The Atheist Republic

cool skill said:
Athesim is a releigion just like thesim. Atheism is one of the biggest cults ever.
Wow - that told us!
That must surely settle the debate forever!!

Your claim: Atheism is a religion just like theism.

Your evidence to support this claim: ??????

Your claim: Atheism is one of the biggest cults ever.

Your evidence to support this claim: ??????
I never said it settles the debate forever.
This forum is not a place for such a debate.
When we get into the debate about atheism being a religion here, people will start throwing personal attacks rather than foucs on the debate itself. What will happen next is that the idiot bias moderators of this forum will allow dozens of people to throw personal attacks at me, and then threaten to ban me when I throw personal attacks back.

This forum is not a forum for genuine intellectual discussion. There is no point for me to go through supporting my position becuase it will end up in a flame war that will get me attacked by the bias mods. Therefore, I simply state my conclusion, and let you figure the rest out for it yourself. If you really want to get more info, you can dig through this forum for the points that I have reiterated over and over and over and over again. I refuse to reiterate them anymore. If you really don't care, then you can move along.
cool skill said:
I never said it settles the debate forever.
This forum is not a place for such a debate.
When we get into the debate about atheism being a religion here, people will start throwing personal attacks rather than foucs on the debate itself. What will happen next is that the idiot bias moderators of this forum will allow dozens of people to throw personal attacks at me, and then threaten to ban me when I throw personal attacks back.

This forum is not a forum for genuine intellectual discussion. There is no point for me to go through supporting my position becuase it will end up in a flame war that will get me attacked by the bias mods. Therefore, I simply state my conclusion, and let you figure the rest out for it yourself. If you really want to get more info, you can dig through this forum for the points that I have reiterated over and over and over and over again. I refuse to reiterate them anymore. If you really don't care, then you can move along.

Atheism is a religion, I agree.
Pseudo-scientists and Darwin daweenians are brainwashing a whole generation of students with government money,....
into this "monkey worship" cult...
Young minds influenced while the're vulnerable, still incapable of independent thought......set troding down the path of least resistaince, on thier happy way to corperate bliss, and spiritual enslavment.
Born into bondage....and spiritual death.
Jesus died to make you free, "the truth shall make you free" !!!
You have been pardoned.
"But you have to accept a pardon for it to be applied to you."
"Abraham Linclon" 1863
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TheVisitor said:
Atheism is a religion, I agree. Pseudo-scientists and Darwin daweenians are brainwashing a whole generation of students with government money,.... into this "monkey worship" cult... Young minds influenced while the're vulnerable, still incapable of independent thought...... set troding down the path of least resistaince, on thier happy way to corperate bliss, and spiritual enslavment. Born into bondage....and spiritual death. Jesus died to make you free, "the truth shall make you free" !!! You have been pardoned.
"But you have to accept a pardon for it to be applied to you."
"Abraham Linclon" 1863

M*W: Quoting Abe, I see. Well, here's another one from his Acceptance speech for the Republican nomination for the Senate on June 17, 1858, where he quotes allegations by Christians saying Jesus had the ability to "cast out demons:

"Jesus could "cast out demons" only because he was an ally of demons."

For more of Abe's atheistic quotes, go here:
cool skill said:
This forum is not a forum for genuine intellectual discussion.

And you continue to show that time and again. Bravo!

See even trolls can agree that atheism is a religion.

That is strange. Usually, one fantasy does not agree with another. Kudos to both trolls!
(Q) said:
And you continue to show that time and again. Bravo!

That is strange. Usually, one fantasy does not agree with another. Kudos to both trolls!
Yes one of them is including you.
Copied from the 'constitution on the web site'

"New citizens are welcome but they can be banished at any time.

Citizens may be awarded honours for good deeds carried out. "

I GET IT! Athiesm is about doing what YOU say not what GOD says! yeh I GET IT!

You do the banishing instead of God, and you dish out the rewards not GOD for good deeds! Yehhhhhhhh

sounds bit like a 'cult' to me ;)
Or, because the people that call atheism a "religion" are just stupid.

If you're stupid, respond to that assertion below.
Atheism does not come under the definitions of religion and cult provided by Athelwulf. This does not mean there aren't atheists that group up or follow atheism almost religiously. The question is, would you feel a sense of defeat if God was shown conclusively to exist?
I would welcome the defeat, yet none is forthcoming, nor ever will.
przyk said:
Atheism does not come under the definitions of religion and cult provided by Athelwulf. This does not mean there aren't atheists that group up or follow atheism almost religiously.
I like the idea of the atheist republic where atheists can go and practice their beliefs without imposing their ways on others.
What is a person without morals? A-moral.

What is a person who is not typical? A-typical.

What is a person without theistic beliefs? A-theistic.

Get it? The A means "without" or "lacking". That's all. Calling atheism a religion once the word atheist has been explained to you is simply stupid, bone-headed ignorance.
This debate is silly.

There are theists obsessed with their belief in the existence of God.
There are atheists that are obsessed with their belief in the non-existence of God.
There are atheists that don't really know what to believe.
There are people that would rather go out and watch a nice movie than worry about it.

Give whatever names to these groups you want. It won't change anything.
TheVisitor said:
Atheism is a religion, I agree.
Pseudo-scientists and Darwin daweenians are brainwashing a whole generation of students with government money,....
into this "monkey worship" cult...
Young minds influenced while the're vulnerable, still incapable of independent thought......set troding down the path of least resistaince, on thier happy way to corperate bliss, and spiritual enslavment.
Born into bondage....and spiritual death.
Jesus died to make you free, "the truth shall make you free" !!!
You have been pardoned.
"But you have to accept a pardon for it to be applied to you."
"Abraham Linclon" 1863

yeah, because you have lots of credibility.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Copied from the 'constitution on the web site'

"New citizens are welcome but they can be banished at any time.

Citizens may be awarded honours for good deeds carried out. "

I GET IT! Athiesm is about doing what YOU say not what GOD says! yeh I GET IT!

You do the banishing instead of God, and you dish out the rewards not GOD for good deeds! Yehhhhhhhh

sounds bit like a 'cult' to me ;)

actually that kind of sounds like a basic law, like any country would have, like any town or city would have. how is that cultish?