"Tell the world, Jews belong in Israel"

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it is because they are perfidious individuals that seek to undermine and sabotage, jewish aspirations towards freedom, justice and liberty
I thought the choice of "Dangerous Minds" as soundtrack was rather humorous.

As also the exhortations:

Click any letter to see if YOUR favorite Jew is listed

If anyone else had written this about those same people, the ADL would be shitting bricks.
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Ok, I don't understand why its wrong to say Jews belong in Israel. Isn't it like saying Americans belong in the Unites States?
I think we need a new word for the two kinds of antisemitism, one that wants the Jews to stop thinking they own Palestine and stick to where they are born and the other, to denote those who want the Jews to leave their countries and move to Israel.
The first one is called hopeless optimism. The other is called religious nutso-ism. Then there's real anti-semitism. (Of course, not to be confused with the more literal meaning of anti-semitism which has been drastically altered; really, anti-Jew is a better word.)

These are two men who believe in the coming (back) of the messiah. All the Jews in Israel is a common hope for them. Is that surprising in some way?
That would be better, but thats not what the Rabbi meant. He wants the world to recognise that any Jews anywhere have an automatic right to the land from which non-Jews are being kicked out. Israeli Arabs are frequently discussed as those who would be exchanged for foreign Jews [e.g. in the west bank] to maintain the demographics of the state.
Tell the jews they belong in hell rather. That is their new home now. God said so.
The Chief Rabbi of Israel is not a religious position in the sense that he's the highest authority amongst Rabbis. Their job is simply to insure that the government doesn't infringe on the Religious Jewish rights. If anyone it's probably Rabbi Steinsaltz
You give them a piece of cake, it is not enough. You give them the whole cake, not enough. You give them the plate, the fork, the crums, and they spit in your face and move on to the next person. These people do not believe in God. If they did believe in God, they would not do what they do/did or continue to do.
You give them a piece of cake, it is not enough. You give them the whole cake, not enough. You give them the plate, the fork, the crums, and they spit in your face and move on to the next person. These people do not believe in God. If they did believe in God, they would not do what they do/did or continue to do.

You think that of muslims? Wow!

It has occurred to me that islam consists of the unchosen people.
You follow JHVH but you are from the line your god discarded - Ismael.
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