Tell me, It is wrong on Infection?

Check back in three months.
One thing we can sure of: dedicated researchers in hospitals, clinic, laboratories ans a computer consoles all over the world are working day and many night to find solutions.
Moreover, we may need to get awnser of these questions :
1. Whether internalisation of this virus is virus mediated or cellular mediated? Why cells allow this virus to infect them? I think virus is not alive or active before it reach into the cells so it may not be virus mediated.

2. What can be the maximum virus viable life extracellular and intracellular once it enter the human body?

3. Does it go into dormancy or latency?

4. Why it do not cause body to develop sufficiant antibodies and immunological memory?
One more question:

4. Whether fatal damages to lungs in this infection is virus caused or immune response against it caused?
Check back in three months.
One thing we can sure of: dedicated researchers in hospitals, clinic, laboratories ans a computer consoles all over the world are working day and many night to find solutions.
Yes but still, we could not yet find awnsers to basic questions? This virus is quite confusing. How? Probably, God/nature better know?
Are you pointing about Disease modifying therapies by DMDs?
I'm not sure what DMD you refer to but I'm talking about quorum sensing which is achieved by chemical signals which trigger specific responses. By flooding the infected site with chemically altered words, bacteria and perhaps viruses can be rendered non-virulent until they die without dividing or building immunity.

Bonnie Bassler has an excellent video, which explains "quorum sensing" in plain language.

How it can, when it is not alive?
Technically it is not alive because a virus, unlike a bacterium, cannot self-divide. But it can certainly be causal. It uses the host's mitotic mechanisms to divide itself along with the host's cell. If the virus can be made deaf to the cell's mitotic process, that might provide an effective cure.
Kinda like an in-vivo chemical sterilization.
Technically it is not alive because a virus, unlike a bacterium, cannot self-divide. But it can certainly be causal. It uses the host's mitotic mechanisms to divide itself along with the host's cell. If the virus can be made deaf to the cell's mitotic process, that might provide an effective cure.
Kinda like an in-vivo chemical sterilization.
That apply to intracellular state of virus not extracellular state. When it is neither alive or active extracellularily, how can we claim virus mediate infection? It should be cell mediated. Why n how, we need to understand. Moreover internalization is Ace2 receptor based. How cells allow virus to infect?
I'm not sure what DMD you refer to but I'm talking about quorum sensing which is achieved by chemical signals which trigger specific responses. By flooding the infected site with chemically altered words, bacteria and perhaps viruses can be rendered non-virulent until they die without dividing or building immunity.

Bonnie Bassler has an excellent video, which explains "quorum sensing" in plain language.

Some drug therapy is there called DMT, DMARDs etc. Depending on diseases, these are disease modyfying types. I need to study your above therapy as new to me.
Yes but still, we could not yet find awnsers to basic questions?
We do not yet have answers to some specific questions.
This virus is quite confusing.
What's confusing about it? It's a virus. It does what all viruses do: it multiplies. Whatever incidental damage it does its hosts is unintentional. When a virus is passed from one host species to another, there is no telling what effect they'll have on each other. If it can't adapt to a new host without killing the host, it will die out. If the virus and its hosts adapt to each other, they both continue. Humans haven't hosted this version before, because it was confined to bats in the wild.
So we don't know yet how the new arrangement will work out.
How? Probably, God/nature better know?
Don't be silly! No God. Just nature.
We do not yet have answers to some specific questions.

What's confusing about it? It's a virus. It does what all viruses do: it multiplies. Whatever incidental damage it does its hosts is unintentional. When a virus is passed from one host species to another, there is no telling what effect they'll have on each other. If it can't adapt to a new host without killing the host, it will die out. If the virus and its hosts adapt to each other, they both continue. Humans haven't hosted this version before, because it was confined to bats in the wild.
So we don't know yet how the new arrangement will work out.

Don't be silly! No God. Just nature.
Since virus is not alive extracellularily, no consicious mind, how can we claim infection is virus mediated? Btw, do we have some evolutionary or survival purpose from virus?
That apply to intracellular state of virus not extracellular state. When it is neither alive or active extracellularily, how can we claim virus mediate infection? It should be cell mediated. Why n how, we need to understand. Moreover internalization is Ace2 receptor based. How cells allow virus to infect?
This may shed some light on the actual mechanism. ( I won't quote, lest it creates consternation..:eek:) But viruses use the cell's own mitotic mechanism to procreate. I have a whole thread devoted to this process and the mechanics of electro/chemical information sharing in cells.

Some illustrations of cell invasion by viruses.

Do check this out;
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It does what all viruses do: it multiplies.
But it cannot multiply by itself. It must use a host's mitotic mechanism to multiply, destroying the cell in the process.

It is actually the perfect parasite, but then 90% of the human biome are bacteria and viruses. Without our symbiotic bacteria and viruses we would die.
Since virus is not alive extracellularily, no conscious mind, how can we claim infection is virus mediated? Btw, do we have some evolutionary or survival purpose from virus?
It's a chemical language. Certain enzymes act as "commands". This is where the term "quorum sensing" originated
Enzymes /ˈɛnzaɪmz/
are proteins that act as biological catalysts (biocatalysts). Catalysts accelerate chemical reactions. The molecules upon which enzymes may act are called substrates, and the enzyme converts the substrates into different molecules known as products. Almost all metabolic processes in the cell need enzyme catalysis in order to occur at rates fast enough to sustain life.[1]:8.1 Metabolic pathways depend upon enzymes to catalyze individual steps.
The study of enzymes is called enzymology and a new field of pseudoenzyme analysis has recently grown up, recognising that during evolution, some enzymes have lost the ability to carry out biological catalysis, which is often reflected in their amino acid sequences and unusual 'pseudocatalytic' properties.
Enzymes are known to catalyze more than 5,000 biochemical reaction types.[4] Other biocatalysts are catalytic RNA molecules, called ribozymes. Enzymes' specificity comes from their unique three-dimensional structures.