Texas church refuses memorial for Navy vet

It's interesting how—as clearly exemplified—bigots will hide behind Jesus' robes; how accommodating the Bible must be... But I wonder, if they were not already bigots, wouldn't homosexuality, while not necessarily being condoned, at least be tolerated in the same sense as a Catholic would tolerate a Jew, or a Buddhist, or a Lutheran, or a Protestant, or a Krishna, or a Republican, etc?

I tolerate homosexuals, I tolerate child molesters, I tolerate abortionists, I tolerate murderers.

Saying that you are against something does not then translate into going out and taking violent action against those who do that something.

People with Homosexual tendencies are just as able as any other sinner to accept the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer, But of course they must acknowledge their sin is sin to access Redemption.

Being tolerant of something does not mean you must cease speaking out against it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I tolerate homosexuals, I tolerate child molesters, I tolerate abortionists, I tolerate murderers.
M*W: I'm appalled that you would claim to be so tolerant! How could anyone 'tolerate' a child molester or a murderer? I'm also shocked that you would put all these in the same category! Homosexuals are no different than people born with blue eyes or red hair. Abortionists are board certified obstetricians/gynecologists. I am an abortionist. What people think of as an abortion is the same procedure done to women with endometriosis (inflammation in the lining of the uterus). After all, it is the woman's uterus, not yours. Do you have that kind of fixation on all women's uteri? That's rather perverted, I'd say. Murderers deal with the taking of lives. Child molesters destroy the spirit if not bring death. Abortionists perform a medical procedure to return the uterus to its original state. Homosexuals do none of the above.

Saying that you are against something does not then translate into going out and taking violent action against those who do that something.
M*W: Murder is violent. Child molestation is violent. Abortion is done under anesthetics. Homexuality
is personal and no one else's business.

People with Homosexual tendencies are just as able as any other sinner to accept the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer, But of course they must acknowledge their sin is sin to access Redemption.
M*W: How do you know that homosexuals are not christian? Paul was a homosexual, and he spoke for Jesus!

You do realize that the patriarchs had many sexual partners including those of the same sex. Homosexuality didn't even become questionable until the times of the Puritans. It was common practice in most cultures both before and after biblical times.

Being tolerant of something does not mean you must cease speaking out against it.
M*W: That is not tolerance! I will always speak out against murderers and child molesters. I will educate those who consider abortion. Homosexuality is none of my business. What a person does behind closed doors with another consenting adult is not of my concern. It shouldn't be your's either.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days[/QUOTE]
M*W: Adstar, the "Ancient of Days" condoned homosexuality. Why can't you?
I'm appalled that you would claim to be so tolerant! How could anyone 'tolerate' a child molester or a murderer?

Well, geez, MW, murderer and child molesters are people, too, ya' know? They just have some ...well, problems, that's all. You should learn to be more tolerant, MW. :D

MW, what I think that you're trying to say, but not saying it very well, is that you're not tolerant of their actions ...you're not tolerant of the act murder and/or child molestation.

Homosexuality is none of my business. What a person does behind closed doors with another consenting adult is not of my concern. It shouldn't be your's either.

I agree! But, MW, even you have to admit that gays and lesbians DO NOT keep it behind closed doors. If they did, I'd be much more supportive of their acts.

See? I'd be much more tolerant of murderers and child molesters, too, if it wasn't for their actions! It's the actions that I'm against. I happen to know a murderer, and he's a pretty nice guy. But I sure as hell didn't approve of him murdering someone!

See? It's the actions of the gays, not the gays themselves. If they'd keep it all behind closed doors, as you've so indicated, then.....

Baron Max
See? It's the actions of the gays, not the gays themselves.

And what action is that exactly that you have as much issue with as the act of killing someone else? Two consenting adults can't do what they want with their own winkies?
Baron Max said:

I agree! But, MW, even you have to admit that gays and lesbians DO NOT keep it behind closed doors. If they did, I'd be much more supportive of their acts.

Neither do heterosexuals. Do you oppose their acts?
M*W: I'm appalled that you would claim to be so tolerant! How could anyone 'tolerate' a child molester or a murderer? I'm also shocked that you would put all these in the same category! Homosexuals are no different than people born with blue eyes or red hair. Abortionists are board certified obstetricians/gynecologists. I am an abortionist.

Well then you are a murderer of the innocent. God proclaims in the bible that He hates you. You are no different to a concentration camp worker to me. But i do not go and track you down and kill you do i? See that is what tolerance is putting up an evildoer who thinks their evil is good. I keep on being told in here that Christians are an intolerant bunch, But the problem is that the definition of the word Tolerant has been shifted by pop culture to mean acceptance and support for something rather than putting up with something.

What people think of as an abortion is the same procedure done to women with endometriosis (inflammation in the lining of the uterus). After all, it is the woman's uterus, not yours.

The new human life within the woman is not hers to kill. And it is not yours to kill either. All this talk about woman having the right to control their own bodies is a sham when the central object of an abortion is not her body but the body of the developing individual within her.

Do you have that kind of fixation on all women's uteri?

Don't be stupid, We are not talking about the woman’s uteri are we, We are talking about the genetically unique developing human being. Don't try and justify your evil by using the Ohhh it’s her body argument.

That's rather perverted, I'd say. Murderers deal with the taking of lives. Child molesters destroy the spirit if not bring death. Abortionists perform a medical procedure to return the uterus to its original state.

I bet the concentration camp guards had a similar thinking pattern to you. You are no different to them.

M*W: Murder is violent. Child molestation is violent. Abortion is done under anesthetics. Homexuality
is personal and no one else's business.

Sin is sin is sin is sin, So there is no difference to them in the eternal outcome each one represents.

M*W: How do you know that homosexuals are not christian? Paul was a homosexual, and he spoke for Jesus!

Where did i say homosexuals where not or are not Christians??? Don't put words into my mouth. Of course there are people with homosexual tendencies that are Christians and they will be forgiven their thoughts and deeds, all Christians are sinners and homosexuality is sin.

As for Paul He never claimed to be a homosexual, So there is no way you can make that accusation.

You do realize that the patriarchs had many sexual partners including those of the same sex. Homosexuality didn't even become questionable until the times of the Puritans. It was common practice in most cultures both before and after biblical times.

LOL Sin has been a very common thing before and after biblical times, that does not make it right and acceptable. I bet child molestation has been a very common practice in most cultures both before and after biblical times Does that make it ok?

M*W: That is not tolerance! I will always speak out against murderers and child molesters. I will educate those who consider abortion. Homosexuality is none of my business. What a person does behind closed doors with another consenting adult is not of my concern. It shouldn't be your's either.

What people do and think is the concern of God. So because it is His concern then it is my concern to tell people that it is His concern. Now people can believe it or disbelieve it, that’s in their court. But i will not cease from giving warning of Gods will.

So MW as an abortionist you are a murderer of the innocent and as such you are hated by God and as such you are looking at the eternal lake of Fire as your eternal destination and because of this you need to repent and accept the Messiah Jesus for the forgiveness of the evil that you have taken part in.

Now i will continue to tolerate you murdering the innocent if that is what you are determined to do. See that’s tolerance.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: Adstar, the "Ancient of Days" condoned homosexuality. Why can't you?

Liar, despicable Liar.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Neither do heterosexuals. Do you oppose their acts?

Yes! In exactly the same way. Keep it behind closed doors, and I don't have a problem with anything they might want to do. Bring it out in open discussion and I'll oppose it in every way I can.

Baron Max
And what action is that exactly that you have as much issue with as the act of killing someone else? Two consenting adults can't do what they want with their own winkies?

Many psychologists and psychiatrist will tell you almost everyone has the potential to commit murder. And yet you know them, and might even love them. Almost every murderer has friends, family and acquaintances who will say "Gee, he was such a nice guy ....I just can't believe that he'd murder someone!" When you walk down the street today, take a look around ....there's a potential murderer walking right there on the street with you!

If gays kept their actions behind closed doors, out of the public eye, then I'd be as tolerant of them as I am with the potential murderers and potential child molesters. But just like those murderers and child molesters, when they bring it out into the open, out into the public eye, then I'm against it.

Baron Max
Many psychologists and psychiatrist will tell you almost everyone has the potential to commit murder.

I am a psychologist and would agree with you, but it's not really what I asked.

If gays kept their actions behind closed doors, out of the public eye, then I'd be as tolerant of them as I am with the potential murderers and potential child molesters.


You have no problem with someone abusing a child as long as it's behind closed doors? Or no problem with someone murdering someone else as long as it's behind closed doors?

If yes, you have a distinct problem with the actions - whether behind closed doors or not, on what basis do you include homosexuality alongside murder and child abuse?

I would also question this whole "behind closed doors" statement because - alright I'm perhaps not the most travelled guy on the planet, it is an exceptionally rare occasion that I see two grown men going at it in public - in fact I don't think I ever have.

But my question remains. What 'action' of homosexuals do you have a problem with and on what basis? Can two consenting adults not do whatever they please with their winkies?

I must confess I don't like the notion of putting your thingie up what is undoubtedly an 'exit only' hole, but it ain't my ass and it aint my pinkie so ultimately why is the action of someone else doing so a problem for you?

You'd think by now people would have moved beyond all this hatred of someone else because they're different - but hey, the church is there to keep such hatred alive.
So.. You have no problem with someone abusing a child as long as it's behind closed doors? Or no problem with someone murdering someone else as long as it's behind closed doors?

Let me copy what I originally said, then you read it again, carefully, okay?

Copy: "If gays kept their actions behind closed doors, out of the public eye, then I'd be as tolerant of them as I am with the potential murderers and potential child molesters. But just like those murderers and child molesters, when they bring it out into the open, out into the public eye, then I'm against it."

Now ...if you've read it carefully, then surely you've read and understood the use of the word "potential", right? Now ...would you like to continue?

I didn't even bother with the rest of your post because until that's cleared up and understood, we have nothing to discuss.

Baron Max
Now ...if you've read it carefully, then surely you've read and understood the use of the word "potential", right? Now ...would you like to continue?

I saw your use of the word 'potential' but it is meaningless here.

So you have this guy who has the potential to be a murderer. You have another guy who by the same token has the potential to be gay. In both instances you declare that you have no problem with them as long as it remains potential, (they're not a murderer or gay, they just might be one day).

However, what your posts have indicated is that you do have a problem with those that do murder, and are gay.

So to summarise:

You don't have an issue with those that don't murder and aren't gay but do have an issue with those that do murder and are gay. (That's what your post says).

You do have a problem with child abusers - behind closed doors or not.

You do have a problem with homosexuals - behind closed doors or not.

You don't have a problem with those that aren't gay or murderers until they choose to become them.

It is the action you have a problem with - anyone can consider the notion of being a killer or gay, but if they do or are it becomes an issue - according to your own statement.

As such my question remains:

What 'action' of homosexuals do you have a problem with and on what basis? Can two consenting adults not do whatever they please with their winkies?
The Bible does not expect us or anyone to forgive sinners who continue to sin ....and even revel in that sin!

Baron Max

I'm glad you put it like that...because really, the personification here is exactly what the general theist lives up to. There's nothing more than the relevant tome to each religion.

If gays kept their actions behind closed doors, out of the public eye, then I'd be as tolerant of them as I am with the potential murderers and potential child molesters. But just like those murderers and child molesters, when they bring it out into the open, out into the public eye, then I'm against it.
Baron Max

Baron...this is heights of BS. You are lumping persons who are naturally attracted to others of the same sex with persons who may or may not be mentally unbalanced and afflict detrimental harm on unsuspecting and productive members of society. This is an unfair comparison and an vindictive implication perpetuated by (mainly) christian and islamic theism.

I noted the pattern before that persons with serious issues accepting that gay people exist often associate the most negative imagery they can muster with homosexuality. I remember hearing a prominent lawyer (and a staunch muslim) speaking of homosexuality in the most derrogatory terms, mentioning no less than three times that he can't understand why "grown hardback men" would want to "sodomize 16 year old boys"...trying to connect the child molestation fallacy to homosexuality. And admitting his own fascination with young boys IMO.
I saw your use of the word 'potential' but it is meaningless here.

Well, that's one way to end any discussion ...just call the other's point "meaningless".

And most of your post is ....idiotic foolishness, so I won't respond to it.

What 'action' of homosexuals do you have a problem with and on what basis? Can two consenting adults not do whatever they please with their winkies?

They bring it out of the bedroom and into the public eye. And worse, they then ask for, ...no, they demand public acceptance for their perverted, deviant sexual desires.

Baron Max
... You are lumping persons who are naturally attracted to others of the same sex with persons who may or may not be mentally unbalanced and afflict detrimental harm on unsuspecting and productive members of society.

No, I'm not comparing them at all. I'm showing you, telling you, that I can tolerate either of the noted deviant "potentials" ....as long as neither bring their actions out into the public.

I tolerate "potential" murderers because the potential remains just that ....a potential action. By the same token, I tolerate gays who can keep their actions out of the public eye ...keep it a potential, not an actuality.

Baron Max
Well, that's one way to end any discussion ...just call the other's point "meaningless".

And most of your post is ....idiotic foolishness, so I won't respond to it.

Oh come on..

You used the word "potential" which equates to the exact same thing as 'those that don't kill' instead of 'those that do kill'. As such the word 'potential' was meaningless and seems only to be used by you to somehow try and make it seem like you're actually being nice to these people, unless they force it upon you personally - which is not what you're actually displaying.

You have a "potential" murderer, (someone that is capable but is not a murderer)

You also have a "potential" gay person, (someone that is capable of being gay but is not gay).

You have stated that you don't mind these people, (i.e people that aren't gay and aren't murderers), but do mind when they are gay or murderers. As a result you might as well have just said: "I don't like gay people" and done with it.

Is there something here you disagree with? If so kindly explain. Yes, you can pull the "I'm not talking to you anymore, you said a word I used was meaningless" tactic, but c'mon, we're all adults here.

They bring it out of the bedroom and into the public eye

How so, and do you scream as loudly when heterosexuals bring their antics out of the bedroom and into the public eye? What about interracial relationships?

no, they demand public acceptance for their perverted, deviant sexual desires

See, you do have a clear problem with the activities of gay people - whether it's in public view or not. So what is it exactly? Why are you so angry over what another man does with his own penis?

There was a time when people used to hang black folk on the same basis as your argument, a time when people of other religious beliefs were burned and slaughtered on the same basis as your argument. Who would have thought people would still be displaying that same disgusting attitude in 2007?
No, I'm not comparing them at all. I'm showing you, telling you, that I can tolerate either of the noted deviant "potentials" ....as long as neither bring their actions out into the public.

The mere fact that you use the "levels" of what you consider to be "deviant" in your argument as equals is enough to convince me that you consider a sexual act that you are personally not fond of equally as heinous as murder.

Demonizing that which is different is a common tactic of a bigot.

I tolerate "potential" murderers because the potential remains just that ....a potential action. By the same token, I tolerate gays who can keep their actions out of the public eye ...keep it a potential, not an actuality.

Baron Max

Potentially, anyone is capable of anything. Potentially Baron, you are capable of gay sex. Potentially, the Pope capable of jumping rope straight through twenty hedges while singing "My Darling Clementine". Your use of 'potential' is a smokescreen.

Outside of the glaring fact that most of the time actual, sweaty, naked sexual trysts are not performed in public (whether hetero or homo...or bi), you think homosexual people can "be gay" as long as your eyesight isn't inconvenienced? What's a "gay action"? Is two male humans holding hands a gay act? Perhaps my uncle should not hold his son's hand anymore. How about persons of the same sex kissing? Is that homosexual or do we tell all French people to stop behaving in such a deviant manner? Maybe tell Madonna to stop singing?

Maybe us higher thinkers should petition your town sherrif to place you under house arrest because your irascible opinions should not be heard by our virgin ears.