Texas mother kills children for God

DoctorNO said:
I only hate Islam. For it is a bloody religion that makes people...behave like tiasa and proud muslim here. Full of hate for fellow humans.
Never have I seen such a contradictory statement. You make hateful statements about Islam and about people who are Muslim, and then you come out with this? Sigh... I'm not going to bother arguing about this with you as I don't need to make my ulcer get any worse.

Oooh. Good for you, girl. No wonder youre nice. No wonder youre easy to like. For your own good, stay away from Islam.

They are making an issue of one insane account to generalize the whole.
You are equally, if not even more guilty of this as anyone else here.

I blame Islam for the actions of the widespread "few" who commits atrocities in accordance to the teachings in Islam.
Ermmm ok... hmmm.. So you blame all other religions for any acts of terrorism committed by people who belong to these religions?
Bells said:
Ermmm ok... hmmm.. So you blame all other religions for any acts of terrorism committed by people who belong to these religions?
Only if the atrocity was commanded by their religious doctrines. Remember it is one thing to kill/harm for God, it is another to kill/harm as commanded by your version of God. I am against the latter. Like in Islam where the quran commands the beating of suspectly disloyal wives, the maiming of thieves, the discrimination against women, the maltreatment of non-muslims, etc.

Bells said:
Never have I seen such a contradictory statement. You make hateful statements about Islam and about people who are Muslim, and then you come out with this? Sigh... I'm not going to bother arguing about this with you as I don't need to make my ulcer get any worse.
Islam is just an ideology. I only said & argued that it is a lie and a false religion.

I never said anything hateful about muslims. Perhaps you just misunderstood what y

Bells said:
You are equally, if not even more guilty of this as anyone else here.
Im sure you just misunderstood. My arguments use the following:

* Quran
* (false) Prophet Muhammed
* Islamic History
* Standard Muslim ethics, morality & traditions.

I do not name any person or group of people to ridicule the whole muslim people. Otherwise can you name just one incident wherein I used a couple of people to generalize the whole race?
I only hate Islam. For it is a bloody religion that makes people...behave like tiasa and proud muslim here. Full of hate for fellow humans.
Support that assertion.


Tick, tick, tick ... I'm waiting.

Now, Dr. No.

What's that, petulant child? You can't support that assertion?

Perhaps you'd better learn to not be so irresponsible, Dr. No. If you're going to style yourself after a supervillain, you need to be smarter.

Now, go ask your mommy for a balut.
There is not one religious scripture, where this kind of action is spiritually legitimate

Jan, I already pointed it out: Deut 21:18, where god openly tells people to stone their sons to death if they're rebellious. This woman cannot be blamed, and cannot be dismissed as mentally ill when technically she was listening to what god said.

Speak for yourselves. So show me where in the bible it says to crush the heads of infants.

In Deut 21:18 god tells people to stone their sons to death if they're rebellious.

Only if the atrocity was commanded by their religious doctrines. Remember it is one thing to kill/harm for God, it is another to kill/harm as commanded by your version of God. I am against the latter.

How can you be against the latter when your bible is full of it, when your version of god has commanded many such actions?

Like in Islam where the quran commands the beating of suspectly disloyal wives, the maiming of thieves, the discrimination against women, the maltreatment of non-muslims, etc

Like in the bible where god tells you to kill your wife if you find out she wasn't a virgin before you married her.. you mention the beating of a disloyal wife, when your version of god went one step further and said "stone them to death". Need i continue?

You see, you quite obviously have a serious problem with muslims, and that is your right - but it is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. You'll quickly defend your own version of filth while happily strolling through town square presenting other peoples.

Don't do it.
SnakeLord said:

In Deut 21:18 god tells people to stone their sons to death if they're rebellious.

Like in the bible where god tells you to kill your wife if you find out she wasn't a virgin before you married her.. you mention the beating of a disloyal wife, when your version of god went one step further and said "stone them to death".

The difference is that Christians don't follow the Bibles instruction on this, otherwise, we would be hearing of Christian stonings all over the place

Now there's a funny thing - you know there are muslim countries where stoning still exists.... WOW!


but it is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. You'll quickly defend your own version of filth while happily strolling through town square presenting other peoples.

We all hear of a certain SOMEONES filth everyday, filth on the News, filth in the Newspapers... Suicide bombs, terrorism, civil war............

No need to stroll through town square presenting anything - Islam is doing this all by itself.
Vienna said:
The difference is that Christians don't follow the Bibles instruction on this, otherwise, we would be hearing of Christian stonings all over the place

Now there's a funny thing - you know there are muslim countries where stoning still exists.... WOW!
Ermmm ok... Have you even read through this thread? The whole argument of this thread is that this woman DID follow the bible's instruction and she DID follow the voice of her God in stoning her children. This woman did follow what was in the bible (Deuteronomy talks about stoning a child to death if he disobeys or talks back, and Exodus mentions killing a child who disobeys or is disrespectful of his or her parents), and if she had said so, then I doubt whether she would have been acquited. The best claim for insanity is to say that "God told me to do it".

So it's not just in Islamic countries where stoning still exists... "WOW"... :rolleyes: Hell, some Christian groups in the US are advocating the stoning of disobedient children:


Jeffrey Ziegler, President of the National Reform Association (NRA), a Pittsburgh, PA based Christian Reconstructionist organization, has announced plans to form a political action committee and public policy organization, officially entering Washington’s world of politics. The NRA hopes that through “Operation Potomac” it can begin lobbying, developing political campaigns, and grooming potential candidates to run at the federal level. The NRA and Christian Reconstructionism, however, already have close ties to Washington. NRA members have met with several Republicans in the House and Senate during three trips to Washington, DC made since July 2000. House Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX) is reportedly helping NRA members organize a “biblical worldview” conference on Capital Hill next year, and President Bush may be considering J. Robert Brame III, board member of Reconstructionist group American Vision as a member of the National Labor Relations Board. Brame has written that the “only sure guide is Divinely-inspired Biblical law superintended by the God Who watches over His Word.”

Christian Reconstructionist ideology is the most radical expression of the Religious Right. Believing that the Bible should be the basis of government, education, and law, Reconstructionists envision an extremist society in which public schools, most social service programs, and welfare would be obliterated. According to Reconstructionist belief, the Bible allows liberal application of the death penalty for crimes including homosexuality, abortion, adultery, child disobedience, and witchcraft. Acceptable forms of capital punishment supposedly outlined in the Bible include burning, stoning, and hanging. Slavery is also acceptable, according to Reconstructionists who claim that the Bible does not outlaw all of its methods.

Lordy, according to the above, the ultra right Christians want to make stoning, burning and hanging for homosexuality, abortion, adultery, child disobedience and LOL witchcraft law. With groups such as the above popping up, and the fact that right christian groups are becoming more powerful, one has to wonder. Yes Christianity is a loving and caring religion. We stone you... because we care... :rolleyes: Forget about sending the disobedient child to bed without dinner. Nooo, instead take them into the backyard for target practice.
Bells said:
Ermmm ok... Have you even read through this thread? The whole argument of this thread is that this woman DID follow the bible's instruction and she DID follow the voice of her God in stoning her children. This woman did follow what was in the bible (Deuteronomy talks about stoning a child to death if he disobeys or talks back, and Exodus mentions killing a child who disobeys or is disrespectful of his or her parents), and if she had said so, then I doubt whether she would have been acquited. The best claim for insanity is to say that "God told me to do it".

So it's not just in Islamic countries where stoning still exists... "WOW"... :rolleyes: Hell, some Christian groups in the US are advocating the stoning of disobedient children:


Lordy, according to the above, the ultra right Christians want to make stoning, burning and hanging for homosexuality, abortion, adultery, child disobedience and LOL witchcraft law. With groups such as the above popping up, and the fact that right christian groups are becoming more powerful, one has to wonder. Yes Christianity is a loving and caring religion. We stone you... because we care... :rolleyes: Forget about sending the disobedient child to bed without dinner. Nooo, instead take them into the backyard for target practice.

Your imaginary allah didn't bless you with common sense did it?

I have only two words to say


Even you can work this out.......LOL!
Vienna my lil strudel :D

What? You're denying that any law coming from the bible in the strictest sense wouldn't have stoning, burning and hanging as well? At least Sharia Law doesn't advocate the stoning of children for misbehaving. But those who wish to enact a Christian State based on the teachings of the bible... well lets just say that any kid who is naughty should only do so while wearing padded clothing and a helmet.

In regards to children:

Exodus 21:15 and 17 both say that if a child hits or curses his father or mother, he is to be killed. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 requires stoning to death any child who is stubborn or rebellious. And I know that there's a proverb somewhere, but I can't exactly remember where, and it states that children who are foolish should be beaten with a rod. Charming isn't it? But then of course they say that the New Testatment should be listened to. Well, not really that much better.... 7:10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death... hmmm..

And if you're married and not a virgin... well.. that's a punishment and yes, it's death by stoning as well under Christianity. Deuteronomy 22:13 through to 21. And don't dare think that women will keep their rights under a Christian based government. They won't even be allowed to speak in church (1 Corinthians 14 something or other.. cant remember at the moment). Yes, Christianity is sooo much better than Islam. We should encourage all right wing Christians who believe in the law of the bible to come forth and prosper... rule the land. Please Vienna, don't blame Sharia Law when the right wing Christian laws are just as bad if not worse in many cases. Next time you go to vote for the ultra right wing christian based party, just keep that in mind.
Bells said:
Vienna my lil strudel :D

What? You're denying that any law coming from the bible in the strictest sense wouldn't have stoning, burning and hanging as well? At least Sharia Law doesn't advocate the stoning of children for misbehaving. But those who wish to enact a Christian State based on the teachings of the bible... well lets just say that any kid who is naughty should only do so while wearing padded clothing and a helmet.

In regards to children:

Exodus 21:15 and 17 both say that if a child hits or curses his father or mother, he is to be killed. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 requires stoning to death any child who is stubborn or rebellious. And I know that there's a proverb somewhere, but I can't exactly remember where, and it states that children who are foolish should be beaten with a rod. Charming isn't it? But then of course they say that the New Testatment should be listened to. Well, not really that much better.... 7:10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death... hmmm..

And if you're married and not a virgin... well.. that's a punishment and yes, it's death by stoning as well under Christianity. Deuteronomy 22:13 through to 21. And don't dare think that women will keep their rights under a Christian based government. They won't even be allowed to speak in church (1 Corinthians 14 something or other.. cant remember at the moment). Yes, Christianity is sooo much better than Islam. We should encourage all right wing Christians who believe in the law of the bible to come forth and prosper... rule the land. Please Vienna, don't blame Sharia Law when the right wing Christian laws are just as bad if not worse in many cases. Next time you go to vote for the ultra right wing christian based party, just keep that in mind.

Weak argument Bells!

Civilised Western law is based on the Ten Commandments.

It does not promote stoning or amputation of any kind - unlike the savage Sharia law which exists today in muslim countries.

Christianity tends to fool the minds for some time, but after a while, the mind is too insulted and will retaliate againest the abuse.

SnakeLord said:
Jan, I already pointed it out: Deut 21:18, where god openly tells people to stone their sons to death if they're rebellious. This woman cannot be blamed, and cannot be dismissed as mentally ill when technically she was listening to what god said.

You are absolutely correct SnakeLord. If you read the bible every day and cramp your mind with information that is not remotely related to your life, then you have actively involved your brain in dualism and burdened it with contradictions. You can expect the mind to separate at one point and inact the biblical delusions in real life to work out some of these contradictions.

The poor lady suffered a phsycosis. Her bible reading has induced herself into a schizophrania.
tiassa said:
Support that assertion.


Tick, tick, tick ... I'm waiting.

Now, Dr. No.

What's that, petulant child? You can't support that assertion?

Perhaps you'd better learn to not be so irresponsible, Dr. No. If you're going to style yourself after a supervillain, you need to be smarter.

Now, go ask your mommy for a balut.

Im sorry I was mistaken. You did nothing wrong here but associating a smiley to the title of the thread. I already edited my post and removed your name.

I think im going to eat balut for a while. ;)
Vienna said:
Weak argument Bells!

Civilised Western law is based on the Ten Commandments. .

Excuse me, but the ten commandments are jewish and they were founded in the east and not west. A sample of Moses laws from the bible
John 8: 1-11 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple; all the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such. What do you say about her?"

Vienna said:
It does not promote stoning or amputation of any kind - unlike the savage Sharia law which exists today in muslim countries.

You are dilusional. Stoning as a punichment for sexual misconduct was first introduced by the bible. Read my dear and educate yourself.

You are such a joke.
SnakeLord said:
Jan, I already pointed it out: Deut 21:18, where god openly tells people to stone their sons to death if they're rebellious. This woman cannot be blamed, and cannot be dismissed as mentally ill when technically she was listening to what god said.

Bells said:
Vienna my lil strudel :D

What? You're denying that any law coming from the bible in the strictest sense wouldn't have stoning, burning and hanging as well? At least Sharia Law doesn't advocate the stoning of children for misbehaving. But those who wish to enact a Christian State based on the teachings of the bible... well lets just say that any kid who is naughty should only do so while wearing padded clothing and a helmet.

In regards to children:

Exodus 21:15 and 17 both say that if a child hits or curses his father or mother, he is to be killed. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 requires stoning to death any child who is stubborn or rebellious. And I know that there's a proverb somewhere, but I can't exactly remember where, and it states that children who are foolish should be beaten with a rod. Charming isn't it?
My friends, my friends. You forgot the most essential requirement in text interpretation, its called CONTEXT.

  • Deutoronomy

    "Suppose a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him.
    In such cases, the father and mother must take the son before the leaders of the town.
    They must declare: 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a worthless drunkard.'

    Then all the men of the town must stone him to death. In this way, you will cleanse this evil from among you, and all Israel will hear about it and be afraid.
You see there are procedures before a stoning and it is the people who must do the stoning, not the parents. The insane mother did not do any of those. What she did was plain old MURDER.

Got it? :D
DoctorNO said:
My friends, my friends. You forgot the most essential requirement in text interpretation, its called CONTEXT.

  • Deutoronomy

    "Suppose a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him.
    In such cases, the father and mother must take the son before the leaders of the town.
    They must declare: 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a worthless drunkard.'

    Then all the men of the town must stone him to death. In this way, you will cleanse this evil from among you, and all Israel will hear about it and be afraid.
You see there are procedures before a stoning and it is the people who must do the stoning, not the parents. The insane mother did not do any of those. What she did was plain old MURDER.

Got it?

NO... context? Tell me in what context it would be acceptable to stone one's child? And you left out the 'gluttony' in 21:20. So if kiddy likes to go for a second helping... mum and dad go out into the yard looking for rocks for the townsfolk to throw? Please! While yes the the mother in this case is a murderer, however she's not insane. I can't believe you actually said what you said above. However, I shouldn't be suprised :(. Context my foot!! :mad:

And you bitch about Sharia Law? Pfft.. :rolleyes:
Bells said:
And if you're married and not a virgin... well.. that's a punishment and yes, it's death by stoning as well under Christianity.
You must be joking. Could you even name one instance in the whole 2000 year history of Christianity wherein a woman was stoned to death FOR ANY REASON?

You see Christianity is mostly all about the New Testament. The Old Testament mostly only serve as historical backdrop for them. And a guide to interpreting the New Testement. They don’t follow any of those old laws GIVEN TO THE JEWS.

Bells said:
And don't dare think that women will keep their rights under a Christian based government. They won't even be allowed to speak in church (1 Corinthians 14 something or other.. cant remember at the moment).
You must have misinterpreted that. For everyone could see that female Christian Catholics, Protestants or whatever do speak in their churches.

Bells said:
Yes, Christianity is sooo much better than Islam.
Yes, I think so too. You can recognize a tree by its fruit. And Christians are generally peaceful all around the globe, from Japan to Puerto Rico. I think their religion plays an important part for their peacefulness & moral values. Eh?

But no thanks, I wont become a Christian. Im happy without any religion. :D

Bells said:
when the right wing Christian laws are just as bad if not worse in many cases

Right wing Christian laws? Like what? Please give an example that right wing Christians are actually using in real life.
DoctorNO said:

"Suppose a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him.
In such cases, the father and mother must take the son before the leaders of the town.
They must declare: 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a worthless drunkard.'

Then all the men of the town must stone him to death. In this way, you will cleanse this evil from among you, and all Israel will hear about it and be afraid.
You see there are procedures before a stoning and it is the people who must do the stoning, not the parents. The insane mother did not do any of those. What she did was plain old MURDER.

Got it? :D

Nice, so you are saying that the State should have power to stone a 15 month old child because he rebelled and cried too much. Very nice Bible Shariah indeed....Applauds to you.

PS. Shariah means "way of life".

Did you read the links to the articles I posted? The NRA in the US wish to implement the laws of the old testament... including the stonings, burnings and hangings.. just like it says in the bible.

Oh my god I can actually feel my ulcer flaring in my stomach :(..

Im happy without any religion
That is just about the only thing you've said that I agree with.
Bells said:
NO... context? Tell me in what context it would be acceptable to stone one's child?

So if kiddy likes to go for a second helping... mum and dad go out into the yard looking for rocks for the townsfolk to throw? Please! While yes the the mother in this case is a murderer, however she's not insane. I can't believe you actually said what you said above. However, I shouldn't be suprised
Oh bells Deuteronomy said “Son”, not “child”, not “kiddie”. And it gave a DRANKURD SON as an example, not an innocent toddler, not self-helping kiddie.

One’s child? Didn’t you read that Deuteronomy said the towns men should be the one doing the stoning after being judged by the Elder of the Town’s Gate? Well thats their law in the past, even though its quite draconian.

Such was the context, eh? Surprised? :)

Bells said:
And you left out the 'gluttony' in 21:20.
Aw c’mon bells we were only discussing the stoning issue. If you wanna discuss the whole old testament then create an appropriate thread for it and list down all the issues you want to discuss. :)
Flores said:
Nice, so you are saying that the State should have power to stone a 15 month old child because he rebelled and cried too much. Very nice Bible Shariah indeed....Applauds to you.
Nope. I was just correcting you guys for your false interpretation of that passage. Let the past be past. Im quite happy the way things are in our non-muslim world. :)
DoctorNO said:
Aw c’mon bells we were only discussing the stoning issue. If you wanna discuss the whole old testament then create an appropriate thread for it and list down all the issues you want to discuss. :)
Grits teeth... Gluttony is a crime with a punishment of stoning:

Deuteronomy 21:20
And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

It is a stoning issue.