
Tesla's theories together with Einstein's Unified Field Theory were supposedly behind the so-called Philadelphia Experiment in which a US Naval Vessel may have passed from this dimension into another.
Fat-A**-chance you'd find Tesla working with a relativist! Tesla had a major disliking for relativists. And anything "leaked" by the government is most likely "leaked on purpose." What I'm saying is something probably did happen with the philadelphia experiment.. just that they probably lied about all the "dimension shifting." Because there is only one dimension, and its called reality.
Pacingyourname: Then what I mean is there are those flying objects that can be called UFOs by the un-educated and flying saucers by those who know what they are seeing. A little kid may see a flying saucer but not know that that is what it is called and he would be justified in calling it a UFO. Then there could be a scientist that sees that same object and calls it a flying saucer.
I heard a rumor that tesla worked on the philidelpia experiment but thought it was two dangerous and destroyed it or something like that.

Not sure if theres any truth to it because it is a rumor after all.:)

Yes I heard that both Einstein and Tesla contributed to at least the theoretical framework of the Philadelphia Experiment but both became horrified about the government's intentions and the potential uses and misuses of this technology for which they didn't believe that mankind was ready.

In fact, it has been suggested that Einstein did solve his "unfinished" Unified Field Theory but destroyed his notes and suppressed this fact due to concern about the implications for mankind.

kind of scary!