The 9/11 Conspiracy Thread


Registered Senior Member
Just saw "In Plane Site" - am terrified. Need some sci views.

I just saw the DVD of In Plane Site. I'm in NY...didn't think anything could terrify me after losing so many people at the WTC. I was wrong.

I'm not into conspiracies. I'm a retired bio teacher....with a good background in the value of empirical evidence. But I'm devastated by the film. It's not some conspiracy film... it uses footage from CNN, NBC, FOX,...all the networks, that were seen ONCE and never raise some frightening issues.

The physical analysis of the Pentagon 'hole' - with network footage, sent chills up my very stoic spine. I'd like some feedback from anyone who has seen the film.

There's a preview here:

Please note that this thread is now a melting pot of 3 other threads.
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It's all bullshit. Here's something more real. I have rubbed soldiers with the people who trained Muhammed Atta and his pilot friends in the rare art of low-level, high-speed attack. You do not learn these things in everyday civilian flight schools, boys and girls. If you try to learn how to fly at 800 feet with the overspeed warning blaring in your ear, taking a 4g turn with your wingtip (flexed 18 feet up by the force of the turn) over the Verazzano, then HARD right aileron and rudder, hold her steady while she bucks: You just bounced 8 tons of kerosene up and down 30 feet, and there is a distinct buzz in the rudder pedals, because no 757 has ever gone this fast, this low before. Ever. But 3 for three, 3 highly-trained attack pilots who started fighter trining at Dhahran Airbase learned their lessons very well. This does not fit in the least with the stereotypes: Professional fighter pilots flew the 9-11 planes, they were Saudi nationals trained by American officers of the United States Air Force in the 1980s and 90s. The Pentagon has all their training records. Washington thinks you and I can't handle the truth.

I have no prior personal experience from within USAF missions in Saudi Arabia. Nor have I ever been privy to classified information concerning RSAF attack school.
There was nothing expert about the flying on 9/11, they just had to point a relatively mild-mannered airplane in the right direction. The hole in the pentagon was small because it is a heavily fortified building, recently reinforced.
The film is not about Atta or anyone responsible for the attacks. The film, if you'll take the time to view it....questions the authenticity of what we've been told, when contrasted to the actual footage that has been withheld from the public. When you've checked it out.... we'll discuss.

For the record. I know something also...from FIRST hand information... my daughter worked for March Maclennan, - and her office got a direct hit on the 96th floor or Tower One. She lost 300 colleagues that day, but was not yet at work that morning. She called me on September TENTH...saying that the building was being searched by FBI agents with sniffer dogs, - going through every trash bin in the building.

The film shows firefighters describing the explosions on every floor that preceded the collapse of both towers...and Building 7, that had not been hit. The film also shows...from several sources of tv footage....that another explosion occurred on side of Tower One that was NOT hit by the plane...with smoke drifting upward from the bottom of the building. Many such films. Enough to discuss, not dismiss outright. The highjakers are not discussed in the film. But I keep wondering how Atta's passport floated down from the fireball, to be "found", unsinged, and mirculaously, on top of all the debris.
There was nothing expert about the flying on 9/11, they just had to point a relatively mild-mannered airplane in the right direction.

Got much flight experience spider?

What about you Hype? ;)

I tried but ran out of cash before I got my licence. :( I'm fully certified for ground and tow launched gliders though.
Those boys did not learn their skill from Microsoft flight simulator or a few dozen hours riding Cessna's.

I'll leave the speculation to others but those arabs knew how to fly.
Dee Cee
I think Hype's assessment of the skill required to fly that plane in the conditions that they did is probably right on.

I'll try to score a copy of the movie to watch and comment after.
Here is a good run over of it:
Conspiracy theory it is.

I like this:
Given that the outer wall of the Pentagon had not yet collapsed, how does a plane over 44 feet tall and 125 ft. wide, fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. in diameter, as shown in the crystal-clear photographic evidence from the Pentagon? Can physics explain this?
and then another question possed below:
How does a Boeing 757, constructed from lightweight aluminum, penetrate over 9 ft. of steel reinforced concrete? Recently discovered photographs shed light on this unexplained feat of physics.
Huuuum they may have answered their own question right there!
The one thing that the film needs to explain is how you fake about four hundred witnesses who clearly saw an airliner come in and grease onto the front lawn of the Pentagon.

Case closed.

Meanwhile, Hype is right. A 757 is never supposed to be flown faster than 513 knots under any circumstances, and never faster than 250 knots below 10,000 feet (, yet Flight 75 was going a little over 520 knots at impact. The aircraft would be very, very difficult to control at that speed, and going at 865 feet per second would have covered the last mile to the target in SIX SECONDS!

Only a pilot specifically trained to fly attack runs at this kind of speed could line up an absolute bulls-eye like this. In retrospect, I'm really kind of surprised that one or both pilots didn't totally miss the first run and have to go around. Plus, and more importantly, if you were inexperienced and wanted to make certain you hit the target, you'd want to go as slow as possible rather than fast.

At those speeds, one little blip and you are into the ground before you can say Allah Akhbar. Which is what happened in PA, no doubt.
No I think he got to say "Allah Akhbar" I think I remember that from the translations of the black box.

but anyways I’m not really convinced that a under-trained person could not dive bomb a 757 at those speeds. I would like to see studies proving or disproving this. Even so if they did have flight experience from Saudi camps that is not really to unexpected or unrealistic.
Just the opposite. The eyewitness from one of the channels said the plane that hit the first tower had NO WINDOWS...and had blue markings toward the front. He was close enough to see it coming in low. Another was screaming over and over.. I'ts NOT an American airliner.
You really are off the mark as to what the film is about. There are no theories presented. The highjackers don't figure in. It's an examination of the footage that was taken that day...and what you see on it. Not ONE film.... many, corroborating the same strange things that remain unexplained.

Please see it. Then discuss. I'm not a conspiracy nut. I had no clue as to what I'd see in this film and I was totally devastated. I really thought I knew it all....and had heard all the questions. These are not questions. The film shows you what they have on record....and you decide.
I don't care who your are, it’s a conspiracy theory. From the photos I have seen I don’t see any facts that point to the theory that the government did it all! the photos are undetialed and hard to prove anything. There are also the broad implausibility of it all. It would have taken a large number of people in the military and somewhere in the government to make this happen: to rig up the planes and equipment, to kill off the required civilians (such as the passengers of those planes that “supposedly” hit the tower) to keep mouths closed is like trying to keep your eye lids open! Also why would they fuck up and use planes that did not look like airliners (like not having windows!)?

I'm sorry but this off to psuedoscience.

If it wasn't an American airliner, then where did the flight go which took off that morning? Did a whole planeload of people just disappear?
fueljetspray.jpg Determines 'Flight 175' a Highly Modified Military Retrofitted 767-200ER Tanker, possibly a Protoypte KC767 Fuel Tanker, or Cargo aircraft: Also, 'Flight 175' Discharges 2 'Jet Fuel Sprays' from it's undercarriage prior to impact. Also noted, is that the plane also shows no passenger windows, and shows a blemish where the Refueling Boom was possibly removed.

This is from site that has much of the information in the film, and then some. Have an open mind. Science folk are supposed to do that....
where are you seeing this??? I see fuzzy picture that it! Look at the first one that white line along the side might be windows it sure reflects like windows!
In those photos, the windows are probably all out of sight, due to the angle of the plane relative to the camera.
James R said:
In those photos, the windows are probably all out of sight, due to the angle of the plane relative to the camera.

Exactly, take a look at this;

Can you see the windows clearly in this top shot of the aircraft? Nope, they're lost amongst the livery.

Here's a 757 where they are a little clearer;

But you wouldn't see them from the underside.

Here's a 757 in American Airlines livery, the windows are lost amongst the paintwork;

Here's a 767, the windows are hidden by the blue stripe;

Here's a United Airlines 767, the windows aren't that easy to see either;,6722,1446,00.html

So there were windows, just because of the angle of the plane, the speed it was going, and with the livery, they were hard to see.

There, the 'no windows' eye witness put straight in about 25 seconds of google time.
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Welcome to scifoolems forums Vera. You have been a member longer than I, but not many posts and you are off the scale according to the little green square on your profile. A happy birthday belatedly to you, keep having them and you will live longer. :)

Most are here for the entertainment of bashing people, some for the direct attempts at information control and, or acquisition. Looks like you are understanding that most think humans are just mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us BS. :D

Just my personal opinion about it all, but! I do fly and the auto pilot could easily fly that plane right into the building. It is entirely possible that these could have been remote controlled planes also. It is also my opinion that there was no plane at the pentagon.