telepathy,teleportation, invisabilty

i havent done this much, if any. However, something i see...
Claim X is being made by Q.
Claim Y is being made by Manofjade and nightmare, they have supplied evidence For Claim Y.
Q is not supplying evidence for Claim X...
Just thought id post it in an analytical way...:D
i havent done this much, if any. However, something i see...
Claim X is being made by Q.
Claim Y is being made by Manofjade and nightmare, they have supplied evidence For Claim Y.
Q is not supplying evidence for Claim X...
Just thought id post it in an analytical way...:D

claiming that psychic powers do not exist

You are shifting the burden of proof AGAIN! This is a debating fallacy. Please learn how to debate before attempting to do so.

Uh... it is the psychics who are making the claims. They are making claims for which they cannot provide a single shred of evidence. The inductive conclusion is that they're claims are bunk. Are you clear on that yet ?

Do you know anything about debating ?
In your exact words Q, from the first page of this thread...
People who claim to be psychics exist. It's their so-called "powers" that does not exist
I think that you pulled a fallacy of your own... acidental perhaps, but its still there :p
EDIT: Dont try to place the burden of proof on me Q, you are the one that made this claim:D
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People who claim to be psychics exist. It's their so-called "powers" that does not exist
I think that you pulled a fallacy of your own... acidental perhaps, but its still there

You're tactics are on the verge of silliness.

Those who claim to exhibit psychic abilities could not provide a single shred of evidence to support their claims - ever.

Would you conclude their powers exist ?

Should I post a link on Debating 101 ?
while i cannot make a spoon float at will, you can analyze things that have happened in the past and say that they are fake. While you can be right a lot of the time, you cannot take something that i have said and say i will be wrong, like my prediction claim.
you're just one of many schizophrenics in the world
You claim here i am a schizophrenic, offer up some solid proof:)
I claim that i am a psychic, and people have noticed... odd things about me on occasion. Knowing what they will say before they say it, and argueiing that point (dont work too well across th net;) )
Of course my posts are on the verge of silliiness! Im ridiculosly optimistic! lol
i dont need debating 101... i took something like that already :D
Lol...this whole thread is hilarious!

Way back in my first post, I said you can only prove this to yourself anyways. That means that, NO ONE on here will EVER be able to prove that psychic abilities exist. Only you, my friend, can prove this fact to yourself. In the end, thats the only way. The only way anyone would be able to prove that maybe the small possibility exists is by telling you that say, you have brown hair that was just cut two days ago by so-and-so barbers that are right down the street from your house and you have blue eyes and your car is a _______ that recently had car trouble and you had to get it fixed last week at 2:30 pm and then you went to whatever restaraunt and had the bacon cheesburger with curly fries, hold the onions.

It's not gonna happen, if I was psychic, I would have better uses for my 'powers' than to make sure Q thinks I can actually do this.

If nothing like psi exists, what exactly is intuition? I guess you've never known your friend was going to call right before they actually did. What about dreams? What are those? Try to explain intuition or dreams to someone who doesn't have either. Try to prove that to them. They can't see results of your intuition or dreams, they can't SEE your intuition or dreams, or measure them. How can you prove that it exists? No matter what you say, you are delusional and according to that persons scientists, a schizoprenic.

Also, things like 'visions' and 'prophecies' have been around about as long as humanity. Science is only recent and only is based on things that you can see. They use all kinds of measurements and calculations to figure out something that you can see yourself.

The physical universe may be where we all live, but it IS NOT the only reality that exists. All the things I said in my last post about different realities should be self-evident and instinctive. When you get to the certain level, you can see what I mean. But as long as you doubt yourself and everything around you except for solid fact, then you probably will never get there.

You probably agree with the so-called ''scientific findings'' and ''studies'' on marijuana. Which are all laughable and not reality, for example.

There is so much stuff you don't understand, yet you act like some kind of an expert or something. Every time someone brings a valid point which makes sense, you simply dismiss it and throw us some more BS and ''your changing the subject, learn how to debate'' crap. My psychic powers tell me that it's obvious that everyone on here likes to argue, and trying to make rules for arguing is like trying to make rules for war.

I don't mean the universe was intelligently designed. I don't think some thing got really bored and decided to create the physical universe. I just mean that that it's the design of the universe. Just like trees are designed to grow from the ground and have leaves. And tigers are designed to eat meat. Thats just the best word to use.

BTW, isn't Q that guy from Star Trek that can teleport and is omnipotent, etc.?
Also, the government has remote viewers, which is their word for psychics, that work for them. Ever heard of Ingo Swann? The government are scientists, right? Anything else?
If there is no such thing as psychic powers, why are we debating about them? This isn't something out of a sci-fi novel, you know. There must some proof if we can debate both sides.

BTW: I'm out of this debate. Q, you really need to learn how to debate. We were minding our own business, making posts, then you go and make a claim that we wrong, you gotta back it up. Simple logic. I wouldn't say your an asshole and then refuse to back it up by saying it's your job to convince me that your not. Which you are.
Originally posted by (Q)
you're just one of many schizophrenics in the world.
Like my half-sister who was diagnosed at 20.

"Schizophrenia is a cruel disease. The lives of those affected are often chronicles of constricted
experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight
existence, a twentieth-century underground man... It is in fact the single biggest blemish on the
face of contemporary American medicine and social services; when the social history of our era is
written, the plight of persons with schizophrenia will be recorded as having been a national
scandal." -E.Fuller Torrey, M.D., Surviving Schizophrenia
Wow! This thread has gone in directions I didn't think it would. When I first posted what happen to me whem I was homeless, I was wondering if living in a more primative state makes you more prone to paranormal experiences. I feel like I had more positive experiences with God, nature and people when I live in the woods than I do now living in a three bed room house. I also think my senses were much sharper. I'm still having positive experiences but not quite at the same intensity. Life is an ongoing journey and I think the things I am experiencing now are preparing me for the next leg of the trip. Usually I get sad at the end of the year, but this year I can hardly wait for 2003 to start.
Well Q, seems standing back watching from the sidelines helped...
The things you know ain't worth anything, compared to what exists...

If you would see all information as a big ocean, then compared to that is science a single drop...
By the time we hould get to know everything, we'd probably be exstinct, especially how it's going now...

If your nick-name refers to Q from star trek, I'd say you have a to big of a mouth for a trekie...
I'd figured you'd named yourself Q after the scientist from the Bond movies...
Ow well...
Both made us whit vizualizattion of a person...

The things you know ain't worth anything, compared to what exists...

What I find interesting is those who are proponent to what does not appear to exist place greater prominence over that which does exist.

By the time we hould get to know everything, we'd probably be exstinct, especially how it's going now...

That is a defeatist attitude - should we just stop trying to learn ? Perhaps you would be more comfortable back in the Dark Ages.

If your nick-name refers to Q from star trek, I'd say you have a to big of a mouth for a trekie...
I'd figured you'd named yourself Q after the scientist from the Bond movies...

Wrong on all counts. Try turning off the TV and open a book for a change.
back to the ORIGINAL topic of this thread hehe...
Telepathy, i very much think it was possible. I do this all the time, well most of the time anyway lol. (At least iim pretty sure i do, i mean theres been a few coincidences that defy pure chance.)
Teleportation, this would be rather hard to do it at will... You would need an incredible amount of willpower built, up, and then released to fling yourself to the desired location. Simple in theory, but it would be difficult to actually do... Unless of course, star trek was real(beam me up scotty!)
Which brings us to; Invisibility.
Invisibility would be the most difficult to do in my opinion. You would have to concentrate constantly on staying invisible, not leaving much concentration left for doing much else, even for moving around obstacles. You could slip at any time, and be rendered visible or noticed at least. Remaining unnoticed would be a much simpler task to accomplish, as others would only have to ignore you, rather than not see you at all....
by -ViciouS-

BTW, isn't Q that guy from Star Trek that can teleport and is omnipotent, etc.?

Sorry, He came whit star trek, I said a big mouth for a trekie...

What I find interesting is those who are proponent to what does not appear to exist place greater prominence over that which does exist.

What I find interesting is that you say it does not exist, while you don't even know that it might exist, as we said before, you don't have proof that it does not exist...

That is a defeatist attitude - should we just stop trying to learn ?

No, we have to do the opposite...
We have to learn that what we do is wrong, wars are going to start, criminal activities are off the scale, and even respect of eachothers BELIEVES AND OPINIONS isn't given.
And polution is still on high activity, because those jerks want money, even if the earth will blow up...

A war is about to rock the world, and polution is still covering terratory...
If we don't watch it, our civilization will be destroyed.

How would you see our chanses if all this will keep increasing because we don't learn from mistakes?

Wrong on all counts. Try turning off the TV and open a book for a change.

The last time I seriously watched tv was 2 weeks back, because that was the last episode of the Friends season...

I do read books, I can translate the title of a book YOU should read, Mental Suggestion, by Dr. Julien Ochorowicz