tell me your reason


Familyman G
Registered Senior Member
this is no joke. this message goes to anyone, but if i was to be specific, it would be to randolfo (for his trigger happiness) and southstar (for his intelligence). :p

i have read many anti-this religion, and anti-that religion posts. most of the threads end in name calling, stubborness, pride, or just childish comebacks.

however, i have yet to hear actual real "spread the truth" intents. for example, if someone was pro-christian, pro-bhuddism, even pro-aethism, then tell me why i should believe. convince me and i will be convinced. of course, i should be allowed to question and present aurguments. and it has to make sense.

i am really interested in what others beleive and more imporatantly why they believe.

also, i cannot accept a blank statement "bhudda was the man!!!". i need supporting evidence, something that appeals to some sense of logic. i will acknowledge and accept some statements that refer to divine knowledge that are hard to explain at human level, but not too many and not on every topic.

as a last note, a few important questions that need answering would be: "who am i?", "why am i here or what is my purpose?", "where did i come from?", "how would your belief solve the many problems of today (war/crime/disease/poverty/famine/etc)?", "how does the belief deal with the differences in humans across the world?".

in other words, i am asking for some people to tell me why they believe. why they are so convinced.
i don't believe. but i do believe that you ought to believe what you want to believe. so believe whatever satisfies you. ;)
Blaise Pascal once said something like, "People more often believe something because they find it attractive than because it's true."
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Antifreeze, your avatar creeps me out.

One problem with debating the questions you are posing online is the lack of personal context. You must stand on the same basic or non-basic assumptions with the person you're debating with. Otherwise, you're just blowing off incoherent steam.
yeah, my avatar creeps me out too, imagine having look at that thing in the mirror everyday. there is an old saying, "you are most likely to convince someone who already agrees with you."
SkippingStones said:
Antifreeze, your avatar creeps me out.

One problem with debating the questions you are posing online is the lack of personal context. You must stand on the same basic or non-basic assumptions with the person you're debating with. Otherwise, you're just blowing off incoherent steam.

i disagree. people in this forum seem more to point out faults of others, rather than explain the reason and logic behind their own belief. there are some here who have good intentions, but usually end up insulting the others' beliefs.

most statements are, "so and so said this, so you are wrong." there is no explanation why they are wrong and what the right thing is, with a logical supporting argument.

i have an open mind. and would love for someone to take the time and explain their reason why they believe in what they believe. i am sure there is a stronger reason why the bhuddist has faith in his belief than "bhudda is the man!!". it could be the example of other bhuddists, a significant turn in his life, scientific evidence presented, proven explanation, etc.

question still stands.

Knife said:
this is no joke. this message goes to anyone, but if i was to be specific, it would be to randolfo (for his trigger happiness) and southstar (for his intelligence). :p

Shucks... :eek: oh the sarcasm!

A Problem No Skeptic Can Explain

The writers of the Gospel accounts – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – quite definitely affirm that Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God, and that he performed miracles to authenticate that affirmation.

Further, they allege that even though Jesus was put to death on the cross, after three days he came out of the grave, thus, forcefully demonstrating that he is Jehovah’s beloved Son, and that his authority must be respected. There is really no dispute about what the record claims.

How do skeptics address these historical records? Generally speaking, they assert that the New Testament writers fabricated the accounts. The writers knew that Jesus did not do these things; they simply invented the stories.

Will this charge stand up in the light of logical inquiry? Let us think about it for a moment.

Logically speaking, either there is existence after death or there is not. If there is post-death existence, there either is accountability for one's earthly conduct, or there is not. The "law of the excluded middle" demands one or the other. If there is no post-earthly existence, it matters not what one does in this life. If, however, one believes that he will be held accountable for his earthly conduct in eternity, he will be more inclined to act in a morally responsible way in this life.

Now, reflect upon the implications of this principle in light of the charge that the New Testament writers lied about the events in the life of Christ.

If they believed in eternity and accountability before God, why would they falsify the records regarding Jesus, knowing that such lies would exclude their entrance into heaven? Lying is conceded to be unethical universally, and, according to the Scriptures, liars will be excluded from heaven (Rev. 21:8).

On the other hand, if the Gospel writers did not believe in eternal accountability, and so, they callously fabricated the documents that affirmed Jesus’ divine nature, why would they have subjected themselves to the persecution that accompanied Christianity, since “this life” would be all they believed they would ever enjoy?

The infidelic theory makes no sense at all. This is a problem that no skeptic can explain. The New Testament documents are reliable!
subjected themselves to the persecution that accompanied Christianity
you mean getting fed to lions?

although it could be that they weren't actually christians.
Knife said:
i am really interested in what others beleive and more imporatantly why they believe.
Well surely at the end of the day, everyone is going to believe whatever makes the most sense to them, but of course the way everyone interprets facts and processes them is individual. Or is that too vague? :p
Firefly said:
Well surely at the end of the day, everyone is going to believe whatever makes the most sense to them, but of course the way everyone interprets facts and processes them is individual. Or is that too vague? :p

Your assumption about everyone believing what makes sense to them is incorrect. Most Christians believe first and then making sense is not important. It's called faith.
§outh§tar said:
Shucks... :eek: oh the sarcasm!

A Problem No Skeptic Can Explain

but southstar the man ask for prove and you have'nt gave him any.
it's just a book, on a moral stand point a good read, but as for the truth, you may as well say any harry potters book's the truth.

knife :I am an atheist, so I dont believe in a god/gods or any devil/devils.
so I cant help you on the belief side of it, that's up to you to educate yourself.
and come to your own conclusions, and to not be indoctrinated by anybody else's beliefs.
to listen and follow someone else's doctrine, his foolish to say the least.
I made up my own mind, as you should.
Mmh, beliefs, reasons and the solving of problems...not really new questions, are they?
MY belief is not strictly formed, it may be that tomorrow my belief is not the same it is today, because every day I experience new things that influence my way of thinking.

You see, for some time, I had the perfect solution for all our problems, it is quite easy, just kill every single human being. All problems solved.
But really, that was a cowards solution, there are surely better ones, but it is hard to formulate one on the small space given here, and on the time I have on my hands right now. Some hundreds of pages would be necessary; the christians have none of these problems, they already have their bible...

Where did I come from? Well, I believe that I was squeezed out of the cunt of my mother.
My body is based on some elements, on dust really, and that is to where it will return some day. Of course, I might have something like a soul that my live on after death.

That would bring me to the question of god(s). Is there one or more? I seriously don´t know. But really, there is not evidence of a god, and I never wittnessed something godly. If there is a god, I do not think that he would have a great interest in us. But if he would have, he surely is an evil god. Anyway, I see nothing this existing god has given me for that I should be thankful, so he can go fuck himself.
If I would go to hell for this, well, I cannot say that I am sad about the prospect of spending eternity as far away from such a god (like the biblical) as possible.

Really, why should I believe, I do not see a reason for it. I can live my life on my own, and I do not need a gid for that.
If you want to call this opinion arrogance and pride, please do that. I am prideful and arrogant than. As arrogant as god. And guess what, if god ever appears in front of me, I will hold on to my pride and arrogance and hot him on the head with it.
suicide is the coward's solution, extermination of the human race is the dreamer's solution. :D
OK, suicide is for the lazy self-hating type. Genocide is for the workaholic all-haters.

Now get on with this thread :D
Knife said:
however, i have yet to hear actual real "spread the truth" intents. for example, if someone was pro-christian, pro-bhuddism, even pro-aethism, then tell me why i should believe. convince me and i will be convinced. of course, i should be allowed to question and present aurguments. and it has to make sense.
Im atheist,why it makes sense read here
a few important questions that need answering would be: "who am i?",
human ;)
"why am i here or what is my purpose?",
b/c the conditions for life on this planet were just right for lifeforms to evolve.
"where did i come from?",
the womb! :rolleyes:
"how would your belief solve the many problems of today (war/crime/disease/poverty/famine/etc)?", "how does the belief deal with the differences in humans across the world?".
dont know if it would,but at least people would be smarter,more reasonable and not so superstitious.
Knife, I will tell you why I believe in Christ as I do. Scientific evidence supports it. I suppose since I am an amature scientist, I look for evidence of an intellengent designer first. The conditions needed for life to exist are very specific, you alter just one condition by just a fraction and life could not exist. You say, there are so many planets, one of them could have just given rise to life, but I say to you If having life on planet is the equivalent of flipping a coin 50 times in a row, and each time getting heads, wouldn't you think the coin was rigged? You can throw the coin a billion sets of 50, and it still isn't going to land on heads 50 times in a row. So in the end, it doesn't matter how many planets thier are, the it had to be rigged to arive here. Does that make sense? Let me get some rest and then I can give you historical proof if you would like.
Jenyar said:
Blaise Pascal once said something like, "People more often believe something because they find it attractive than because it's true."

Would you apply that statement to yourself as well?
Enigma'07 said:
but I say to you If having life on planet is the equivalent of flipping a coin 50 times in a row, and each time getting heads, wouldn't you think the coin was rigged? You can throw the coin a billion sets of 50, and it still isn't going to land on heads 50 times in a row. So in the end, it doesn't matter how many planets thier are, the it had to be rigged to arive here.