tell me your reason

the preacher said:
but southstar the man ask for prove and you have'nt gave him any.
it's just a book, on a moral stand point a good read, but as for the truth, you may as well say any harry potters book's the truth.

knife :I am an atheist, so I dont believe in a god/gods or any devil/devils.
so I cant help you on the belief side of it, that's up to you to educate yourself.
and come to your own conclusions, and to not be indoctrinated by anybody else's beliefs.
to listen and follow someone else's doctrine, his foolish to say the least.
I made up my own mind, as you should.

If I were to give Him proof, it would be a lot longer and none of you would obviously read it so I am breaking it into sections. Validating the Bible by first refuting those who say those who penned the Gospels were liars. And then moving on from there if he accepts what I gave so far.
We can believe because of the existence of Miracles, Saints, and supernatual Visions. With Jews and Masons running the World's Media outlets, we seldom hear of authentic Divine Miracles, Saints, and Divine Apparitions; however, a little digging reveals that such things are happening and are True.
however, i have yet to hear actual real "spread the truth" intents.
Have you read any of my posts? That is the main intent of my posts.
people in this forum seem more to point out faults of others, rather than explain the reason and logic behind their own belief.
I have done both.
If there is no post-earthly existence, it matters not what one does in this life.
I disagree. What we do still has repercussions even after we're gone, so it definitely matters. If there were an afterlife, it would undermine what good people try to accomplish in this world.
If, however, one believes that he will be held accountable for his earthly conduct in eternity, he will be more inclined to act in a morally responsible way in this life.
If people think they'll be held accountable by an immoral God, then they will act solely in a way they think is permissible to said God solely for their own benefit, and not concentrate on what benefits society.
If they believed in eternity and accountability before God, why would they falsify the records regarding Jesus, knowing that such lies would exclude their entrance into heaven? Lying is conceded to be unethical universally, and, according to the Scriptures, liars will be excluded from heaven (Rev. 21:8).
I believe the point was that they falsified it because they didn't believe. It was fiction, created by them.
The infidelic theory makes no sense at all. This is a problem that no skeptic can explain. The New Testament documents are reliable!
Strange you can make that claim without actually testing it. You aren't saying you believe it, you're stating it as fact.
Scientific evidence supports it. I suppose since I am an amature scientist, I look for evidence of an intellengent designer first. The conditions needed for life to exist are very specific, you alter just one condition by just a fraction and life could not exist.
I would argue that you can't change the laws of nature, else they would not be consistent. They are the way they are because that's the only way they could be. You may argue that this is further evidence, but I see it as evidence to the contrary. If it can be no other way, then it was not designed to be this way; it simply is the way it is because it's how it must be. Any alterations in the laws of nature would make them inconsistent.
You say, there are so many planets, one of them could have just given rise to life, but I say to you If having life on planet is the equivalent of flipping a coin 50 times in a row, and each time getting heads, wouldn't you think the coin was rigged? You can throw the coin a billion sets of 50, and it still isn't going to land on heads 50 times in a row. So in the end, it doesn't matter how many planets thier are, the it had to be rigged to arive here. Does that make sense?
Having life on a planet is not equivalent to getting 50 heads in a row. There are countless planets in our galaxy alone, and countless galaxies in the universe. It's more like flipping zillions of times and it came up heads in our case.
Joeman said:
Your assumption about everyone believing what makes sense to them is incorrect. Most Christians believe first and then making sense is not important. It's called faith.
But their belief makes sense to them. Anything that doesn't make perfect sense they can put under the 'god's will, divine plan etc' banner, and then it makes sense even if they don't themselves see how.
Enigma'07 said:
Are you saying life exists esle where so we are insignificant, or that out of all these planets, one could have just evolved life.

I just think that life evolving somewhere is probably more likely than most people think.
It is as probable as walking through the mountains and seeing rocks that spell out "Welcome to the mountains NooFas" Yeah, they could have slid into place through billions of years of erosion and stuff, or someone else could have placed them like that. Which do you think is more probable?
It is as probable as walking through the mountains and seeing rocks that spell out "Welcome to the mountains NooFas" Yeah, they could have slid into place through billions of years of erosion and stuff, or someone else could have placed them like that. Which do you think is more probable?
Seeing writing clearly shows design. Nothing we know of the universe indicates any such design.
The sheer number of planets and vastness of the universe makes it so close to impossible that there's no other life in the universe, that it may as well be considered so. So what that we happen to be some of that life, it was bound to happen in many places. What's so special about ours?
DNA sequences show design. It is virtually a whole library.

Why is it that we see computers written with code and assume a person wrote it, but we see code's in nature and we assume it just happened.
DNA sequences show design. It is virtually a whole library.
No it doesn't. DNA shows the result of evolution, a perfectly natural process that has nothing to do with design.
Why is it that we see computers written with code and assume a person wrote it, but we see code's in nature and we assume it just happened.
What codes in nature? DNA? It's a misnomer (?) to call it a "code". It's simply a molecule that has the property of self replication. It behaves according to the laws of chemistry. No code, no design.
It does not contain information. It contains chemicals, proteins, etc. The genome is made up of molecules which are simply behaving according to the laws of nature. Information requires an abstract layer (the mind). We can get information from it (like we can from virtually anything), but it is not information from some designer. Just a chain of replicating molecules, like the game of life from John Conway.

Re: A Problem No Skeptic Can Explain

You’ve tried this argument before and I believe I have already refuted all these fallacies. However, since I know you don’t want to be convinced it is worth re-visiting the issues again for at least the benefit of others.

The writers of the Gospel accounts – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – quite definitely affirm that Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God, and that he performed miracles to authenticate that affirmation.
This would be fine if the authors could be identified and proven to be objective eye-witnesses.

The Gospel writers were many and are unknown. And the gospels were written decades after the alleged Jesus was meant to have existed. But there was only one original gospel which was Mark written at around 80CE, Mathew, John and Luke (90CE, 95CE, and 110CE) used Mark extensively and added their own elaborations.

So why would we choose to believe a bunch of unknown authors who have written some incredible claims about alleged events at least 50 – 90 years in their past? It also seems highly unlikely that these were eye-witness accounts since average life expectancy in those times was around 35. For them to have understood what they witnessed the authors of Mark would have to be around 70 and the authors for the other gospels in their 100s. People just didn’t live that long. So at best you have a stretch of the imagination. And we are also trying to validate texts by early Christians when we know that the early Church founders manipulated texts to suit their new religious ideas. This casts serious doubts on any claims of truthful objectivity.

But wouldn’t it have been more credible if there had been some verifiable eye-witness accounts written at the time of the alleged Jesus, especially when this character is meant to be the most important being to ever visit the earth. And oops, God forgot to appoint an appropriate reliable journalist? The church knew this need as well and tried to forge some Josephus texts – shame on them. You have one massive credibility issue.

Further, they allege that even though Jesus was put to death on the cross, after three days he came out of the grave, thus, forcefully demonstrating that he is Jehovah’s beloved Son, and that his authority must be respected. There is really no dispute about what the record claims.
I agree that there is no dispute of the claims. What is disputed is their truth and historicity.

How do skeptics address these historical records?
Very easily since they can’t be shown to be records of history.

Generally speaking, they assert that the New Testament writers fabricated the accounts.
Pretty much since that was the popular form of entertainment in those days, listening to the stories of myth-makers, an ancient version of modern Hollywood. We love fantasy stories now just as people did 2000 years ago.

The writers knew that Jesus did not do these things; they simply invented the stories.
Nope totally wrong. The skeptics claim no such thing. The writers weren’t eye-witnesses so they couldn’t know. All the gospels are based on unsupported hearsay at best and most certainly myth-making

Will this charge stand up in the light of logical inquiry?
All ya gotta do is show the proof that the accounts were historical and no one to date has been able to do that, and without the evidence you cannot form any logical arguments against the skeptics.

Logically speaking, either there is existence after death or there is not.
No, this is imaginative speculation. The term “logically speaking” is inappropriate. There is no evidence to support the concept of an after-life so it is not logical to consider it as a possibility.

If there is post-death existence, there either is accountability for one's earthly conduct, or there is not. …..If there is no post-earthly existence, it matters not what one does in this life.
That is a logical fallacy. What one does tends to determine survival whether that is for a few decades or for eternity. Morality is ultimately about personal survival and happiness.

If, however, one believes that he will be held accountable for his earthly conduct in eternity, he will be more inclined to act in a morally responsible way in this life.
This is probably one of the best reasons why religions such as Christianity should be abolished as quickly as possible. The approach here is based on ancient barbaric authoritarian expectations of reward and punishment. The lesson being taught here is that you must do the right thing because you will be punished otherwise, it is the rule of fear. Secular humanism on the other hand encourages people to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. The Christian approach is morally reprehensible.

Now, reflect upon the implications of this principle in light of the charge that the New Testament writers lied about the events in the life of Christ.
This is a false premise. There is no claim that they deliberately lied knowing the truth, but that the entire stories are fantasies. There is a significant and qualitative difference.

If they believed in eternity and accountability before God, why would they falsify the records regarding Jesus, knowing that such lies would exclude their entrance into heaven?
They didn’t falsify anything; they simply imagined the whole thing.

Lying is conceded to be unethical universally, and, according to the Scriptures, liars will be excluded from heaven (Rev. 21:8).
According to the myth, but there was no truth to lie about in the first place.

On the other hand, if the Gospel writers did not believe in eternal accountability, and so, they callously fabricated the documents that affirmed Jesus’ divine nature, why would they have subjected themselves to the persecution that accompanied Christianity, since “this life” would be all they believed they would ever enjoy?
The Gospel authors are unknown and their fate is also unknown. This point is without foundation.

The infidelic theory makes no sense at all. This is a problem that no skeptic can explain. The New Testament documents are reliable!
The essence of this article seems twofold –

1. The NT documents are reliable because morality based on fear of punishment is preferable to morality based on doing the right thing.

2. A false premise that skeptics claim that gospel authors deliberately lied, whereas there were no eye-witnesses and that the stories aren’t deliberate lies but simply imaginative fantasies.

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Leo Volont said:
We can believe because of the existence of Miracles, Saints, and supernatual Visions. With Jews and Masons running the World's Media outlets, we seldom hear of authentic Divine Miracles, Saints, and Divine Apparitions; however, a little digging reveals that such things are happening and are True.
absolute rubbish.
good thing's happen as do bad thing's, so in your reaconing all really good things are miracles and the very bad the work of the devil.BS only breed's more BS.
antifreeze said:
yeah, my avatar creeps me out too, imagine having look at that thing in the mirror everyday. there is an old saying, "you are most likely to convince someone who already agrees with you."
Weird, I've allways thought your avatar was a portrait of I wondered when he said that your avatar was I see why.
Enigma'07 said:
It is as probable as walking through the mountains and seeing rocks that spell out "Welcome to the mountains NooFas" Yeah, they could have slid into place through billions of years of erosion and stuff, or someone else could have placed them like that. Which do you think is more probable?
you answer your own doubts enigma,if that happened it would have to be the work of a god/gods, it's the only way a god/god's could prove they exist, and then we would still question it.

DNA started as chaos/design, and now look's less like chaos, and more like design, but it's to hap hazard to be by design.
Knife said:
i disagree. people in this forum seem more to point out faults of others, rather than explain the reason and logic behind their own belief. there are some here who have good intentions, but usually end up insulting the others' beliefs.

most statements are, "so and so said this, so you are wrong." there is no explanation why they are wrong and what the right thing is, with a logical supporting argument.

i have an open mind. and would love for someone to take the time and explain their reason why they believe in what they believe. i am sure there is a stronger reason why the bhuddist has faith in his belief than "bhudda is the man!!". it could be the example of other bhuddists, a significant turn in his life, scientific evidence presented, proven explanation, etc.

question still stands.

I like your preposition on this. Therefor I am glad to give you my reasons for believing in God.

First of all, what most of the people here will say, including myself, is that I have a feeling that God exist. That feeling is not just a reason for belief. It is the belief itself!

I have lost my belief many times, but I've allways felt a need to believe, and I've prayed God to let me believe.

The belief can't be constructed logically, thus I can't make you believe, no matter what I do (with one exception) - and therefor also my need to pray to God (though I would lie if I said that I didn't try to "construct" my belief to it's former self. I got far on that way, but the feeling I got never came close to the feeling of belief, though I did get some insights - but these were not made by me either - though I must admit, that I sometimes said they were and even *SHAME* lied about the way I came to the conclusion and thus hopelessly getting on the wrong path - the temptation was too great, since I clearly saw how I could have arrived to the same conclusion as the insight I got).

It's very sad when one looses her/his belief. Cause I know how desperatly we need it. Though many here will say we don't need it that much. But I felt so lost when I lost my belief, belief is a guidance, I still feel a emptiness inside. No "logic" could fill that hole. Cause I knew what I had. Thus had the full understanding of what I had lost. Allthough the understanding was replaced with emptiness. You only remember what you still have.

If I just become nothing when I die, then it would be so sad, cause then I loose EVERYTHING, even the thought that there is a world. That there is a reality. That there is something instead of nothing.

Ok, I guess it doesn't matter when I'm dead. But it matters now - and I don't want it to be so. When I hear other talk about death and that it isn't so bad to become nothing, then I feel that they don't see the full consequence of what they are saying. We should cry when we say that. Cause it is the end of time, truly the end of it all.


I am aware. I am aware of my time here and now. The thing is, I don't feel that I would be aware here and now if I weren't aware after death. Cause if everything ends after death, then too ends the past me and the future me.

I realise that there are much anxiety in my post. But that's because there should be. Death isn't a easy subject and if I didn't express my anxiety for death, then I wouldn't be true to me nor you.

If the truth is, that I end with death then please don't tell me. If the belief of God is only because we would have the strength to live, then that too is mercy.
But it matters now - and I don't want it to be so.
You don't want it to matter now? o_O
When I hear other talk about death and that it isn't so bad to become nothing, then I feel that they don't see the full consequence of what they are saying. We should cry when we say that. Cause it is the end of time, truly the end of it all.
Only the end of your journey, but your influence will persist.
The thing is, I don't feel that I would be aware here and now if I weren't aware after death. Cause if everything ends after death, then too ends the past me and the future me.
Now that's illogical. Your memories may not survive, but people's memories of you will, and the influence you've had in the world. The world still exists when we're gone.
Note: disproving the existence of God does not necessarily prove there is nothing after death. There are other alternatives such as reincarnation, or some other form of existence after the body dies, that are not ruled out by ruling out God.
First of all, thank you for trying to lighten up the situation. But when it comes to these kind of things, jokes only make it worse - cause then I feel that I have to be happy allthough nothing really changed...but don't take me wrong, I appreciate it.

Alpha said:
Now that's illogical. Your memories may not survive, but people's memories of you will, and the influence you've had in the world. The world still exists when we're gone.
Sorry if I'm egocentric, but the world wouldn't exist to me. But it's not totally egocentric, cause I know that when you die the world won't exist to you either. But first and foremost I must think about my own faith, cause I know that what is true to me, is true for you too. At least regarding existance or non-existance after death.

Note: disproving the existence of God does not necessarily prove there is nothing after death. There are other alternatives such as reincarnation, or some other form of existence after the body dies, that are not ruled out by ruling out God.
I know. I had alot of theories about reincarnation and so forth, that are still valid theories but I feel more comfortable believing that there are someone higher than me, that understands me. I want to believe in what is. That is beyond our comprehension and we can't know it by logic or scientific methods. What is simply is.