

matrix sciences,imagery.
Registered Senior Member
mythological or scientific fact.
could such event take place? and if so,which functional areas needs investigation.

any ideas!
I'm sorry, I'm just not buying this Markquis character, what are they trying to say with him? I think the network should just cut him and bring back shemp.
Telekinesis may work if one practices from 6 year old till 20. Once one grows up, one loses the ability. Use it or lose it...
Telekinesis may work if one practices from 6 year old till 20. Once one grows up, one loses the ability. Use it or lose it...

Does it leave or become dormant. Too say that something of that nature would revolve around a time frame seems less likley too me. I would think it would have more to do with the likleyhood of such a thing happening in the alotted time period. Since by then most people have stopped being open.

I have heard of something along those lines in internal martial arts called empty force. So I would believe it is possible.

How does your meditation system explain telekinesis.
Too say that something of that nature would revolve around a time frame seems less likley too me
Why is that? Strength generally fades as we get older, we are born with an imagination that all but fades too as we get older. Many things, state of body and mind, are related with, though not dependant on age.
Loss of stregnth is a lose of energy. As we get older we lose more and more energy then when we run out we die.
On the subject of the imagination. I would say that it is not lost just forgotten. As we grow into adults such things as imagination are looked upon by many as childish. Many conform to this idea and put a stop to there "Day Dreaming". The diminsehed abillity in imagination is a direct result of a closing mind. But there is the other matter of creative energies. A hard day at work, a long drive in traffic, and screaming children an so forth, can drain your energies. Just think of after you are well rested (Meditation as well for all you gurus), you are bursting with energy. You feel like you are truly alive, and the imagiantion and creativity will follow.
Telekinesis is a phycic skill so, I do not beleive it would depend on such a small time frame. It would depend on the openess of the individual. Open to the energies open to the new level of conciousness. It would seem to me that Telekinesis would be merly a state of mind.
i believe with extensive training from about 6 months old a child may be able to acheive it, and i think the human brain has a "place for it"... but i dont think we are ready to have this ability.
While I do not have TK (or PK), I know, I was able to project pictures to another person's mind when we both were about 12 to 13 years old. Because it took almost 30 minutes of relaxation (on the subject's part) and concentration on my part to establish a link and transfer several different images - later on, after my family moved out of the place, I did not find a willing subject/friend to try again this experiment.

Much later, when I was doing my engineering studies, I tried the same thing in the dorm room but it did not work - whether I did not have the co-operation of my friend or I lost that ability, I do not know.

Still, much later, when I had an opportunity to try again with another person. All I got was a reverse effect where I was able to sense her lifes bad experiences that shook me up(divorced 4 times - that she told me later including all the horrible things that happened to her). Then I gave up.

Going back to TK: I am not sure it is possible to move objects with the mind. Otherwise smart elephants would be pulling the tree branches and would not need long trunks. Our young members should try and report back in a month - just try to move a compass needle without touching.
smart elephants would be pulling the tree branches and would not need long trunks

I would see TK as being an abillity that would come with a higher stage of evolution.
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when i ws younger and id get sick, i always ued to try to move the remote control with my mind... it never worked. lol.

the god force,a small portion of your self.therefore your telekensis ability grows brighter,much brihter,when you acknowledg your brother. ah,but here is a mystery.the light also grows dim if you do not acknowledge yourself,for you are also a part of the whole,are you not?for that is what the soul is the ability to be one with all things,and with god,and yet to maintain the intgrity of its individuality that is keeping the higher laws.:confused: