

Valued Senior Member
Does anyone here know anything about a scientist named Tesla who supposedly invented all sorts of unlikely things(like anti-gravity, earthquake generators, etc.)? I've seen a lot of sources claiming that he did and offering designs of such things for sale. Is there any truth to this? if not why do people think there is?'
Tesla is the unit of stable magnetic flux.
Since this unit is used in calculations related to electromotive and electromagnetic force, I assume that much of his work was in the field of magnetism and electromagnetism.


maybe they are playing too much red alert

Those pesky soviets !

pilpax, jps:
welcome :)
Yes! Tesla was my favorite mad-scientist! He worked extensively with all kindsa' projects relating to electricity, at one time he had plans for a so called "death ray" which aparently did something to ions to free electrons and focus them in a controled blast or something, and also built this huge antenna which he intended to use to transmit electricity up and have it circulate through the upper levels of the atmosphere and supply everyone in the world with free electricity. . . heh, but then I don't really remember spacifics, I kinda' fell asleep through most of the show I was watching on the discovery channel ^.^
I think some of his ideas disappeared after his death. Could be sitting in a military vault somewhere stamped classified. Most modern engineered do not believe he invented any death ray machine since most of his activities were centered around high voltage and high magnetism and not in narrow band frequency.

Unless we can see some real stuff, it is hard to tell. He did propose large scale structures akin to building a pyramid size battery to store energy or building a large blimp to transport cargo across continents.
Yeah, Tesla is also my favorite scientist, (not only because i like frying hoards of Allied tanks with Tesla coils.)

Tesla had many inventions but I'd like to start with the more bizzare ones.

Tesla developed an automated computer system that could be remote-controlled from a great distance. He demonstrated wireless ships and subs at and exposition in Madison Square Garden in 1898. The automated apparatus was so advanced that it recognized voice commands from Tesla or volunteers.
In public, Tesla spoke only of the humanitarian virtues of the invention: it would lessen the toils and drudgery of mankind and keep human lives out of harm's way. But Tesla actually had his hopes on a contract with the U.S. military. In a presentation before the War Department, Tesla argued that his unmanned torpedo craft could obliterate the Spanish Armada and end the war with Spain in an afternoon. The government never took Tesla up on his offer.

Tesla was nearly broke and saw America on the verge of war, so he embarked on a project of great magnitude: the Death Ray!

The Death Ray was apparently some sort of particle accelorator. Tesla said it was an outgrowth of his magnifying transformer, which focused its energy output into a thin beam so concentrated it would not scatter, even over huge distances.

It wasn't confirmed if he ever used the Ray, or if he even built it, but the following supposedly happened one dark and stormy(nevermind) night in 1908:

At the time Robert Peary was attempting his second trip to the North Pole, Tesla had told the expedition that he would signal them somehow. They were to report to him any strange occurences on the open tundra. On June 30th Tesla aimed the Ray across the Atlantic towards the Arctic to a location he calculated was west of Peary's location. He switched it on and its extremity started to emit a barely visible glow. An owl flew from it perch and passed through the beam, it disintegrated instantly. This concluded the test and Tesla waited for any further reports and sent telegrams to Peary to confirm the Ray's effectiveness, nothing turned up. Tesla was about to give up when news come of a strange event in Siberia.

On June 30th a massive explosion equivalent to ten to fifteen megatons of TNT had devastated Tunguska, 500 thousand squares acres destroyed and trees litteraly flattened. It was the largest explosion in human history, surpassing even those of subsequent nuclear detonations. The explosion was heard 620 miles away. It is generally believed that it as caused by a meteorite or a comet fragment, though no obvious mineral remnants or impact site was discovered.
Mr. Nikola had a different explanation. It was obvious that the Ray had overshot its intended target and destroyed Tunguska. He was thankful beyond measure that the explosion had --miraculously--killed no one. Tesla dismantled the death ray at once, deeming it too dangerous to remain in existence.

Tesla made one one further attempt to aid in his country's war effort. In 1917, he conceived of a sending station that would emit exploratory waves of energy, enabling its operators to determine the precise location of distant enemy craft. The War Department rejected Tesla's "exploring ray" as a laughing stock.
A generation later, a new invention exactly like this helped the Allies win World War II. It was called radar.

He also theorized that he could use the planets magentic field to create free energy. There is a conspiracy theory that the oil companies assasinated him because of this and stole most of his plans.

Tesla's more "mundane" inventions:
Tesla Coil
Alternating Current (AC)
AC Induction Motor
Tesla Oscillator
Wireless Power Transmission
Flourescent Lights
Hydroelectric Generators
Vacuum Tubes
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Now on to my Tesla-Tunguska theories.

You can hit Tunguska from Colorado

people saw "something" crash, it's highly unlikely that it was anything dense like a meteor or there would be a rather large crater to match the rather large explosion, plus the lack of mineral evidence.

A meteor wouldn't flatten trees

Some say it was a UFO, but where's the ship? its possible that the UFO's reactor or something could have initialized a localized distortion that evoporated the ship, something like a Warp Core breach in star trek, but more contained.

What i truly believe happened was that as the beam from Tesla's Ray condensed as it traveled through Earth's atmosphere, causing it to concentrate its energy into a single point that caused the explosion. Since there was no real mass there was no real crater. It was the massive discharge of energy that flattened the trees.
Well, im sure i'll remember more of my argument...later
Since it took say 12 Megatons of TNT equivalent to flatten Tunguska, the enrgy has to come from somewhere. TNT energy comes from chemical reaction, similar equivalent energy can come from uranium, plutonium etc. If it was converted from electricity - it would take perhaps the total powerplant capacity of then New York for a year to store and forward the energy.

Where did the energy come from?
Cydrone, there needn't be a crater if Tunguska was caused by a meteor. The meteor was believed to have exploded 8 or 9 km above the earth's suface. The trees were flattened and scorched by the explosion.

Your assertion that their must be an accompanying crater and that the trees wouldn't be flattened is just unsupported speculation. Must atmpospheric meteor explosions leave a crater? No. What is this claim that there has to be a crater if something massive has exploded? If the explosion was strong enough to dig a crater, it would have happened, regardless of whether it was a massive object that exploded, or if it was a "death ray" laser causing the explosion.

Care to offer some supporting documentation for your assertion that no mineralogical evidence was found?

Also, like Kmguru asked, where did the energy come from?

Do you have a shred of evidence to back up any of those claims that you have made about Tesla?
he meteor was believed to have exploded 8 or 9 km above the earth's suface.

how in hell do you think that could have had happened?
metor supposedly that big - why shoud it blow up ???
Originally posted by Avatar
how in hell do you think that could have had happened?
metor supposedly that big - why shoud it blow up ???

That is easy to answer. The earth's atmosphre provides a high resistance to any object passing through. A meteor travelling at high velocity can break up as portions of it gets melted due to friction. If there is enough mass, the kinetic energy produced due to the speed and subsequent resistance gets converted to energy. That energy does have effect. If the meteor is bullet shaped then it is easier to impact and produce most of the energy at the ground that if it was flat. In space a flat surface can travel just as easily as any shape. But passing through an atmosphere at high speed - the resulting energy (function of mass and velocity) has to go somewhere.
but if it was in the atmosphere why are the trees flattened from a central point? Why did the witnesses see something hit?

As for the source of the energy? he had theorized free energy produced by the planets megnetic field, why couldnt he have developed a working version? He could have used the Earth as one giant capacitor.
and the explosion was reported to have been seen on the ground, not high in the sky

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To get a lot of free energy from the planet, all you have to do is put as many turns of copper wire around earth and rotate the coil in reverse direction. Even, I think, NASA conducted an experiment by dragging several miles of a conductor behind a space shuttle.

You can also get a lot of energy from lightening bolts if you can discharge a few of them to a capacity holder the size of a city block.
Originally posted by Cydrone:

Tesla's more "mundane" inventions:


No, Marconi.

Wireless Power Transmission

When did he invent this? He apparently thought about it.

Flourescent Lights

Proove it.


How can Tesla "invent" microwaves? Do you have any support for this claim?

Vacuum Tubes

Er, no. Any documentation?


How did Tesla "invent" X-rays? X-rays were first discovered by Willhelm Roentgen.
Originally posted by Cydrone
but if it was in the atmosphere why are the trees flattened from a central point?

The impingement of the blast wave would be the apparent epicentre of the explosion.

Why did the witnesses see something hit?

What witnesses "saw something hit"? I thought it was a death ray laser?

"As for the source of the energy? he had theorized free energy produced by the planets megnetic field, why couldnt he have developed a working version? He could have used the Earth as one giant capacitor."

It's not enough to say that he might have built his free energy device. You must show that he did build this free energy device and subsequently used it to pulverize a large portion of Siberia.

and the explosion was reported to have been seen on the ground, not high in the sky


Reported by whom? Your link does not show that:

"The object, whatever it was, approached from an azimuth of 115 degrees and was descending at an entry angle of 30 to 35 degrees above the horizon. Their gaze followed the bright fireball as it continued along a northwestward trajectory until it seemed about to disappear over the horizon. Then it shattered in a rapid series of cataclysmic explosions."

What it does show is that their is minerological evidence associated with either a stony asteroid or cometary fragment.

However, your claim that people saw something hit seemingly contradicts the central premise of your argument - that the Tunguska event was caused by a death-ray laser, not some tangible object.
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However, your claim that people saw something hit seemingly contradicts the central premise of your argument - that the Tunguska event was caused by a death-ray laser, not some tangible object.

so can we agree it was a plasma meteor ? /partially joking/
Im saying the beam slowly over the course of its flight condensed into a more semi-tangible object.
As for how it curved with earth, gravity.
As for his inventions, im afraid I found them off a site
Now im not saying he did fry Tunguska, hell we still dont know what did, i just like to entertain the thought that he did. Yes, a lot of this is/could be speculation, but Tesla believed he caused the explosion and i think thats interesting