The 9/11 Conspiracy Thread

Is it at all possible the plane was shot down with not one,but two missiles,but one missed and hit the pentagon,by the airforce?,
seeing as america has a great history of friendly fire and "woops" embarrising mistakes id not be surprised if they wanted to cover up that little detail,plus how bad it sounds to intercept and shoot down a passenger plane.

On the other hand its reported the airforce were told to hold back,even though they knew the planes were hyjacked,otherwise theyd normally shoot all the planes down before hitting building etc.
the only problem with ted gunderson ex fbi website

is the bottom line of photo evidence he says:

"It is my opinion, as a result of 23 years of experience dealing with satanic cults, that the fall of the World Trade Center was executed by Satanists who have infiltrated the Government"

If this is ted's view it throws it into loony tunes territory.
I think the FBI guy from your last reference is a looney... executed by satanist, his evidence: about two sentences and a cover from a rap group, that has a sublimial message hidden in its two-word title... and we all know how that rappers are notorious satanists..
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Since Alot of people have been posting on 9/11. This will become the resident 9/11 Conspiracy thread, rather than having alot of cross-posted and repeated conspiracies.
firstly America has ACTUALLY committed FAKE TERROR ATTACKS. for example America was planning to completrly fake the inking of a US ship and bnlame it on the Cubans to start a war... this is a FACT that was later proved by CIA documents and is NOT a conspirzcy theory

im not getting involed with the conspiracy there are questions that the govermant needs to answer. Spidergoat, the flying into the two towers is an EXTREMELY hard and skilled manouver which anyone who simply recieved simkple training from a small 2 man plane cannot do. in the interviews Sky One did with professional JET FIGHTER PILOTS and also PROFESSIONAL AIRLINE PIOLTS they even said they could NOT do that. apart from that it is a bit funny how America linked Osama Bin Laden to the attack only MINUTES after the explosions and gave the names of ALL the terror suspects within days. BBC LATER FOUND OUT THAT 7 OF THE MEN ARE ACTUALLY ALIVE AND LIVING IN OTHER COUNTRIES.

also the plane that apparently crashed in Pensilvanyia was more likely shot down. EYE WITNESS REPORTS said that they saw a jet follow the plane and then fire. ALSO, the engine was over EIGHT miles away from the rest of the debris, that is only possible if the plane was struck by a missile as normally.

also this is very strange did you know what the proof that one of the men did the attacks is??? well America says apparently after the planes crashed into the twoers a PASSPORT somehow managed to fall down from the plane taht had kjust exploded and landed perfectly on the ground untouched next to the towers as evidence :rolleyes: hmm sound like planted evidence :confused:

also AN IMPORTANT FACT is that the TWIN TOWERS HAD TO BE DEMOLISHED ANYWAY by 2025 as it wouild be considered a hazard by then. JUST BEFORE the attacks a MAJOR insurance policy with ATLEAST $3.55 BILLION was bought on the towers and that was also covered for TERRORIST attacks aswell. PLUS just before the attacks THE SHARES ON AMERICAN AIRLINES WAS DRAMATICALLY betted as if people somehow knew that Airline shares were gonna dramatically and suddenly fall soon.

also the towers just fell in one go without resistance almostlike a demoltion of a building and there was no resistence that should of occured becasue of the multi million dollar safety structure

good points preacher, i tried to speak some of these same points... especially the planted passport.

theres the two extremes of the spectrum, one side is the masses who swallow what the mainstream media says, and on the other side is the 'conspiracy theorist' who knows the government did this entire attack.

somewhere in the middle, we find some controversial grounds. i hope this lets the people know that SOMETHING FISHY is going on here somewhere...
Regarding conspiracy theories, I am just left wondering how any one thinks the U.S. government could hide this one, greatest tragedy of all time, when Bill Clinton could not even conceal his BJ. Just a thought. Perhaps the cigar was an alien ship.....
Conspiriricies are a funny thing,its easy to turn round and say:

"hey couldnt they have covered thier tracks better?"

Well if they did then there wouldnt be any conspiricies would there,i mean if there are no "plot holes" to fill then you wont find one.

Finding a motive dont always mean anything either,i mean i bet you have motives to kill certain people,so do i,but it dont mean that if they do die you are automatically responsible.

So in that case dont that mean every conspiricy is 100% false?

well it SHOULD but theres your problem.

A murderer is found guilty because not only was there a motive but there was holes in his/her story plus a reasonable amount of evidence,the jury see this as enough to put someone away,the jury is the general public.

Now i see motives for the government,i see holes in the story plus some loose evidence,if this is enough they should at least be investigated,but they dont and thats the fucking point the government can get away with this kinda shit cos not only does it not get investigated properly but the general public are not gonna believe thier government would do it.

So yes they dont even need to cover their tracks that much,in the case of clinton its not considered a big deal to anyone except clinton,so its likely that no one except clinton would try to cover tracks.

Heres another thing to ponder:
if there was no evidence suggesting government involvement does that make them more suspect,i mean say they covered thier tracks properly what then?,that means they would be guilty but youd have no clue whatsoever.

Essentially if you cover your tracks youre not considered guilty but ARE,if you dont cover your tracks people think youre innocent cos you didnt cover your tracks,in this case maybe you are guilty or are not guilty.

Its tricky,youd think they would manage to cover it but then again its a hard thing to cover,so cos its hard to do means they didnt do it?

Or maybe they have already suceeded,as most people wont believe the conspiricy theories,maybe they really are wrong.
antisipatience said:
i tried to speak some of these same points... especially the planted passport.

Yeah, you mentioned it, and when I asked for a reputable source, you never offered it.

So it remains just an allegation on some crank web sites, unless you can prove otherwise. I couldn't find a reputable source. The nearest I got was a charred fragment from one of the other hijackers passports was found.
the black boxes of the planes that hit the WTC were destroyed, but hijacker Mohammed Atta's passport was found in pristine condition

I've just figgured it all out!!!! it's like this:

Mohammad Atta, was at that time in the WTC building, had been known for months beforehand that he was going to be there together with some other saudi's to take care of some bussines. (with back-up from saudi oil money he wanted to start an airline bussiness)

The goverment didn't want this and struck with some super secret remote controlled planes the WTC towers, both of them, because they coulnd't figgure out wich office they were at.

Then: when the plane hit,...Atta's passport flew out of his pocket and out of the window by the blast,...and like a leaf, swirled to the ground,

Then the building collapsed on top of it, leaving it practically undamaged, since it was protected by a LARGE piece of concrete.

Well, glad this issue got settled, now we can forget about attacts! It was just to defend America from some forein concurence!

Duh,... is this pseudosience enough? or you want more?
WTF is bothering me is that the whole of this discussion is discarted as Pseudosience.
It's purely classed as pseudoscience because all speculated "conspiracies" lack evidence to otherwise suggest them a reality, while such evidence is lacking it remains to be "Proven", therefore exists within the realms of pseudoscience (although it's not exactly a science)
Then all threads related to those attacts by Moslim terrorist should also be place inhere with the rest of the pseudosience.

Because that too is 'just' a theory...

a Theory accepted by the mass-media and others but STILL a theory.
Antisipatience, there is and was the media thrill seekers, the media hype, that is what they do, that is what they get paid to do. There are the conspiracy theorists that pick through the rubble of information hype and misdirection.

My initial reaction when watching the live feed of the towers coming down, and the slow motion playbacks was those towers came down on themselves just like a pryo-demolition. With all the discussions, investigations, theories etc. it still remains, there was something entirely wrong with that whole scenario of the towers coming down, and obviously there were planes.

It still remains there was something entirely wrong with the Pentagon scenario, obviously the absence of a plane.

I keep in mind there will be a time when we will know the full details of all these anomalous occurrences, tic toc.
James R said:

If it wasn't an American airliner, then where did the flight go which took off that morning? Did a whole planeload of people just disappear?

Hummmm, interesting... ;) Anyways, lets get back to the conspiracy and not worry about that...geez. :bugeye:
skywalker said:
Rando kid, how dare you posted something non anti islamic? I am very pissed. Please get back to your regular duty given to you by saul. : D
there you go again, muslims always wanting to tell others what to do,
Hey, it's a democracy here, everyone gets to say their piece, heard enough? so go back to sleep, walker