telepathy,teleportation, invisabilty


Arent skeptics supposed to be open minded, Q? Hehe rather than say i have a psychological disorder, prove it first. After all, the burden of proof lies with he who makes the claim .:D

If imagination never was used, pitagoras never came up whit his techniques...

Pythagoras was a mathematician, not a so-called psychic. If you're trying to draw comparison, you've made a poor choice.

then in his words "wastes his precious life time on something inferiour"

Actually, those are your words, not mine - please do not place your words in my mouth.


I think the definition speaks for itself. :D
Ah yes, this thread has made it very clear to me why I find people who quote and refute every individual statement in their posts so distressing... they must have complete and total supremacy of the conversation by isolating, attacking, and destroying every little constuctive piece, ceasing discussion. They would rather antagonize themselves into arguments. While it's very convenient to hide behind words like "logic" and "Aristotle," they fail to express themselves out on their own in descriptive paragraphs. They need the opinions and expressions of others in order to bring about their views.

Discussions don't need antagonists.

This post shall now be uselessly dissected.

As I stated before, do not put words in my mouth - I checked every one of my responses on that thread - those are clearly your words, not mine.


Hi manofjade - taken on a new handle already ? :D
Hey Q, you say ''distortions of reality''. What is 'reality', anyway?

Maybe in your reality psychics and things like that don't exist and have no powers, but thats OK because they're not concerned with your reality.

and statistics aren't worth shit.

BTW if you have a closed mind, *ahem*, you can really only prove this to yourself anyway.
Haha, funny. No, I am not man_of_jade. I am an entirely different person. The name's Arrow, pleased to meet you. How about instead of dicking around with who I am, you offer some valid proof that there is no such thing as psychic powers? I'm going to guess by the fact that you didn't answer my question, you have no proof, and therefore there is no reason to debate this further, as we could bring up many situations where it was not in the head of whoever did it.
Besides, whit all this debating, we are in a kind of loop...
someone opens a thread, someone makes a discussion that is off the exact topic of the thread, and then we end up, having another thread whit the same b*tchin like so many before, so just stop the discussion and don't start a new one...
True, true. I don't think Q has anything to back up his claims, anyway.

Psy, check out our forum: That's were me, and Man_Of_Jade, and Talus post a lot. It's great! Anybody else can check it out, if you want to, we can always use more members!

What is 'reality', anyway?

One definition of reality, which is relevant here, is the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be.

That is the reality in which we live.

they're (psychics) not concerned with your reality

Yes, I know. Therefore, theirs is not a reality.

statistics aren't worth shit.

Perhaps, but I won't argue the value of statistics at this time. What's important is the topic at hand, which is teleportation, telepathy and (chuckle) invisibility. These are claims made by certain members here, none of which can provide under scrutiny, a shred of evidence to back up their claims.

you can really only prove this to yourself anyway.

I've nothing to prove. It is those making claims of teleportation, telepathy and (this one kills me) invisibility who must provide evidence of their claims. That has never been accomplished, by anyone.


check out our forum:

Can I be a moderator ? :D
You a moderator?

First of all, you don't provide the proof...
Second, we advise others how to do it
NOT claiming that we do it.

Third, you seem to FORCE someone to change their oppinion and beliefs...
that seems to me you wanna prove something...

whit that, I'd rather ban your ass off the board rather then make you a moderator...

Third, you seem to FORCE someone to change their oppinion and beliefs...

I'm not holding a gun to anyones head. No need to be paranoid.

I'd rather ban your ass off the board rather then make you a moderator...

Of course you would - your claims could never stand the test of rationale. You're probably shaking in your psy-boots just thinking about it. The Q armed with the sword of reason would wade through your psychics like a scythe through clover.

I would be your worst nightmare. :D
Well, I don't even believe in god. Sure there may be a higher power, but im not going to worship it just cuz it is.

I know thats what you think reality is, Q, and you're right in a sense, except that reality isn't just the physical world. Which really should be self-evident, but...

And, you are right, 'the world as it really is', not as YOU might want it. YOUR reality is not the only reality, it is simply reality to you. reality is different for everything.

Yeah, invisibility does sound a little crazy, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.

People were skeptical when they first heard that the world was a sphere instead of flat. More than that, they had to hold on to that reality and were so attached to that system of thinking that they were very violent and opposed to those idiotic ideas, which obviously had to be the work of an insane madman. duh. Now it's common knowledge. In fact, now it's considered crazy if you think the world is flat.

I KNOW that anything is possible, it's how the universe is designed. If it wasn't, than nothing would be possible. Think about it.

The only reason you can't even conceive of psychics and psi is because you have the deeply held belief that that crap isn't real and only idiots think it is. And you are no fool, are you?

If you 'know' that it isn't real, then you are right, it won't be. Your basically using the 'anything is possible' design of the universe to make it not possible in your reality and experience.

are ya with me? Or, let me guess, Im a disturbed individual who has disassociated with the reality of the people in 'charge' and belong under psychiatric care, huh?

reality isn't just the physical world

I highly disagree. Our physical world is the only reality. Any so-called "powers" which some profess to possess would have to be of a physical nature in order to exist.

reality is different for everything.

Philosophically, one could argue endlessly about whose reality is whose. But on the physical level there is only one reality for all.

invisibility does sound a little crazy, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.

We would have to fully define what it is we mean by invisible. But if we're talking about human beings having the ability to vanish, then I highly doubt that as being possible.

it's how the universe is designed

Again, I would have to disagree with you that there is some sort of design to our universe, if an intelligent design is what you're referring. Our universe developed quite naturally.

you have the deeply held belief that that crap isn't real

That's right - and the reason is a simple one; no evidence.

And you are no fool, are you?

Aw... shucks. Others here might tend to disagree. ;)

If you 'know' that it isn't real, then you are right, it won't be.

I can believe anything I wish - but that doesn't make it exist.

Im a disturbed individual who has disassociated with the reality of the people in 'charge' and belong under psychiatric care, huh?

Only if you match a definition in one of my earlier posts. (re: schizophrenia) :D


Do you believe in god?

What is your definition of god ?

(I hope that really isn't your last question.)
Q, you've managed to make a dozen of posts dancing around a question we've all asked: Do you have any proof? No doubt you will fail to answer this question again. You will instead aviod it and bring up something entirely pointless. So, in the way that you have givin no proof, we must assume you have none in which this debate is purely arbitrary. You are arguing opinions as facts, as few opinions you have that are not your own.

So, how about making this debate worthwhile and showing us your proof? That is, if you have any!

Me? happynightmare? ah... no. Sorry, Q, but i am in canada, and i think HappyNightmare is somewhere in the united states...
The definition speaks for itself
PROVE that it is a hallucination Q, unless u want to make up more nonsense to dodge us asking for asking for some evidence from you. :)
Just because you do not believe that it can happen doesnt mean it still can. While you might not be able to use psychic abilities, they do exist. If a tree falls on a mime in the forest, does anyone care? (Just kidding) If a tree falls in the forest, and nothing saw/heard it fall, it still fell.
While nobody saw the tree fall, or heard the tree fall, it still did. People can debate on whether or not the tree even fell, because nobody saw it, but the fact remains that it did...

showing us your proof

Proving a negative; the shift of burden of proof fallacy. A tiresome tactic. I'm not about to entertain an argumentum ad ignorantiam pissing match.

I need not insult your intelligence by pointing out that it is the so-called psychics who make their extraordinary claims without so much as an iota of evidence. What reason would I need to disagree with these claims if none were made to begin with ?

So, lets get back to finding that single shred of evidence required to suggest those claims are valid. If you wish, you can even may a million dollars!

Simple contact the organization linked below and they'll do the rest. Please note that not one single person has ever passed the first preliminary test even though agreeing with test criteria is a decision agreed to by all participants.

Your collecting of the million dollars should make headlines - I'll keep my eyes peeled on the dailys. :D