Thanks for your prayers

superluminal said:

I sympathize with your position. And I don't believe for a second that you "lie" to your friend in a calculated manner to gain her legal services. I bet you have a lot more integrity than that.

Integrity...ha! A lie is a lie is a lie. And if you think she was trying to spare her "friend's" feelings, then that would be in direct opposition to what she's admittedly doing here. As much as she hates theists, and is willing to take a stand against would think she would get some new "friends". But then again, I suppose that doesn't come easy for MW.

She's a liar because she's selfish, and because she's a big fat pussy. She doesn't give a shit about her "friend"...SHE is the one who doesn't want to be made uncomfortable.

And given that, she's just as much a part of the problem now as she was when she was a full-on indoctrinated drone. Pathetic.

Tell your family that I will pray for you and your child, and to get off your back about it. I sincerely hope that you and your baby are well. And again, I'm sorry that you have to go through this with your family. You should really point out to them that being brow-beaten with Jesus is going to do nothing but upset you and stress you out.

Dear God,

Why are people so moronic? Please help them.


superluminal said:
Lori, if I wasn't such a meanie, could you be my unbiased friend? Could I be yours? I don't know. Here's another thought. Given the way most atheists and serious christians really feel, can they be honest friends? As atheists, we all share one thing in common. We think that belief in the supernatural is a form of mental weakness. And christians, I think, see our lack of belief as a sing of spiritual weakness. I've never had a close friend who was a serious christian.

That's another thing. There are all levels of christians. From the casual bloke who does the church thing on sundays and calls himself a christian, to the foaming fundie who does nothing else. By serious christian, I mean the one who is private about it but tries their damnedest(?) to live what they perceive as a christian life. They truly believe and want to do the right thing. (Lori?)

I don't go to church and I'm serious as a heart attack about this. Trust me, I would have never, ever gotten through the past 6 years if I wasn't dead f'ing serious about this. You don't put up with people calling you crazy and your parents taking you in for an mri, and go around testifying to people about a miracle if you're not serious. This is my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Seriously, I would not have it...I wouldn't want to live without God in my life. Not just in my life, but in control of me and my life. It's the only way for me.

And you know, you're not a meanie. You really hurt my feelings though when you made some "mental" comment. I can take it from the rest of the bullies out here, but for some reason, when you alienated me, it made me cry. And honestly, I felt really stupid for doing it, and I didn't really understand why you had that affect on me. I guess it's just because I really do like you. You seem very nice, and witty, and honest. You don't seem like you have some agenda or are on some campaign out here. You're down to earth, and normally very respectful. Much more so than I. I think that we could be great friends. None of my friends are born again. It doesn't bother me that they're not, and it doesn't bother them that I am. We love each other anyway, just the same, and why not? Anything else, yea, like a racist, or a sexist, or a moron, like...nevermind. :)

And ya know, we don't talk about anything out here except religion. So.......*shrug* That's definitely a factor. But I met a girl out here about 6 years ago that I am still very good friends with today. We've come to know each other extremely well over the years, and we started out here vehemently arguing about religion. And I swear to you, that to this day, we still don't agree about any of that AT ALL. We are completely opposed, and love each other just the same. The differences in our beliefs does cause misunderstandings between us at times...there's been some conflict because of it. She's had a really bad experience with organized religion...indoctrinated very young...spoon fed holier than thou, doom and gloom, guilt-laden, judgement. "Jesus won't love you unless you eat, breathe, and shit like we want you to." So, for this reason, and others, she's understandably jaded and bitter against anything Christian. And me, well I'm just a bitch. But we've always worked it out, and I know that we always will. :)
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Actually, after posting my question

...could you be my unbiased friend? Could I be yours?

I slipped into my "all theists are clearly not silly doofuses (doofusae?)" mode. And I have disagreements with my friends about all sorts of things, and they're still friends.

To be honest, when I'm thinking calmly about it, I know for certain that the ability to maintain two (or more) rule sets for reality is inherent in all of us. I've called this "dichotomous thinking" in some other thread. So you can still be an intelligent christian/theist. As I've said before, I know plenty of them. And while I believe it's a case of the brain playing tricks on theists, They are convinced it represents an actual reality. We disagree. So what?

So my position is still clear. Everyone should be able to believe and practice whatever they want (barring harm to another, but some people like that... ;) ) as long as public institutions are run based on impartial, rational, scientific principles.