The anti-Christ

Any belief can lead to fanatacism. Being "non-belief" might shield you from such a possible outcome, but being able to see the dangers of fanaticism means you probably are rational enough not to become fanatic anyway.
i'm not so sure. religion has very close ties to a person because that is a big part of their person- it practically molds all their beliefs. it's like when passive crowds start rioting- only with religion it would become much bigger and deadly. being able to recognise fanaticism is different to getting caught up in the moment.
I've seen some people here be more fanatical in their non-beliefs than whatever they believe.

The North Koreans seem pretty fanatical . What about the communist in Russia who toar down the Orthodox churches. Or after the French Revelution when the people converted churches to temples of rational thought. So what happens is that people become so fanatical against religious fanatics that they are self-defeating.

Also the issue of abortion really does not have to do with religion. We know that the unborn is a human being so it's wrong.

I've seen some people here be more fanatical in their non-beliefs than whatever they believe.
um, i'll reply because i think i know what you're trying to say. of course there are people who are fanatical who aren't religious, i was just saying that strong beliefs that are core to a person can cause them to do things that they wouldn't normally consider.

The North Koreans seem pretty fanatical . What about the communist in Russia who toar down the Orthodox churches. Or after the French Revelution when the people converted churches to temples of rational thought. So what happens is that people become so fanatical against religious fanatics that they are self-defeating.
you forget that in north korea and in communist russia peoples fanaticsm stems/stemmed from a cult like following of the leadership figure. you also don't factor in the fact that these people are/were fed constant propagander about their leaders and also fear/feared retribution from talking against their leaders.

Also the issue of abortion really does not have to do with religion. We know that the unborn is a human being so it's wrong.
so, when couples are having trouble "making a baby" and they go to an ivf clinic to help them conceive, you hold no grudges against that practice? (i actually need you too reply to this).
You guys got it all wrong, the anti-Christ is a christ from the anti-Earth which belongs to the anti-solarsystem which belongs to the anti-galaxy which belongs to the anti-universe. He is made up of anti-matter and when the Christ and anti-christ meet they will anihillate each other in a huge explosion and convert all their matter to energy....that's why the world will end.:D
you forget that in north korea and in communist russia peoples fanaticsm stems/stemmed from a cult like following of the leadership figure. you also don't factor in the fact that these people are/were fed constant propagander about their leaders and also fear/feared retribution from talking against their leaders.
Well in North Korea the leader calls himself a God, but I don't think anyone there really believes he's a God. Not really too much different than the fear of God.

so, when couples are having trouble "making a baby" and they go to an ivf clinic to help them conceive, you hold no grudges against that practice? (i actually need you too reply to this).
If a human being is killed then it is murder, mitigated somewhat because the people doing it don't really know that it is murder, or it's an accidental death.
so, when couples are having trouble "making a baby" and they go to an ivf clinic to help them conceive, you hold no grudges against that practice? (i actually need you too reply to this).
If a human being is killed then it is murder, mitigated somewhat because the people doing it don't really know that it is murder, or it's an accidental death.
no no. i mean when parents can't have a kid so they go and get help from professionals at a clinic. you hold no water against that practice?
Julius Caesar <<Jesus Christ>>

Cool conspiracy-theory... never heard it before.. could there be anything true about this at all?

Anyway.. could the allmighty George B*sh be the a-c ?
"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. (1 John 2:18)
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. (1 John 4:3)

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. (2 John 1:7) "

So, if all this is correct, the concept of one specific anti christ is a no brainer. Then of ocurse, if there are already anti christs around, why do some insist in believing in the locusts and rapture etc and the coming of one specific antichrist to lead the world to doom?
Personally, i find the idea that the roman catholic church is the anti christ interesting, it does follow logically from the description given in revelations about the beast etc etc.