Telepathy, Telekinesis, and the human brain

may I say, what an amazing collection of thoughts and ideas. A very good descrption of the florid nature of both your experience and imagination.

I wish to ask but one question:

Why have you posted what you have posted?
What is your motivation?
Indulge me if you will......

if you are uninterested in any further discussion in this thread please feel free to PM me.
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Jammies said:
I've had tremendous 'awakening' experiences that have changed my life.
They have expanded my awareness of my own depth, the depth of others, and the universe.
Telepathy, Empathy, Detailed Foresight-to overcategorize seems to limit it. My sensitivity (or 'powers'-to use a familiar definition) seems to arise to the situation at hand when warranted. I've had truly beautiful experiences. It was not this way always, though.
When my walls came down-as I call it-I compared it to living in a dark room most of my life and always wondering and grasping at the sliver of light sneaking in around the door out (or in). Then through specific efforts to find the 'rock' and get off of the 'sand' the door slowly started to open, then (right before my 'eyes' were able to stand the new assault on their receptors) the door was kicked open.
My perceptiveness, quite undisciplined (totally like myself at the time) only functioned in an on/off routine for a few years. More like full throttle/totally closed.
The first time I found myself in the middle of this state (quite fully aware of being open to specific 'talents') I was obviously in need of some outside intervention. The State took that role at this point. I thought (in my unexperienced and very trans-dimensional state of mind) that I could just explain that I was simply making contact with other peoples minds and such and give a brief account of my progress to this point. I expected maybe an 'OK Mr. 'S' we get this all the time - sorry to have disturbed you - continue on, do you need a ride home?.....'
My inexperience came to an abrupt end over the next few weeks, needless to say. More history later perhaps.
I've been searching for some enlightened support and people to relate to on these subjects. This is a part of my everyday life now- quite comfortably I might add.
I liked what I've heard from some others on this thread amd would enjoy dialogue with them along their lines.
I have healing talents as well. I've worked with people phisically as well as with folks that have planar conflicts (living in two or more worlds with out skill or coping mechanisms).
I've been given the grace of internal teaching, teachers who have bodies, and the greatest teacher of all - Life.
I would like to post to and fro here on these subjects.
Love and Light, friends.

Hi Jammies, Sounds like shamanistic initiation. I'd be happy to dialogue further on this.
im actually confused a little lack of sleep one thing other might be all this talk,
ok is some of that fictional what is real what is story what is experience what is poetry?

i read like halfway through your first post ASR and i mean no dissrespect but could you simplify for me please im so run down today