The 9/11 Conspiracy Thread

Most are here for the entertainment of bashing people, some for the direct attempts at information control

Funny how your inability to discern fantasy from reality is somehow everyone elses fault.
FieryIce said:
Vera, it seems some French investigators have also shown clearly that there was no plane involved in the Pentagon explosion.


Amazing. So what about the guy I know who lives in DC that saw it happen?

It's only a conspiracy when you don't know anything about it, and have to get all your information off the internet. If you actually knew anybody who was anywhere near at the time, you'd know it happened just like everybody says it did.

These events took place in major cities, and were well observed, by real people. All that site has managed to dredge up are a couple of misguided eye witnesses out of the tens of thousands that were there that day, and some bad footage

I see no-one wants to comment on why the windows aren't visible, have we debunked that one ? Conspiracy nuts got no answer?

Other points raised on the web site are that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to damage to the concrete of the WTC enough. That is plain BS. Check out some studies done on tunnel fires, where there has been limited oxygen, and far less fuel (just the fuel in the trucks involved,and their flammable cargo). In these cases, temperatures reached 2,200degF, and the _melting point_ of concrete is 2,700degF, and therefore concrete suffers serious loss of structural integrity well before it melts, and some parts would be come hot enough to melt (think about a pan of water, you see steam before the whole contents are at 100degC don't you? Some water molecules get to evaporate, before the _whole_ is at boiling point, it's a statistical distrubution of energy thing, go read a physics book). Concrete would suffer cracking from differential heating and expansion, exposing the metal superstructure, which is steel, which melts at 2,500degF, and again, would lose structual integrity far before this point.

In the WTC, the planes were carrying around 11,000 gallons of fuel, and there was a plentiful air supply. Ir would have been sucked along every stairway, ventilation shaft and opening, to fan the flames. It was hot in the there, easily hot enough to cause the damage that we saw.

So, that one is easily debunked too. Got anything credible?
Theres something your missing about the structure, the WTC buildings were notorious for their engineering design since they were mostly made up of Glass and Aluminium. Aluminium was used because the buildings weight would have been too much if made from other materials. As you should all know Aluminium has a relatively low melting point which meant as soon as a fire took hold the building lost structural integraty.

Even if the concrete was load bearing, it would still have suffered from the loss of stability since the aluminium beams would have generated the overall structure to keep the load on the concrete beams.

As its been mentioned, It happened, it was seen and pretending it didn't isn't going to mean it never happened. It's all very well to point the finger as to why it happened and suggest other reasons for its occurance but it doesn't change the event. (Mearly adds to the causality of why the event occured)
did u guys know the day of sept 11 2001 pentagon officials were conducting mock evacuation excercises of a plane crashing into the pentagon. FACT.

did u know alot of Top Officials canceled their flights that day ? FACT.
you can't simple say something is a fact without providing evidence to prove it, for example paperwork from the pentagon showing that "mock evacuation excercises of a plane crashing into the pentagon" were actually happening on that day, ect
I bet most of you who believe in this, also think that Bowling for Columbine and Farenheit 9/11 were actually documentaries.

antisipatience said:
did u guys know the day of sept 11 2001 pentagon officials were conducting mock evacuation excercises of a plane crashing into the pentagon. FACT.

did u know alot of Top Officials canceled their flights that day ? FACT.

So instead of providing support for the arguments I've debunked, you're just going to make more allegations?

Right, here's a quick debunking of you 'evacuation' theory. All the pentagon had to do, was hit the fire alarm _before_ the conspiracy plane (are you saying it _did_ or _didn't_ crash into the Pentagon, btw) hit, and they would have minimised casualties.

Or are you saying there was some other purpose for the practice evacuation? Why practice anyway?

And yes, I bet a lot of top officials did cancel their flights on Sept 11th, considering, that the entire nation's airspace was shut down after the events that morning. Are you saying they cancelled _before_, because you haven't actually said that.

So, learn to construct meaningful sentences, come back with a fully supported argument, and we'll get back to you.
they cancelled their flights before.

they were conducting mock excercises that morning before the plane hit.

i dont doubt the plane actually hit. but its not all cracked up to be what they say.

how about this fact;

the black boxes of some of the planes were supposedly destroyed? YET, they found a "terrorists" passport there, almost in perfect condition ?

here you go chump;

That, on the morning of September 11, 2001: standard procedures and policies at the nation's air defense and aviation bureaucracies were ignored, and communications were delayed; the black boxes of the planes that hit the WTC were destroyed, but hijacker Mohammed Atta's passport was found in pristine condition; high-ranking Pentagon officers had cancelled their commercial flight plans for that morning; George H.W. Bush was meeting in Washington with representatives of Osama bin Laden's family, and other investors in the world's largest private equity firm, the Carlyle Group; the CIA was conducting a previously-scheduled mock exercise of an airliner hitting the Pentagon; the chairs of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were having breakfast with the chief of Pakistan's intelligence agency, who resigned a week later on suspicion of involvement in the 9/11 attacks; and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States sat in a second grade classroom for 20 minutes after hearing that a second plane had struck the towers, listening to children read a story about a goat, is not "theoretical." These are facts.

by the way, im not trying to 'argue' anything, just trying to open your blind eyes.
I bet most of you who believe in this, also think that Bowling for Columbine and Farenheit 9/11 were actually documentaries.

and i bet you think the War in Iraq is about terrorism.
antisipatience said:
they cancelled their flights before.

Who? Where's the evidence?

they were conducting mock excercises that morning before the plane hit.
Where's the evidence?

i dont doubt the plane actually hit. but its not all cracked up to be what they say.

Good, I'm glad you agree the plane did hit, as it was witnessed.

how about this fact;

the black boxes of some of the planes were supposedly destroyed? YET, they found a "terrorists" passport there, almost in perfect condition ?

It's not that surprising. The black boxes of the Pennysylvania and Pentagon crashes were recovered, because those planes crashed fairly normally. The planes that hit the WTC however, burned up, and the flight recorders were not desined to withstand that. As for the passport, I'm haing trouble finding a reputable information source to back up that story. so far, I can only find that story on conspiracy sites, not news sites. Have you got a link to a reputable news source? CNN, someone like that?

here you go chump;

That, on the morning of September 11, 2001: standard procedures and policies at the nation's air defense and aviation bureaucracies were ignored, and communications were delayed; the black boxes of the planes that hit the WTC were destroyed, but hijacker Mohammed Atta's passport was found in pristine condition; high-ranking Pentagon officers had cancelled their commercial flight plans for that morning; George H.W. Bush was meeting in Washington with representatives of Osama bin Laden's family, and other investors in the world's largest private equity firm, the Carlyle Group; the CIA was conducting a previously-scheduled mock exercise of an airliner hitting the Pentagon; the chairs of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were having breakfast with the chief of Pakistan's intelligence agency, who resigned a week later on suspicion of involvement in the 9/11 attacks; and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States sat in a second grade classroom for 20 minutes after hearing that a second plane had struck the towers, listening to children read a story about a goat, is not "theoretical." These are facts.

If you don't cite your sources they are meaningless. I presume you got this off some conspiracy web page?

by the way, im not trying to 'argue' anything, just trying to open your blind eyes.

I'm not blind. I'm not gullible either.
because those planes crashed fairly normally. The planes that hit the WTC however, burned up, and the flight recorders were not desined to withstand that. As for the passport, I'm haing trouble finding a reputable information source to back up that story. so far, I can only find that story on conspiracy sites, not news sites. Have you got a link to a reputable news source? CNN, someone like that?

those planes crashed normally ?? what the fuck does that mean, for a plane to crash normal ? geez you guys are really confused.

and its appearant because you guys hail CNN as the Truth.

you guys dont think for yourselves, you let the Media do that for you.

*a side note* you guys know the hurricanes that hit florida ? "CNN" and other MEdia Outlets claim a low # of people died, like 30 or something. Did you know that the REAL DEATH TOLL is OVER 400 ??? you chumps will swallow whatever Big Brother feeds you like fucking spoonfed babies!!!

all i can say is look for information, and think for your damn selves !
Did you know that the REAL DEATH TOLL is OVER 400 ???

Show us those statistics, please?
antisipatience said:
those planes crashed normally ?? what the fuck does that mean, for a plane to crash normal ? geez you guys are really confused.

and its appearant because you guys hail CNN as the Truth.
CNN, BBC, ABC, Al Jazeera, every credible (and many not so credible) news organisation. Does thinking for yourself also include ignoring all the evidence.
"and i bet you think the War in Iraq is about terrorism."

No its simple economics. We are securing a resource called OIL.

antisipatience said:
those planes crashed normally ?? what the fuck does that mean, for a plane to crash normal ? geez you guys are really confused.

I said 'fairly normally' actually, and that means, impact into terrain, the most likely type of air crash. The wreckage was allowed to spread, and the fire was not contained. Aircraft fuel has an anti-misting agent in to help prevent fires from starting if they crash 'normally', however, this is a subtle effect and cannot prevent fires when aircraft are crashed into buildings.

You didn't respond to the fact that the recorders from the two 'normal' crashes have been found, nor whether you expect a recorder to be able to survive heat in excess of 2000 degrees.

You haven't listed any evidence to support your claims for cancelled flights, or the intact passport having been found either.

and its appearant because you guys hail CNN as the Truth.

At least that would be a named, verifiable source, rather than a bunch of conspiracy web pages! You seem to have missed the point though, that I have have friends who live in both NYC and DC who witnessed these events. How do you get around that?

you guys dont think for yourselves, you let the Media do that for you.

Conspiracy web pages are still media, kid.
onlinejournal is not a conspiracy "web page"

if you people had the brains to conduct your own searches instead of being spoonfed the MAINSTREAM Media (i had to re-word Media for one incompetant reader) then maybe you'd get a glimpse of the true nature of our twisted reality. of course, like in electronics, people (like currents) will always choose the path of least resistance (just take CNN's word for it)

heres links regarding the horrible hurricane disasters. just like some of you keep screaming your friends saw the planes hit the buildings (which i dont deny) - these people have witnessed the tragic truths of florida;
It doesn't matter what FEMA or the media may report about the two mobile home parks that were completely destroyed on that road. The truth is, there are hundreds of dead there and it will be weeks before they will be able to recover all the bodies.

this is the most detailed account;

FL Eyewitness Death Count Close To 400 Now
More from Michael Edward
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

What an eye awakening day this was. I thought that I had seen it all having been involved from Viet Nam to the beginning of Desert Storm in my military and civilian law enforcement career, but today I learned about a new part of the shame game.

For those who won,t bother to read all this report, let me spell out the body counts that 6 of us (all retired military and/or law enforcement) went out to confirm today in different areas. These are confirmed bodies in the trucks, restaurant refers, or refer vans, and they are NOT 'missing persons' or animals:

Charlotte Harbor areas - 58 dead as of 5pm today; Fort Myers & the barrier islands - 21 deaths as of 3pm today; Punta Gorda - 275+ deaths and escalating each hour; Desoto County - 36 deaths, expected to increase;

These figures came from our own eyes, medical personnel, various county sheriff's deputies, and eye witnesses or residents from the worst devastated areas. CNN and the rest of the world biased and controlled media are fooling none of us who live here. The current CONFIRMED body count in our 3 county area on the west coast of Florida is near 400 as I write this.

Readers should know right up front who is doing their best and who fails to pass the grade:

Honors awards to those people who have given and done the most: 1. City of North Port Police Department 2. Charlotte County Deputies 3. Desoto County Deputies 4. Visiting Pinellas County Deputies 5. Florida Power and Light

All of the above have gone beyond the call of duty. They are showing us what real cops and utility workers used to be... humanitarians.

Failing grades go to:

1. FEMA, the government loan people. 2. John Ellis Bush (JEB, the corporate Governor of Florida). 3. The untrained and unequipped remnants of the Florida National Guard. 4. George Walker Bush, the non-elected and appointed U.S. President. 5. Recycling firms who are stealing aluminum siding from destroyed mobile homes. 6. Those selling bags of ice for $10. 7. Thieves from Miami taking personal belongings from demolished homes. 8. Those thieves demanding money up front to file fake insurance claims.

Here's some of what went on today...

There are staging areas for FEMA (with their red and white signs to let you know they are 'there'), et al, that we could not openly enter into with photo and movie cameras having been 'discovered' in our vehicles... our cars and pick-ups were searched in the 'sensitive' areas where the worst devastation took place and where we were then refused entry. None-the-less, we still walked into most of these "off limits" areas at waterfront motels, I-75 restaurant/commercial areas, destroyed mobile home parks, and the temporary Charlotte morgue... to name a few. This is how we came up with the above figures for body counts. We spoke with medical personnel who have come from Miami to work triage and other temporary facilities, ambulance drivers (a special thanks to the Ambutrans people), homeless residents, and deputies from many different counties.

Considering most of the trained and experienced personnel and modern equipment from the Florida National Guard are now in the Middle East, JEB THE BUSH dared to send us antiquated equipment that broke down on I-75 driven by untrained personnel who have no idea what to do. Worse is that there were no water purification trucks (erdilators) sent, just old water tankers and old communications and storage trailers. It was a circus show and a true military cluster puck. There is no Florida National Guard... all the necessary equipment we need is sitting in Iraq or Kuwait right now.

A professional group of electronic thieves intercepted telephone calls from Lee and Charlotte counties to the special Allstate and State Farm insurance claims lines. They demanded credit card numbers and up-front payments from those calling in claims stating that they could guarantee 24 hour payment for all damages if the victims would pay $250-500 to them.

The lowest theft and emergency incident rate is in the City of North Port. Although they had little hurricane damage, most of their electric power was off from Friday afternoon until this afternoon (just a few neighborhoods are still without power). For a rapidly growing city with the third largest city land mass in Florida, they managed to control traffic, stop burglaries and other thefts, and were "gentlemen with all Charlotte, Desoto, and Lee county people who went there for food and gas. They are grossly understaffed, yet they have performed like a crack military unit. One member of our group insists that I especially thank Lieutenant Choinere for his assistance.

There is NO Martial Law here. In fact, all city and county law enforcement are stretched to the limit. While they work overtime and are as physically exhausted as we are, Federal and State law enforcement departments do very little [if anything] in comparison. The local departments are shunned by the State and Federal "boys, yet the locals are doing far more than their share of what is needed.

The biggest joke going around among us is about the guy who walked up in the new white car - wearing a nice suit in our 90% humidity - who said, "I,m from FEMA and I,m here to help you. The ladies ran one of these "suits out of our neighborhood today when he told them that we can "borrow all the money we needed to rebuild.... with interest. They are no different than the other FED banksters posing as "community banks. Not one of us cares to become one of the new federal sheeple.

As of this morning, our area has found the need to organize our own security 24/7. Last night and early this morning, we had thieves driving our streets stealing personal belongings and clothes that had not yet been collected from those neighbors who hadn,t made it back here yet. We now warn all the Miami and Tampa gangs roaming our streets that if you dare to once again trespass in our community, you will deal with better armed resistance from us than you would from the local police and Sheriff,s Departments. Other areas are now doing the same as we are. We will personally protect ourselves and what possessions we have left. We have been through far too much to be victims of prey.

It rained hard for an hour today. My house, the temporary home and designated "sanctuary" for a dozen people, had more damage than I thought as water poured into 3 rooms. I guess that,s why they invented buckets. The 3-cylinder diesel generator has been purring non-stop like a kitten and used no oil over the past 2 days. That was the best investment I ever made along with the storage tanks for potable water. I guess I have earned my Boy Scout survival merit badge now.

To give credit where credit is due, all the pictures I have posted were taken by my eldest daughter with her own camera and uploaded onto my laptop via a USB connector. She came here for a visit 3 days before Charley arrived and got a vacation she will never forget! I have no working camera of my own right now, but others have been taking pictures and we are trying to find a place to develop the films. After that, and as soon as we find a working scanner, I'll be posting them here on RMN if Rayelan can spare the bandwidth. Be patient... we're working on it.

I can only get internet access when driving north 20 miles, so this report may be a little late, but is the latest news I have collected today. Hopefully, I can start using a North Port connection much closer to my house now that power has been restored there.

Visiting volunteer police and deputies are very frustrated that their in-car computers and radios do not work with local police and local County law enforcement. The State and Federal alphabet groups seem to care less. The out-of-area volunteer cops have had to escort thieves to the county line instead of arresting them for stealing. Their "law enforcement hands are tied in more ways than one. Thanks guys... we know you,re trying to do all you can to protect us, but we,ll handle it from now on since the STATE legalities won,t allow you do the job you need to do.

We have all found out that there is nothing better than a local community effort. We take shifts getting gas for the generators and for buying food, have organized our own security and damage clean-up teams, and the ladies are cooking up a storm with the charcoal and gas grills. Many of us only barely knew each other a week ago. Now, we have become a community family. There are no more blank faces of shock among any of us. We are strengthening each other and working with one another. There is no segregation or racism among us, and we represent a local community of many different races, nationalities, and colors.

This is what the Living Light brings to those who seek it. The LifeCross within us all never fails regardless of our circumstances. For the first time any of us have ever remembered, this new neighborhood that now exists has become one... all are one.

In this adversity we have and will continue to face, and among all the devastation our eyes see surrounding us, we have learned to be a collective family. For this, all of us are grateful. There is joy in the hardship each of us face with every passing hour. We have found that our daily hardships have made our spirits stronger. Surely, no man, woman, or child has been left behind among us. We encourage and strengthen each other. This is what Life is all about.

Michael Edward

pray for florida, and pray for peace
From the source of your first link:

NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of: Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups.
antisipatience said:
onlinejournal is not a conspiracy "web page"

if you people had the brains to conduct your own searches instead of being spoonfed the MAINSTREAM Media (i had to re-word Media for one incompetant reader) then maybe you'd get a glimpse of the true nature of our twisted reality. of course, like in electronics, people (like currents) will always choose the path of least resistance (just take CNN's word for it)
So all the media whether they be left or right wing or in whatever country colluded to cover this up. Did they all convene and decide this or are they all controlled by the great lizards in the sky. What precisely what every single news organisation have to gain out of this. Yet against this house of lies there is one onlinejournal spouting conspiracies backed up with no reliable evidence.