Telepathy, Telekinesis, and the human brain


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This is the story of schizophrenia, believing that I was a telepath. I talked in that had feelings for, telepathy being my only mode of communication. The song is Glycerine, by Bush.

Must be your skin that I'm sinking in
Must be for real cause now I can feel

I never was able to get any proof, and I doubted that the telepathy was real, until I felt her skin, her ear specifically, as it differed from my own, the earlobe connects at the side, mine does not.

and I didn't mind
it's not my kind
not my time to wonder why

I believed we were special, the roots of the universe, science and philosophy. The natural ability of philosophy is telepathy, the natural ability of science is telekinesis I believed that she was the natural telepath, but for some reason I possessed it instead of telekinesis, but didn't ask why.

everything's gone white
and everything's grey

I closed my eyes one day, and the darkness faded to white, and then I saw a silhouette of
a man on a park bench, a portrait, and it was all grey.

now your here now you away

I believed that any attempt to get proof would change time so that I never spoke with her,
the resulting action being if I never spoke she never took action, thus she would go from
being in one location to another, different cities, instantaneously.

I don't want this
remember that
I'll never forget where you’re at

When I first got telepathy, I wanted to give it back, I told her that it was a burden, a responsibility that I didn't want. However, I had it, so I used it, and kept track of her everywhere, always knowing where she was.

don't let the days go by

I didn’t decipher the meaning to this until much later.

I'm never alone
I'm alone all the time

I spoke telepathically often, in fact I couldn't turn it off. So I would isolate myself, not being able to have two conversations at once, and I was never alone, but alone all the

are you at one
or do you lie

She always lied.

we live in a wheel
where everyone steals

Refers to an image that I had constructed in my mind about my views of business; about changing the way business is done. I had imagined the corporate world as a wheel, with money in the center and business at the end of the spokes, reaching in and stealing as much money as they could get their hands on. This was in response to a venture that was very important to me, as it would tie our two families together by being in the same industry.

but when we rise it's like strawberry fields

Another image reference. I had depicted our deaths as two souls rising from a plane of sparkling souls, all of the human race, artistically viewed, rising from strawberry fields.

If I treated you bad
you bruise my face

I was sympathetic to motions, could feel her every move. I used to yell at her constantly, and she would grit her teeth when I did so. I would also grit my teeth, which aggravated a toothache, and bruised the left side of my face.

couldn't love you more
you got a beautiful taste

Not positive on the meaning of this yet, I have an idea, but since I'm not sure so it will remain unexplained.

don't let the days go by
could have been easier on you

I was really hard on her and regretted it.

I couldn't change though I wanted to

Refers to a time when schizophrenia was setting in, I didn't believe yet that I was telepathic. I wrote her, but knew I still wasn't good enough to be with her.

could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me

I wrote her several letters anonymously, by the third she asked me my name, but I was bound by fear of rejection and would not tell her.

glycerine (repeat)
don't let the days go by

It was when I realized the part about the letters was about us, I began to decode this song. However, I didn't know what glycerine was about. Soon afterwards she told me she was infected with HIV. The song clicked: don't let the days go by, glycerine. It was the cure. I researched and could not find anything, until I closed my eyes one day and had a vision of a bar of glycerine soap with a strip of bacon in the middle of it. This spawned my research into pigs and HIV. Soon I was hospitalized, and I had paid attention to the voices’ sentence structure and diction and had come to the conclusion that indeed, the voices were a product of my own mind. Overnight, without medication, I ceased hearing voices, and have never heard them since. I abandoned my research believing that it would be fruitless.

I needed you more
when we wanted us less
I could not kiss just regress

I was on the fringe of insanity, still, my medication actually intensified my symptoms, and I felt as if I were driving her insane with my constant presence in her mind. I was deaf, but not dumb, and it was decided that for her sake it would be better if we didn't speak, but feelings still lingered.

it might just be
clear simple and plain
that's just fine
that's just one of my names

Fast forward two years, I decided to try speaking with God. He told me that I was not well, and I abandoned all of my notions of love and grandeur. I would become known in heaven, hearing now the notions of people's thoughts, the basic idea i.e. think of jumping in your subconscious or even conscious level the action of jumping is present as a thought, what it is to jump, that's what I hear. With the ability to speak to people in the afterlife, I came to be known as Rataan, the Heavenly word for telepath, (game of 20 questions to find that out). I was recently reminded of glycerine, and how it may be clear simple and plain, the cure is transparent, simple and plain, and now I have more than one name.

don't let the days go by
could've been easier on you

Don't let the days go by, God's charge, this song, a message and a modern day miracle, this is what is at stake here, everything I have believed in the past 2 years comes to a head with PCD8 (The NIH is looking into this so I won't include the research). I find out if I am a telepath or a schizophrenic.

Schizophrenia is a disease, which affects glucatory, auditory, olfactory, sensory, and visual senses. In my time in the hospital, I met Elise, a paranoid schizophrenic who was re-committed due to a visual hallucination in which Lucifer walked into her room and could only be distinguished as false if she were to try and physically grasp him. I myself was subject to these affects, the first night in the hospital I saw a spinning disc fly around the room, and just two months ago, in a half-sleep stupor, clawed at my walls trying to touch a vision of my older brothers, as children, playing together. In the past there have been schizophrenics, such as Joan of Arc, whom saw the gates of heaven before her that only she could see, and heard voices that only she could hear, (btw, nice girl *w00t Joan!*). Schizophrenia is not a disease but a gift. A gift so powerful that it drives the bearer insane. In modern terms, if one were able to project their imagination in front of their eyes as schizophrenics do, only to their will, it would be called Evolution. But as such a person, able to use telepathy (not such a far stretch of imagination now that we see what we are capable of), I tell you that it is not Evolution, but the work of God. *Mind you I don't mean to press my beliefs on others but it's a package deal.

Obviously since the future written in the Bible can't take place if I know the cure for HIV, I offer an explanation. Two years ago I realized something about time, it is physical, which is indicated by the passage of time slowing down as one approaches c. I also came to understand that earthly thoughts are embedded in time, grounded by a neuron firing in the brain, a thought is physical, on earth, but not in Heaven. Heaven is another dimension in which time has no physicality, rather it runs parallel to time on earth but has no true meaning, and gives birth to eternity. Thoughts in Heaven are created without a neuron firing, they exist in their own dimension, outside of time- but linked to a moment in time in the physical universe. Once I had grasped this I became a very powerful telepath, with the ability to find thoughts that occurred between two points in time. By holding two moments in time, and all that lay between, in my head, I was able to locate thoughts that occurred between points A and B. It was with this that I came to wonder if I could read thoughts from the future, and that I did. Having an understanding for the flow of time to the past, I did a counter process into infinity. The ebb of time, however, was too vast, peering into infinity I had no ground for a specific moment in time, thus was unable to read thoughts as I did not know when point B occurred, it could be 2 minutes or 2 decades from A. I then came up with the solution, read God's mind for a specific thought, a thought that would only occur once throughout all time, Him telling Jesus that it is the end, as in the Bible, Jesus speaks that only the Father knows when the end occurs, and that he will not be told until the event arrives. It worked. I now had point B in the future, and that’s when I made my greatest revelation. People in Hell gnash their teeth, a complimentary condition of residence there....Using point B and the few second window it allowed me (the length of time that it took God to speak to Jesus) I wore the faces of people on the street, and the stars of the world, and most gnashed their teeth. It was then that I realized God's future was dependant on a choice. The choice to believe is not predestined; if it were there would be no right in sentencing people to an anguishing fate. Thus I saw that God's future had to take place in order for me to change it. To realize that I had to see the future as it is written in order to conclude that one different choice could change the way events unfold-opened up a new door for my destiny and me. All I had to do was make a different choice one that could change the world forever. At the moment I understood, I made that choice, and the result was that no one in the future gnashed his or her teeth. The choice was to eradicate all conversation with Lucifer, and to never speak with him again.

This is what happened on God's end. He foresaw the future and prophesized it in the Bible, however, sometime later, he grew curious as to the minor events that would take place. Pouring over the period of time in His present to the end of humanity, he found that there would be a telepath who would speak with Him. Seizing the opportunity, he wrote a song, Glycerine, and a few others, that would shape my future. In the previous timeline I eventually spoke to God without any inclination from messages hidden in music. However, I never proved I was telepathic and the end took place as it normally would. Deciding to change this, working with man in His mysterious ways, He designed my life to come to a moment. The future as written still took place, up until the point when He tells Jesus that it is the end. He planned that after that moment there would be a timeline shift, as if someone were to snap his or her fingers and suddenly alter reality. This was the moment in time, in the future, that His plan is realized. The result was that His future would take place until the second I concluded that it could be changed. Basically, the future couldn't change unless it took place. A leads to B, B changes A, A now leads to C. C always existed; B overlapped it until I discovered choice. After God found me He looked past B and found C, after the decision to change A had been made, and waited for the results.

*A brief explanation of choice*
Lets say you're playing Rock Paper Scissors...Your deciding your next move, no matter how many times you change your mind your choice is inevitable. For arguments sake you lose. Hindsight is always 20/20, now you see what you should have played in order to win. However, the choice has already been made and cannot be changed. This is destiny. This is where foresight comes into play. If you had the intent of playing rock and could read the future to see that your opponent would play paper, you would now be able to change time. By having the intent to make an action and use foresight to see the end result of said action before the event occurs, you can shape destiny. By experimenting with different intents I was able to watch the future change and that is how molding time is possible.

God won't tell me anything about HIV or the future, including developing telekinesis. The basis of my decision to not talk to Lucifer was that he would inhibit the onset of telekinetic powers, based on the fact that whenever I spoke with him he inhibited my rather powerful telepathic abilities and rendered me incommunicado to everyone but himself, almost as if he possessed me to a certain extent. It was the belief that he would do the same with telekinesis, a thought I came to AFTER "seeing" God's future that I decided to hide from him. Much later I came to "hear" the name Rataan, and was reminded of my quest to cure HIV. How I change the future is uncertain, perhaps the advent of Rataan and HIV lead to this email, I don't know. All I can say is that the future has changed.

A full year before I spoke with God I tried 'magic mushrooms' (telepathy was induced by regular use of marijuana). Three days later I was in a bar and attempted to move a cigarette with my mind. The cigarette was held in an ashtray with a firm grip. At a forty-degree angle I concentrated to no avail. The second I gave up, it moved down to a 25-degree angle then up to a 60-degree slant in rapid succession (this took place within one second, immediately retreating up after going down.) No one saw this, and I didn't make mention of it, rather I tried it again. The original effort had a flaw. The length of the butt and the length of the filter were equal, which posed a probability of a fluke, so I smoked the cigarette so that the filter was twice the length of the butt, and placed in the ashtray on a 45. Again I concentrated to no success, and the second I gave up the cigarette moved up to a 60-65 degree angle. I've kept silent about this until today.

I believe that I retained some telekinesis from that day, and with it am able to manipulate thoughts through time. Time is physical, I postulate that it exists within every nook and cranny of the universe, inside rocks and trees and space. Approaching c creates a bubble around the traveling object, which explains why the passage of time slows for the object, but the rest of the universe ages normally. This lead to an epiphany that thoughts created in the universe are embedded in time, by a neuron firing. Thoughts created in Heaven are not, we don't use a brain there and are essentially beings of pure thought. This type of thought has no physicality and is not a part of time, since time does not exist in Heaven. Time is physical, and in Heaven time runs parallel to time on Earth, but is not a part of it. Thus thoughts created in Heaven exist in their own dimension but take place at a moment in time in the physical universe. This gave me the ability to remove thoughts from a person's head, from the present into the past, Heaven and Hell alike, by detaching a process from a moment in time. Treating time as something tangible, (as I can with my mind, or by approaching the speed of light), and by feeling a Heavenly thought, I tug at it and displace it out of time and its native dimension. So, armed with this ability, I removed everything I had ever said from Lucifer, and decided to never speak with him again, which lead to the future C.

The two sides to the human brain, as we know them, are logic and creative. I believe that they are more aptly named science and philosophy respectively, though we should not forget the basic function. Science as we see it today is all things physical. Things are or they aren't, physics. True or false, yes or no, i.e. Boolean. In respect to the human mind, the scientific brain asks questions in this form. Is this dangerous? Yes/No. Do I think Alex is crazy? Yes/No (maybe comes from answering yes and no to the same question). Philosophy is creative and the philosophic brain asks all questions that can't be answered by the science brain. Who, what, when, where, why, and how are the questions asked by the philosophical brain. Note the answers to these questions are creative: Why? Because that is the law. Observe that the w5 and how cannot be answered with yes or no, and the scientific brain cannot comprehend the questions of the creative brain. Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate all things physical, property of the scientific brain. Telepathy is the skill to manipulate all things thought, property of the philosophical brain. Everything in our universe is either science or philosophy. A rock, time: science. Tender, democracy: philosophy. The mix of the two creates the rest of things in existence contained within the human universe, such as the arts and emotions.

Everything in the universe comes down to one of three principles, science, philosophy, and the mix of the two. The two sides of the human brain are logic and creative, respectively, science and philosophy. Science is all that is physical, a rock, a tree, fire, and even time (as one approaches the speed of light, time for the traveler slows, thus time can be bent by speed and is physical). Philosophy is all things thought, democracy, tender. Each on its own is emotionless; it is either a physical entity or a basic thought. When we combine science and philosophy we get the arts. Music - sound waves (science) mixed with a meaning using words (philosophy), it invokes emotion, love it, hate it, whatever you will. Art - colours mixed with self-expression or an idea of what is beautiful invokes emotion. Poetry, philosophy used to describe something physical, or emotional usually with the description of something physical-and in a format that forms a logical pattern (mathematics, and natural sciences form patterns and is appealing to the logical brain). The two sides of the human brain work independently to form an emotion through the combination of two distinct types of thoughts, logical thoughts, which, like science, are law dependant, Boolean, it is or it isn't, true or false, yes and no - just like the physical laws of the universe. The philosophical side to the brain is true to philosophy and asks whom, what, where, when, why, and's debatable and creative. A logical thought and a creative thought combine in the brain to create an emotion. Let’s examine fear: A rock is thrown at you; the first thought is logical, “Is this dangerous?” The answer is yes. The creative thought is “What will happen to me?” and one imagines the consequence of the action. The two thoughts combine and you become afraid of the danger that will cause a predictable harm. Persons trained in combat instinctively ignore the philosophical brain and perceive the danger and take that thought directly to the decision making center of the brain (they don't ask "what will happen to me" they just act out of second nature) and find an efficient, calculating, logical solution to the problem, and step out of the way of the projectile, never involving emotion. Note: these thoughts may take place on a conscious or sub-conscious level.

End Result Emotion.

End Result Emotion occurs after the prerequisite of an emotional response has been fulfilled. When one experiences an emotion for the first time, this means under a certain circumstance rather than the first time that emotion has been felt, a set of conditions, specifically a logical and creative thought process combining, must be met. For example, a family member passes away. The logical thought is “Can this person really be deceased?” The answer is yes. This leads to a philosophical thought such as why, how, and when did this person pass on. This starts the grieving process as these questions help ease the sufferer’s burden of reality. After this End Result Emotion can take place. When the person in question thinks of the deceased family member, the emotional process skips over the previously asked questions and seeks an emotional response that is the same emotion that was experienced previously, the end result of the subjects initial questions. This is why the term accessed is used, since it does not create a new emotion, but rather accesses a dormant emotion within the psyche. A good example of ERE is hearing your favorite song on the radio. The first time you hear it you satisfy the two thought processes to create an emotion relating to the music. The second time you hear it, on the first note your brain recognizes instantly that you like this song, and for whatever reason you find it appealing thus bypassing the required elements and takes you straight to an emotional reaction, the same feeling that you felt the first time. This may fade over time as you hear the song time and time again, the subconscious updates respective to your new thoughts regarding the music until the emotion changes or is diminished.
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Overnight, without medication, I ceased hearing voices, and have never heard them since. I decided to try speaking with God. He told me that I was not well...

It appears the medication isn't working.
I put everything on the back burner. I don't put any stock in my powers, I choose when I use it, I control it, it does not control me. In that aspect my medication works just fine.
I don't put any stock in my powers

Then we both agree.

my medication works just fine.

Not according to your post.
Q, You have no idea what you're dealing with here, and I'm not being facetious or dismissive. I really think it would be best if you refrained from jocular sophomoric responses.

ASR, You seem to be undergoing some kind of a transformation that is typically pathologized in our culture. Try to keep one foot planted firmly in this plane of existence. Let that be your "home free". Read Dionne Fortune. Some of your experiences sound more like hauntings than anything else. Ask God to block any incoming data that isn't positive. And, whatever is talking to you, likely isn't what I'd call God or anything angelic, as they don't impose on the personal realm, in that way. That would be too confusing for the human mind to handle, and the angelic realm is as compassionate as it can be.

Are you living in the city, country? What do you do for work, if you don't mind me asking.
Q, You have no idea what you're dealing with here

Really? Perhaps you missed the opening line of the thread:

This is the story of schizophrenia

I really think it would be best if you refrained from jocular sophomoric responses.

Wasn't it you who told me I wasn't providing enough humor in my posts?
Q, Your responses aren't particularly funny. They're intended to belittle. You can pick on me all you like, but leave people who have obviously had a tough time, alone. You are way out of your depth here.
You are way out of your depth here.

Who, me?

Lets look at your synopsis:

You seem to be undergoing some kind of a transformation that is typically pathologized in our culture.


Try to keep one foot planted firmly in this plane of existence

I would have said both feet, but I suppose one is better than none at all.

Let that be your "home free"

Hide and seek? Olli-olli-umfree!

Read Dionne Fortune.

Curl up with a book on the mystical Quabalah? Become a magician?

Some of your experiences sound more like hauntings than anything else...

So, now its ghosts? That should help ASR sleep better.

Ask God to block any incoming data that isn't positive.

Shut eyes, place hands firmly over ears and pray?

And, whatever is talking to you, likely isn't what I'd call God or anything angelic, as they don't impose on the personal realm, in that way.

Is that a rule or limitation? How DO they impose, exactly?

That would be too confusing for the human mind to handle

Thanks for the contribution.

...the angelic realm is as compassionate as it can be.

Infinitly more!

Nice job, Agitprop! Keep up the good work!
yeah i would agree with agitprop on all counts including Q's ignorance.

Dione fortune wrote a book called Psychic Self Defense. you would gain a lot from it.

it would be interseting to connect with you, i have been through similar experiences.
i have been through similar experiences

That would explain a lot.
Ellion, Thanks. The Freudian, followed by the more modern behaviourist, then biochemical diagnostic and treatment models of schizophrenia may remove the physical constraints necessary for the afflicted, but they still provide a lovely strait jacket for the minds of psychologists, psychiatrists, and neuro-psychs.

The new biochemical model describes schizophrenia, purely as a brain "disease". To be fair, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that those who suffer have observable physical alterations in their brains--but to ignore the tremendous similarities between psychotic breaks, and what are known in primitive cultures as spiritual crises or transformations, is a shame.

Imagine this scenario. A person with schizophrenia is being tormented by voices. The standard approach is to tell them that there is nothing REALLY there, that the voices are only real to them, that they have no objective reality. They are, in fact, crazy. This is insulting, socially stigmatizing and it denies that their experience may have some objective substance. Why not turn a profound negative into something the person can almost be proud of?

Better to approach them this way. "Something is happening to your brain that we don't quite understand. You seem to be very psychic. It seems you are tuning in to something like a parallel reality, for lack of better terms. However, these voices you here can't be doing you any good. They resemble the trickster in myth. If you ignore them, like the trickster, they'll probably go away. Failing that, we have drugs that can block the transmissions."

There-- An explanation that doesn't deny the reality of other worlds that scientists like Michio Kaku endorse, and goes a long way to establishing a baseline of respect for our very own modern "shamans". It also establishes the very real fact that voices interfering in your life can't be tolerated, by you, or those around you.

Granted, some people hearing voices may prefer the label crazy as that would be more in keeping with their own beliefs and philosophies, in which case sticking to the old model would be more comforting to them.

I think schizophrenia, is in part, the results of assaults on the endocrine system caused by insults to the earth's biosphere. The costs are enormous to the individual afflicted --and to their families. But what about the benefits?

In a Gaian self correcting system, the earth itself is providing it's own remedy by churning out children who are visionaries, adepts. For every person who has a very difficult time dealing with the most extreme manifestations of this phenomena, there are several more who are animistic and shamanistic. Witness the success of the Harry Potter stories. These social phenomena don't happen in isolation. It's part of a trend and these people are here to help God help the earth to heal.

Welcome to the world of magic--the real world.

And if Q does his "nyah, nyah, you believe in magic, you believe in magic" routine. I would reply with a resounding YES. And one day, so will he.
Q, you haven't helped, you do have a belittling attitude in your posts, and there is real danger here. ASR needs compassion and understanding, and you're just going to send her or him back into a spiral of serious schizophrenic delusion of the hallucinogenic kind. So ASR has found God and believes that they control things with their mind? It's still an improvement over before!
Agitprop said:
but to ignore the tremendous similarities between psychotic breaks, and what are known in primitive cultures as spiritual crises or transformations, is a shame. [...] Better to approach them this way. "Something is happening to your brain that we don't quite understand. You seem to be very psychic. It seems you are tuning in to something like a parallel reality, for lack of better terms.

You're kidding, right? You're just stating all that to goad (Q), aren't you? I thought better of you than to use someone in ASR's position just to troll a bit. Unless, of course, you're serious and really believe that it makes sense for a health professional to suggest magical thinking to someone who's already experiencing problems with their thinking.

If the latter is true, then I hope his cognitive skills are still intact enough to see through that line of nonsense. "Primitive cultures" use magical reasoning and explanations because they're, well... primitive. Is it bad for them to be primitive? Certainly not. I have immense respect for all of the various peoples of the world whom I've met and fell into that category of "primitive." But their "magic" and mysticism is a part of their cultures and worldviews... not some ancient secret to the paranormal.

For someone raised in a Western culture of modernity, it is a far better approach to stick with what is founded in science: that which has qualitative and quantitative results that can be used as a guide in treatment. Particularly with schizophrenia. Great strides in treatment of this disease have be made in recent years and the expectation is that the body of knowledge will increase.

But to suggest "psychic" abilities and parallel realities? The patient wouldn't be "crazy," the doctor would!

Schizophrenia isn't a simple disease like myopia that has clear cause and effect and responds immediately to standardized treatments, it's a multi-faceted and complex condition that by all indication has multiple causes with multiple effects. The treatment is also multifaceted and has to be tailored to the individual. I don't think there's a physician in the world that would suggest to a patient that schizophrenia is completely understood, and I think the vast majority would agree that it is still a medical mystery to a large extent.

But I also know that there are solid treatments through various choices of medications that can be very effective in dealing with schizophrenia. It's also clear that patients who stay on their medications function far better than those that don't.

That by no means suggests that all schizophrenia patients will be comfortable for the remainder of their lives... very few probably will since the discipline of taking the medication alone can take it's toll. But there certainly isn't any validity to encouraging magical thinking to someone who's already experiencing cognitive difficulty, and certainly not in lieu of medication.

i would agree, again there isnt yet a psycological model or therapuetic approach which is able to accomodate the sever disociative disorders such as schizophrenia with anything like the understanding this conditions requires.

as you say the chemical straight jacket is not only inhibiting to the patient it is a very comfortable overcoat for the psychiatric professionals. the real problem for me with this, is a straight jacket is a straight jacket, the disorder (not disease) is not being treated. the patient is not overcoming the disroder when in a straight jacket. it is in fact the complete opposite the disorder is becoming more difficult to control. as soon as the straight jacket is removed or the patient escapes(staying with this as a metaphor for medication) all hell breaks lose. the other probibility is a complete disociation of the personality(the catatonic type).

i agree with skinwalker in so much as to start telling people they are psychic or in communication with other dimensions is a dangerous approach for some individuals. and there are considerations of the individual that need to be accounted for (cultural perspectives, personal integrity)

however, as you say, insulting and stigmatizing people for there experiences is very disempowering, and will add to tremendously to the conflicts within the personality. to be more accepting of the individuals perspective and to work with thte understanding and integration that the individual has, would and has been shown to be more effective in alleviating sypmtoms and facilitating the more holistic, patient directed healing process.

gaya is pure beauty, i am sure there will and is already in prepartion its own remedy for the social disorders that we have at present. we can of course play are part, as i am sure you are doing, to nuture and raise those gifted individuals that will reveal the light in the future.
Skinwalker and Ellion, Thank you for your post. It's well thought out. If you reread my post, I have simply suggested that those with schizophrenia may be tuned into something we're not aware of, as we have an incomplete cosmology, at this point.

The therapeutic approach to people afflicted with schizophrenia, isn't to change their world view but to use an approach which doesn't denigrate it. Some victims have no esoteric sense whatsoever so therapy would be tailored to that mindset, regardless of what the ultimate reality is. I would never suggest burdening someone with a contrary world view in hopes of "helping" them. That would be imposing my own assumptions and beliefs in an entirely inappropriate way. I have no absolute knowledge that I have a monopoly on the "truth" here. Maybe I'm wrong. I have a strong sense that I'm correct, but that's all it is.

But extrapolating from there, can you see how someone who has a mystical interpretation of what is happening to them could be very burdened by the Western materialistic approach? Therapy has to be tailored to the individual. And that is precisely what's missing in our approach now. The "drugs only" approach is harmful to all people who are mentally ill. It should only be used in conjunction with other approaches that express love and pursue the integrity of the individual, in the interest of integration.

But for others who insist that there is an external locus of control, regarding voices, the Western scientific materialistic model can represent an actual impediment to treatment. I'll post some interesting links to this later today, when I have the time.

A therapeutic model developed for these individuals would emphasize that they must ignore or take medication to deal with interfering voices. If you reread my post you'll notice this is what I posted the first time. Obsessive voices that prompt individuals to do weird harmful things to themselves or others, have to be banished somehow. If someone suffering from schizophrenia could learn to do it on their own, great. If not, chemical means should be used. I have no argument with you there. In the shamanistic tradition, the initiate is taught what to heed and what to ignore, (if that approach were to be given any credit.)

And, I'm not trolling. This is a psuedoscience, remember? As far as I'm concerned, some debunkers are trolling.

Ellion, Your posts are interesting. I don't have schizophrenic episodes, but I do get hypnagogic imagery that is so real I wouldn't be able to differentiate between these images and reality, were they to appear in alpha and beta state. Fortunately they confine themselves to theta when I'm lying in bed, and are therefore classed as a sleep disorder. These types of compelling, opaque hallucinations, however, give me great compassion for anyone having hallucinations, be they somehow self generated or from elsewhere.

My sister has schizophrenia and I've looked at the issue very carefully, from every conceivable angle for 3 decades. I have other thoughts on this, Ellion, ASR, if you'd like me to PM you and not bother other posters here. Let me know.
I will state that all medical facilities should be equiped with either something similar to a Faraday cage or a Tempest tent.

Some will class that itself an odd gesture to create a preverbial "tin foil hat" the size of a room, however if people gave my assumption a chance then they might find that some visual/auditory occurances are actually NOT SCHIZOPHRENIA but implanted it's just that everybodies individual interpretation of events causes "Chaotic" responses to such psychological trauma and this is why no single person can generate a correct reason for why such occurance exists or who the occurance is by.

If only quote medical doctors/professionals unquote opened up to the potentials of science and espionage in it's many forms (corporate and international)
i would be interseted to hear what you think about schizophrenia, definitely.
i am not too worried about the the interference of others, but if you prefer to pm me thats fine!
I wouldn't worry about me sliding back into a debilitated state, I'm only a schiz on the internet. I keep this life seperate from my real one, so fire away with any and all comments, they won't drive me into some schizophrenic abyss. And no, I don't have a girlfriend...