Texas church refuses memorial for Navy vet

The new human life within the woman is not hers to kill. And it is not yours to kill either. All this talk about woman having the right to control their own bodies is a sham when the central object of an abortion is not her body but the body of the developing individual within her.

Ectopic pregnancy.

Guess the woman should just sit there and let her and the fetus die? Or do you now condone the 'murder of the innocent' because in this instance it's because of a design flaw?
This "church" has definitely lost it and lost its way. Having compassion for a person has nothing to do with endorsing his sexual orientation. The whole purpose of a church is to redeem sinners, so the excuse that "homosexuality is a sin" doesn't wash. This church did exactly what it denies doing.
This "church" has definitely lost it and lost its way. Having compassion for a person has nothing to do with endorsing his sexual orientation. The whole purpose of a church is to redeem sinners, so the excuse that "homosexuality is a sin" doesn't wash. This church did exactly what it denies doing.

I agree.
I do think, however, that they should be allowed to do this if they want to.
It's none of my business, beyond never becoming a member of such a dispicable organization and talking shit about them.
They should be free to reject anyone they want, and I should be free to call them close-minded bigots and hypocritical, false zealots.