
Im saying the beam slowly over the course of its flight condensed into a more semi-tangible object.


As for how it curved with earth, gravity.

Now you're saying it did have mass?

As for his inventions, im afraid I found them off a site

Well perhaps you better thoroughly research such things before you just uncritically accept them.

Now im not saying he did fry Tunguska, hell we still dont know what did,

We have a pretty good idea what did. Either a stony asteroid or large cometary fragment. It could, of course, have been caused by magic fairies.

All of these scenarios are much more plausible than your own idea.

i just like to entertain the thought that he did.

"What i truly believe happened.."

Is what you said a few posts up.

Why try to significantly alter your idea until what is left is nothing like what you started with if you're just entertaining a thought?

Yes, a lot of this is/could be speculation,

To be frank, a lot of this is pure bull****.

but Tesla believed he caused the explosion and i think thats interesting

You don't happen to have any references quoting him on that do you?
We have a pretty good idea what did. Either a stony asteroid or large cometary fragment. It could, of course, have been caused by magic fairies.

maybe it was a ufo crash?

to all:
stop mocking Tesla- he was a great scientist
or I get the impression we all are even better scientists

maybe you aren't mocking- not that I know. if anything- blame beer
Mocking? What on earth gave you the impression that I was mocking Tesla? If anything, I was mocking Cydrone.

Sure Tesla was a great scientist. However, he has had a lot of achievements falsely attributed to him by the lunatic fringe.
quit doubting

Nikola Tesla was an absolutely stunningly brilliant mind.

If you do any research on him you'll find he came up with both Radio and Alternating Current. Both of which are credited to others. Unfortunately history tends to cover up the truth as it is recorded.

As for his wire-less power transmission, he was contracted to build a generating station for it in Niagra Falls, I believe, however when Westinghouse found out it would provide FREE power they scrapped the plan.
Nicolai tessla, creator of the tessla coilm He also supposedly devised a way to shoot down missiles. You can order his Science journals from amazon
Tesla, Inventor, Dr, Scientist

Why is it that if you were to ask anyone if they knew of Telsa the chances that he or she would know the name is pretty low? I have a belief for this. Tesla did invent the radio.. something the u.s. supreme court ruled (I think) back in the 70's. He also invented A/C current. Well.. it comes to it that Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. He is known by nearly EVERYONE... and if you were to ask about tesla... nearly no one knows his name. And he invented something that is equally if not.. more used than Edisons light bulb. I believe that this is for a reason and not by accident.

Tesla also invented something that no one knows of.. something that makes me question why the subject of UFO's is put into pseudoscience (sp?). He invented the flying saucer. His tesla coil "powers it." And the reason know no one knows of him is because the media giants and the "powers that be" don't want you to know. And what alot of people "think they know" about him... is really just missinformation set by the "powers that be" to trap and misslead the people who are really searching for truth about him.
There are many things that tesla invented but alot of them really where taken by the government long ago and experimented with on an off since then.

Also the robot subs mentioned later were really invented by tesla to be an unmaned robotically controled defence force for use around the United States during the Spanish American War.

Tesla also reportedly made and earthquake producing invention that used sound waves to cause the earth to vibrate but stoped working on it when it caused a medium earthquake in New York City by mistake.

Theres alot more info on tesla if you look for it.

Yes, Ive been to pbs.org and looked that up already... they have alot of truths but thats what I call the "officially recognized" inventions.. then there are those inventions that he actually did invent but are not acknoledged. There is a facility down in NM that holds all of Teslas papers and notes. You can go down there and they will acknoledge that they have them but if you ask to see them they will denie you of it for "lack of proper badge." (security clearance)

Telsa was in communion with Extraterrestrials. Technologically advanced, thats where he recieved his knowldedge.
It is true that tesla thought some signals he was getting were from extraterestrials.

But it hasn't been confirmed for sure what they really were.

If anyone has more info please report it.:)
Well, I saw its pure idiocy to believe that he had communication with Aliens.... ANYONE who thinks this, has been duped by goverment propaganda that begun around 1947 to be ejected around the time of the "roswell incident".. what I like to call the roswell hoax.
One man..such an invention...I smell something..oh yea its bullshit

maybe if he had a large lab with many intelligent minds working for him or something but the story is he opertated in a small room by himself lol funny. I do belive in his telsa ray. It was small an all he did was simply control the electricity in a direction.

Yea and he hid the Ufo in the closet and the earth quake machine in the basement YEA THATS IT YEEAA! hahahaha and hes gone through time in teh time machine in his garage so oh well there goes tesla.
Actually I hear that Tesla got electrocuted once and saw him self in the past a few seconds before he got electrocuted!:)

Maybe its true or maybe it was just the electicity flowing through his brain.:D
To pacingyourname: Tesla didn't invent earthquake devices nore did he invent time machines.. both are illogical and stupid to believe in. "UFO's" (meaning flyingsaucers)on the other hand are much more logical to believe in... because they have and are seen by many "credible people." Then there are those stupid people who claim to have been abducted by them that ruen the names of all the people who claim to have merely seen them. Then there are those other even more stupid people who give Tesla a bad name by claiming stupid things that he never did. (such as earthQUACK machines and time machines)
on Nicoli Tesla

Telsa has been attributed with inventing the basics of radio, where as Marconi perfected it, Though there is some debate on wheather or not Marconi stole the invention, Whole cloth, from a Professor Bose from India.

Tesla also invented the first hydroelectric generator. He invented the principals of AC current, The Tesla Coil (most commonly seen these days in "plasma Balls"). he was suppose to have created a "Death Ray" which was tested In Colorado in 1908. The test failed with the additional side effect of all electrical equipment at the sight being severely damaged. It has been proposed that was he acutally did was create an Electromagnet Pulse.

Tesla was a very brilliant man who experimented with electricity, magnitism and Gravity. There are some that have applied his principals in experiments (one person to have done this in the 1980's was a professor Thomas Bearden, at the University of Alabama in Huntsville) and reported that the experiments worked "as described by doctor Tesla". So, some of his claims have been substantiated. I don't know what experiments were done in Alabama, so I can't say anything about the antigravity theories or death rays, but he did have quite a number of strange theories that actually turned out the be correct.

As far as how he could have come up with all of these things in so small of a lab, that is just modern thinking gone wild. Edison created his Lightbulb and Dynamo systems in a small labratory. It was only later that he moved to a larger facility. Besides, If you have ever been to Coral castle in Forida City, Florida? This thing was built by one old man over the course of about 5 years with very few modern tools. Supposedly only block and tackle, a wheelbarrow, a hammer and a pick. This structure has blocks of coral that weigh in at around 15 tons and are so precisely placed that one, the spinning rock, can be moved by a small child. The thing is that noone knows how he did it, nor did anyone in the area ever see him do any work while he constructed this castle.

People can do wonderful things. Just because we cant figure out how they did them does not mean that they were not done. It just means that we are not as smart as those people.
Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
.. both are illogical and stupid to believe in. "UFO's" (meaning flyingsaucers)

Um buddy here is the correct definition of a UFO(Unidentified flying object)

Its not a saucer lol!
Pacing your name: Well no shit Sherlock! But anyway, to put into terms what I ment was: Alot of people have seen flying saucers and miss-named them as UFOs. Thats the type of "UFO" I was talking about.
Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
Pacing your name: Well no shit Sherlock! But anyway, to put into terms what I ment was: Alot of people have seen flying saucers and miss-named them as UFOs. Thats the type of "UFO" I was talking about.

They did not miss name them
They are UFOS, the people that see them cant identify them. They are objects no?. And are they not flying?