"Tell the world, Jews belong in Israel"

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You think that of muslims? Wow!

It has occurred to me that islam consists of the unchosen people.
You follow JHVH but you are from the line your god discarded - Ismael.

No. Jews. Even if muslims are not the chosen ones at least they obey God, can't say much about jews. In the Quran God is talking about the jews, the ones that are ruining this world today, they will burn in hell forever. Besides you don't even believe in God, you believe in aliens.
No. Jews. Even if muslims are not the chosen ones at least they obey God, can't say much about jews. In the Quran God is talking about the jews, the ones that are ruining this world today, they will burn in hell forever. Besides you don't even believe in God, you believe in aliens.

Aaaaannnndddd... reported to the mods.
Aaaannndd... its all superstition anyway so why would we care? Still, the thread's central purpose seems to be a way of tossing insults back and forth between followers of various religious cults, so consider it closed. I had hoped it would die a natural death.
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