only relates to Pi's intent to make it a 'group'. Without the group it is again, merely a point of view again.

if people chose to gather together and start a republic, then they are a self-contained society. the rules, as i understood them, were theoretical codes of behavior that people in a theoretical republic would abide by. it may be more aptly named the Humanist Republic, since the rules seem to reflect a deference to reason and logic and fairness, but i was guessing it was called the atheist republic in recognition of the fact that its institutions would bear no religious taint, not that its entire population would be non-religious. so yeah, maybe check it out a bit more thoroughly before you start screaming cult.
Athelwulf said:
I'll wait until you can read my post and comprehend it properly.
I've already read it. You posted dictionary definitions for the word "atheism".
Poitnless really.
SkinWalker said:
And everybody knows Jews don't fuck, eh?


One has to wonder if the same censorship (if, indeed, that was the only thing that got him banned) would apply if someone said, "fucking Christians" or even "fucking atheists." I'm betting there's more to his banning, but it still has to be acknowledged that there exists a different sentiment toward the Jewish faith than to other faiths with regard to criticism.

charles cure said:
if people chose to gather together and start a republic, then they are a self-contained society. the rules, as i understood them, were theoretical codes of behavior that people in a theoretical republic would abide by. it may be more aptly named the Humanist Republic, since the rules seem to reflect a deference to reason and logic and fairness, but i was guessing it was called the atheist republic in recognition of the fact that its institutions would bear no religious taint, not that its entire population would be non-religious. so yeah, maybe check it out a bit more thoroughly before you start screaming cult.

and you should maybe read the rest of my posts before you mistake my sense of humour for a statement of fact!
Theoryofrelativity said:
:D well our Pi is attempting to (note his new tag ... 'president of ' ) set himself up as 'prime leader' with followers who he 'can banish' and 'reward'....

for the record, I actually don't really think Pi's party is a cult, but what the heck is it??????

It will be yet another nuisance group like all the rest...don't we have enough division with out atheists dropping their 'just expressing an opinion' stance and forming a great big group of separateness?

Repeating myself for the benefit of charles cure