The anti-Christ

An Anti-Christ is a person or entity that takes an active role in defaming Jesus Christ or place him outside of his respectable position in history as noble messanger and sevant to god. This ranges from groups that bash him and deny his existance to other groups that misquote him and place him outside of his league like a god or a son of god.
For example, I can conceive of Jesus being a prophet, but as to being God, he is no more, or no less God than I am.

From my perspective, his teachings are a simplistic way to attempt to explain both the higher self, and the collective consciousness, in a way that most people (e.g., in a father & son guise) can relate to.

I'm not necessarily saying that this is good or bad, but simply a simplistic means of addressing a complex and complicated multi-faceted subject.

It’s rather how we might explain our knowledge of the world to a kindergartener.
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An anti-christ is a figure of who is in opposition to christianity,all of these figures are linked to numerological values of 666 (possibly),i do for instance! (no joke depending what you read into it)
presumably this mark is placed upon anyone,but not everyone,a sort of satanic choice.

None have been dictators of evil though,none had this mark no matter what,however all dictators like hitler have been evil in opposition to christianity,probably proving 666 is a seperate thing from anti-christ.
Originally posted by Redoubtable
This supposed champion of the fallen, this impious conqueror . . . it doesn't seem likely that he'd even be a person at all. It would just be too obvious.
Wouldn't an organization, or belief, or even a product of consumerism and mass-media expedite satan's cause, whereas a mere mortal would be easy prey for the slings and arrows of impassioned fanatics?

I mean, maybe the AOL is the anti-christ . . . :eek:
666 probably refers to the Dragon and the two beast. Three attacking all three persons in the Trinity. The World was created in 6 days, mankind was created on the 6 day etc. might be sign of reaching for perfection but missing the perfect 7. The writing in Revelation also uses symbolism that says that God will let his holy ones rest eternity just as God made the Jews rest on the Sabath.

The Anti-Christ and an anti-christ are two different things. The Law says that we need two witnesses and so does a prophet. We must judge a prophet by whether they deny the true God and by their fruits. Therefore an anti-christ is any false prophet.

However the Anti-Christ will have unimaginable power bordering on the all present God as he will be able to attack multiple people at once. Satan will set up the abomination that Daniel talks about. An image of himself, just like man was made in the image of God, to be worshiped.
The Anti-X

Originally posted by Flores
An Anti-Christ is a person or entity that takes an active role in defaming Jesus Christ or place him outside of his respectable position in history as noble messanger and sevant to god. This ranges from groups that bash him and deny his existance to other groups that misquote him and place him outside of his league like a god or a son of god.

Okay, I'll admit it. I am the Anti-X!
M*W you do not have the power. I know you are not because you said that a man praised your eyes. If you were the anti-christ, no one could look at you straight in the face without destroying themselves.
I believe that we we are right before or during the attack of the locusts. This means that we can expect one more cycle of grace until the final death of the world.

The seal of God that will protect us is the same seal that protected the Jews from the angel of death. "Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him the Father, God, has set his seal." And in Revelation, "I heard the number of those who had been marked with the seal, one hundred and forty-four thousand marked..." Those 144000 = 12*12*1000 are the disciples of Christ. "They will not hunger or thirst anymore nor will the sun or any heat strike them." (Revelation 7:16). So the seal of God is the bread of life.

We can expect the mark of the beast to be the exact opposite of the seal of God. The beast must offer us a world apart from God and his Son and their instruction. "Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, 'All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.'"

Originally posted by okinrus
M*W you do not have the power. I know you are not because you said that a man praised your eyes. If you were the anti-christ, no one could look at you straight in the face without destroying themselves.

I don't think I said I was THE Anti-X, just one of them. Power is not my "thing." What "power" I have comes from within, but it generally stays "within." It does manifest great things for me and my family, though!

My ex-husband looked me straight in the face and called me the Anti-X, and he was destroyed. Does this count?
Only if he destroyed himself, Medicine*Woman! Otherwise, you don't get the job! ;)
I don't think I said I was THE Anti-X, just one of them. Power is not my "thing." What "power" I have comes from within, but it generally stays "within." It does manifest great things for me and my family, though!
But your barely even know what your up against. It seems like your more against religious intolerance than against christian values such as love, trust, truth, etc.

My ex-husband looked me straight in the face and called me the Anti-X, and he was destroyed. Does this count?
No, maybe your just drop dead gorgeous. Now the story of Tobit has a demon kill 6 husbands of one woman so there might be other explanations for this kind of behavior.
Quote: "However the Anti-Christ will have unimaginable power bordering on the all present God as he will be able to attack multiple people at once."
"If you were the anti-christ, no one could look at you straight in the face without destroying themselves."

You mean the kid in Damien Omen 2? Gosh and I thought that was all just fiction.

I guess it stands to reason that if someone believes in the living christ then they will also believe in the anti-christ. Well where are they then? Let's get on with it already. Damn frustrating I tell ya! Like sitting around waiting for aliens during the millenium New Year!
"Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, 'All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.'"

The only way the devil could show anyone all the kingdoms in the world would be if the world was flat. It isn't.

The bible works on flat earth basis. This is yet another open acknowledgment of what the biblical writers considered fact and wrote as if it was.
lol ok. Seek help. You honestly believe what you said? Shocker...

However, with your abounding intimate knowledge of satan, does he always perform these visions up very high mountains?
You misunderstand what meaning of being on a mountain. It represents pride. "Then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant."(Luke 4:5). It's clealy Satan showing Jesus.
Originally posted by okinrus
666 probably refers to the Dragon and the two beast. Three attacking all three persons in the Trinity.
Trinity being attacked.?! what does that mean.? do you have any reference or is it your guess.? hope you have not tried to get 6 by some odd means.;)