Telepathy, Telekinesis, and the human brain

ASR thanks for your post its really interesting
i would li8ke to ask a couple of things if you dont mind.
firstly are you still taking meds?
you say that you had communication with god, the christian god, have you become a christian since this?
and you say you know have control of you powers (you call them powers?) was it difficult to gain control? did you have any guidance?
there are some other things but i would like to get an idea of what is happening for you now first.
ASR thanks for your post its really interesting
i would li8ke to ask a couple of things if you dont mind.
firstly are you still taking meds?
you say that you had communication with god, the christian god, have you become a christian since this?
and you say you know have control of you powers (you call them powers?) was it difficult to gain control? did you have any guidance?
there are some other things but i would like to get an idea of what is happening for you now first.

1. I wouldnt go off the meds if you paid me.
2. Yes I was converted by this experience
3. It took me three years to learn how to control it. Before that time I couldn't turn it off.
4. No guidance, learned it all on my own.
obviously, you have found that medication works for you. i presume it must stop your negative symptoms, but do you find that it inhibits positive aspects also?

you learned to control you rmind though trial and error, through direct experience, through the failures and victories of your own strength. do you feel that if there was some body to teach you about yourself and guide you through the process of gaining control, it would have made things easier for you?

i imagine when you say you couldnt turn it off this means your mind was very much open to external impressions and to leaving impressions on subjects outside yourself. i wonder, if i am right, how much of that you have retained, including your connection to god, how sensitive you still are to recieveing and how strong is your ability to send?
So ASR has found God and believes that they control things with their mind? It's still an improvement over before!

How is replacing one schizophrenic delusion with another an improvement?

I'm only a schiz on the internet... Yes I was converted by this experience...
It took me three years to learn how to control it

Sorry, but little has changed. The meds aren't working.
I think schizophrenia, is in part, the results of assaults on the endocrine system caused by insults to the earth's biosphere.

Similar to your insults to our intelligence?
ASR and Ellion, It looks like a certain poster has met the diagnostic criteria for "irritating a**hole". Perhaps science will find a cure soon. We can only pray. :D ;)

Your discussion together, of this condition is very interesting and positive. Ellion, being on the medication is such a dilemna, insofar as it probably does shut down connectedness to the collective unconscious, to a degree, by shutting out much of what we'd call esoteric. This is just my personal view. I could be completely wrong on this. My sister is on a minimal dose of medication, so she still gets a bit paranoid at times, but it's manageable and she remains at least partially connected.

Have you discussed just having your meds reduced a bit with your doctor?Perhaps that would help. Going off them and suffering the sensory and emtional bombardment, from wherever it comes from, just doesn't seem to be the answer.

I'll try to find those links today. Haven't had time in the last couple of days
It looks like a certain poster has met the diagnostic criteria for "irritating a**hole".

So, we can add hypocrite to your already crimson role as a troll?

I could be completely wrong on this.

Fantasies are never wrong as long as you don't allow reality to creep in.
It looks like a certain poster is getting suspicious. The diagnosis should therefore be changed to "irritating as*ho** with paranoid tendencies" :D
I'm going to warn once and once only.

Please stop utilising the thread for personal attacks, such occurances just cause a break down to the actual threads and will end up resulting in the thread being locked.

I note "it takes two to tango", this means that using a flurry of attacks to rile your opposition into creating worse counterattacks potentially holds all parties concerned responsible.

Currently I haven't had to make a decision about banning or asked for anyone to be banned, however if the personal attacks aren't cut out then that will be avenue I'll have to travel.

If you can't keep the discussion Topic based and pure from hateful banter, this thread will be closed.
Stryder, My defence of self and others is far from hateful. It's amusing.

Sometimes it takes three to tango. Someone to launch repetetive attacks, someone trying to defend themselves, and a moderator who intervenes with a charge of moral equivalence, in the form of the expression, "It takes two to tango" .

(Q) is here to harrass people off the board. If you want "pseudoscience" to become a self congratulatory haven for high-fiving science nerds, be my guest. You won't need to ban me. I'll just leave.

Firstly, In WAR the best defense is an Offense, not a DISCUSSION forum.
If you feel you need defending then you are going the wrong way about it. If you want (Q) to stop being how he is, then thats going to take more than comments or moderation. (Q) for the most part says his mind and admittedly where some people are tactful in what they decide should or not be said, (Q) seems to ignore upsetting people on occasion.

If however (Q) hadn't said what he said, then somebody else would have surely filled his place with the exact same comments. Thats the nature of such "Discussion" boards and the fact that everyone has their own individual opinion on a subject which shouldn't be "Shouted down".

Although this isn't just about (Q), looking at the tone of your "Post" or "Posts" it can be suggested that you don't take the feelings of others into consideration yourself. For instance with (Q) you call him an "Irritating a**hole".

That might be your feelings for (Q) but it's hardly appropiate to post your personal view publicly on the board because all it does is generate bad feelings between you and (Q) which leads to the continued decay of the thread. You would have been better off to just state, "Ignore (Q) he'll just degrade the thread" and left it at that.
Q is not simply stating his opinion, he's harrassing. There's a difference. Your job is to intervene before the pattern of harrassment becomes so entrenched he drives people off the boards. Belittlling people with medical conditions and subjecting others to a barrage of ianane response does little to win converts to your board. I didn't choose this war, didn't want one, but am keen to see it resolved.

I have countered Skinwalker and have fended off others, in a spirit of fair play, if nothing else. They do have their opinions, and that's fair. They can express how aghast and exasperated they are with my opinion, as I can about their ideas. But I don't qualify it as harrassment. Q is something alltogether different. If I have succeeded in getting his goat. GOOD. Perhaps you'll begin to attract higher quality of posters if you disallow this kind of harrassment from the get-go.

As far as referring to someone as an a**ho**. Considering the context of the entire thread, it was remarkably constrained and I make no apology. I will refrain in the future, just to maintain a tone of decorum.

However, when someone is belittling someone struggling with a mental illness, you can bet I'll tear a strip off them. I just won't resort to profanity, no matter how light hearted.

If Q were to witness someone about to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge, and he yelled, "JUMP"!!! And someone else turned to him and called him an assh***, who would you have a problem with? The person who used the a word? This is a grosse exaggeration, I know, but the best comparison I can come up with at this time.
Just ignore otherwise you feed them.

I'm not going to lie, if you read the thread posters initial post it would suggest an ailment or two. (one being a mental affliction while the other being a drug enduced state)

What I suggest to anyone suffering a mental ailment is to:
* Eat a healthy diet
* Exercise a little at least
* Watch your Sugar, Caffine and additives intake
* Don't smoke cigarettes and don't drink too much alcohol (none at all if you can)
* Don't do drugs at all
* Keep yourself clean(ish) in the sense that you don't sleep with a quilt that hasn't been washed in months, but don't get too clean or you'll end up with a completely different ailment.
* Above all sleep at least 8hr's a night (notice I say night)

If you do all the above things as stated and you are not better in 3 months, then I would suggest consulting a doctor.

The reason I say this is the body/brain has a chemical equilibrium which can be unbalanced by doing drugs, not getting enough vitamins, the build up on toxins from not sleeping even the potential of organs failing slightly due to things like diabetes.

In the most cases Psychiatric doctors prescribe drugs that that suggest are a "Fix", in reality however such drugs don't fix people, all they do is generate a falsified "Normalisation" an attempted balance of chemistry that is dependant on the drugs application. This means the person starts taking the drug and becomes dependant.

Thats why you get so many of those comments suggesting they don't stop their meds, usually however it's only when a person has generated some absurd statement or are showing signs of an ailment.

I personally disagree with taking drugs to fix a chemical deficiency, somehow the body has to learn to adapt itself or forever be dependant on artificial balancing. This is why I suggest taking the absolute natural route.
Belittlling people with medical conditions and subjecting others to a barrage of ianane response does little to win converts to your board.

So, the fact that ASR was hearing voices due to a schizophrenic condition and continues to hear voices when on medication would not lead one to the conclusion that the meds aren't working. How is that belittling?

Your response is to consult a book on magic, look for ghosts and pray to god.

If a doctor were to take your advice and prescribe that to a schizophrenic, would that not be belittling?

You are most certainly the pot calling the kettle black.
I've had tremendous 'awakening' experiences that have changed my life.
They have expanded my awareness of my own depth, the depth of others, and the universe.
Telepathy, Empathy, Detailed Foresight-to overcategorize seems to limit it. My sensitivity (or 'powers'-to use a familiar definition) seems to arise to the situation at hand when warranted. I've had truly beautiful experiences. It was not this way always, though.
When my walls came down-as I call it-I compared it to living in a dark room most of my life and always wondering and grasping at the sliver of light sneaking in around the door out (or in). Then through specific efforts to find the 'rock' and get off of the 'sand' the door slowly started to open, then (right before my 'eyes' were able to stand the new assault on their receptors) the door was kicked open.
My perceptiveness, quite undisciplined (totally like myself at the time) only functioned in an on/off routine for a few years. More like full throttle/totally closed.
The first time I found myself in the middle of this state (quite fully aware of being open to specific 'talents') I was obviously in need of some outside intervention. The State took that role at this point. I thought (in my unexperienced and very trans-dimensional state of mind) that I could just explain that I was simply making contact with other peoples minds and such and give a brief account of my progress to this point. I expected maybe an 'OK Mr. 'S' we get this all the time - sorry to have disturbed you - continue on, do you need a ride home?.....'
My inexperience came to an abrupt end over the next few weeks, needless to say. More history later perhaps.
I've been searching for some enlightened support and people to relate to on these subjects. This is a part of my everyday life now- quite comfortably I might add.
I liked what I've heard from some others on this thread amd would enjoy dialogue with them along their lines.
I have healing talents as well. I've worked with people phisically as well as with folks that have planar conflicts (living in two or more worlds with out skill or coping mechanisms).
I've been given the grace of internal teaching, teachers who have bodies, and the greatest teacher of all - Life.
I would like to post to and fro here on these subjects.
Love and Light, friends.
these ability are real, and i know that in time one can improve and expand their mental projection i,e. however, of course, downloading such ability take's time to master/in addition to the timing process.., one must understand how (EMP WORKS), and how to diligently operate and active the left cerebral function (s) umm.. i guess many have come and only few are chosening.... would you really like to findout, how this matter can be put inaction. frist, the tools of engagement are needed. 1.electroencephalography, 2.radiologist, and 3.neurtchnologist...
mapping the human mental ability take's time to master... inaddition to the timing process, one must understand the brain wave, and electromagnetic processing.
one must understand the brain wave, and electromagnetic processing.

If you did, you'd realize that your so-called abilities are BS.