Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School


Nah, there's no war against Christianity....

A NY student, age 13, was suspended for wearing rosary beads to school. Raymond Hosier was sent home for two days over the religious symbol, visible outside his clothing. His school district said students are not allowed to wear beads out of concern they may be gang-related. Hosier said they're comforting since the loss of his brother and uncle.

"I was just mad that they were suspending me for rosary beads and I told them I wasn't in a gang and they must resemble my brother and uncle."


The rosary is a Catholic thing that I don't observe but suspending the kid is beyond ludicrous.
Nah, there's no war against Christianity....

A NY student, age 13, was suspended for wearing rosary beads to school. Raymond Hosier was sent home for two days over the religious symbol, visible outside his clothing. His school district said students are not allowed to wear beads out of concern they may be gang-related. Hosier said they're comforting since the loss of his brother and uncle.

"I was just mad that they were suspending me for rosary beads and I told them I wasn't in a gang and they must resemble my brother and uncle."


The rosary is a Catholic thing that I don't observe but suspending the kid is beyond ludicrous.

question since you belong to the school of people who say catholics aren't christians how can this than be a part of the war on christianity and doesn't this inconsistencency mean you have lied?
question since you belong to the school of people who say catholics aren't christians how can this than be a part of the war on christianity and doesn't this inconsistencency mean you have lied?

Some Catholics are Christians. Most are not born-again, so they are deceived. They think the have to work their way into Heaven by doing good deeds and being good people. I don't lie. Not ever.
Some Catholics are Christians.
actually all of them are.
Most are not born-again, so they are deceived.
translation most aren't fanatics like me
They think the have to work their way into Heaven by doing good deeds and being good people.
as at last one of you crazy protestant bastards admits it. You think evil people can get into heaven.
I don't lie. Not ever.

So than why do you lie in almost all your posts on this website?
war against christianity...

its stupid..
we as a country America was founded on religion..our forfathers came to this country to get away from religious persecution..now we are doing it to ourselves..

i say again..it is not christianity that we should be at war with..it is those involved in christianity that are making it such a bad thing.

why is it so important that we delete the national day of prayer?
why is it so important that we do not display the ten commandments?
why is it such a big deal if someone puts up a cross in the middle of the desert?
this is not the dark ages..we should not condemn ppl just cause they believe differently than we do..(this works for both sides of the arguement..)

to all those on both sides of the great debate, whether you are atheist and do not believe in god or are Theist and do believe..

whether it be through legislation,peer pressure,Verbal assault, or any other means..
God gave us the ability to choose!
Its our own humanity that causes us to screw up our choices..

@ christians;
do you really think god wants you to make someone feel guilty for being normal?
IOW.. convince them how messed up they are just to convert them?
did god do that to you? i thought god was forgiving? he easily overlooks our imperfections, how is it that his followers cannot?

@ Atheist;
gee the talk on secret symbols (IE the fish) and how secretive christianity was in the early days of christianity, is not a big clue on how hopeless it is to suppress belief?..you aint gonna do it now or ever..quit trying..
I don't know that Christianity was singled out here. But I think it is sad that one cannot bring religious material with them to school. I see nothing wrong with individuals practicing their religion our brining religious material with them. I think it perfectly reasonable and certianly not offensive for individuals to bring religions articles with them to public places like schools...as long at they are not harming themselves or others.
Some Catholics are Christians.
Only some? Pray tell, what makes one Catholic a Christian and another Catholic not a Christian?
Most are not born-again, so they are deceived.
No Catholic is born again. If they were, they would no longer be Catholic.

They think the have to work their way into Heaven by doing good deeds and being good people.
The horror!:eek:

I mean how dare they!

Jesus obviously said that one should never ever do good deeds or be a good person. I can see how you think they are anti-Christian or not Christian for doing good things for other people and not being selfish and for daring to be good people..

They should be born again and be like you! The perfect Christian. Selfish, vain, hateful, bigoted, racist, homophobic and self-absorbed.

I don't lie. Not ever.
Of course not near. You actually believe your own delusions.

@ christians; do you really think god wants you to make someone feel guilty for being normal? IOW.. convince them how messed up they are just to convert them? did god do that to you? i thought god was forgiving? he easily overlooks our imperfections, how is it that his followers cannot?

Jesus commands born-again Christians to be fishers of men. If that involves showing them the error of their ways/thinking and they feel guilty, then so be it. He tells us to get them churched/back to Him. "Turn or burn" is one of the most effective ways of getting someone saved. God/Jesus uses certain people for certain conversions. He was gentle with me because I was ready for more. I was bored senseless being a Catholic and was on a search for years. God is forgiving. You sin; you repent. But you don't spit in His face.
I was bored senseless being a Catholic and was on a search for years. God is forgiving. You sin; you repent. But you don't spit in His face.

Maybe that is the problem right there. Religion shouldnt be exciting because afterall we know what happens when they get too excited.
Christianity is exciting. There is nothing better than worshipping Him--
Sounds orgasmic.

There are many jokes that could be made to your statement that are pornographic in content, but alas, they go against this site's rules. There are enough jokes about Jesus being God's right hand man as it is..

Okay.. soooo not going there..
Cristian singing during mass is what made me stop attending mass every Sunday.

It gives me such a headache. I stick with going on the holy days only.
.....so just by wearing it one is automatically thrown into the 'gang' cup? Eh..I guess all the Catholics must be part of a gang then..
sandy said:
Most are not born-again, so they are deceived. They think the have to work their way into Heaven by doing good deeds and being good people.

So you don't have to work or change at all to get into heaven? It's more like signing up for a subscription to a magazine or spa?
Some Catholics are Christians. Most are not born-again, so they are deceived. They think the have to work their way into Heaven by doing good deeds and being good people. I don't lie. Not ever.

:rolleyes: Impressive dissonance.
Jesus commands born-again Christians to be fishers of men.

Yes but what is being used as bait? something they want? or something they don't want?

If that involves showing them the error of their ways/thinking and they feel guilty, then so be it.

christian is supposed to equal "be like christ" he taught..he did not condemn.

He tells us to get them churched/back to Him. "Turn or burn" is one of the most effective ways of getting someone saved.

unfortunatly. although it works, would your husband love you as much if he came to you because you make him feel guilty?

God/Jesus uses certain people for certain conversions.

True (capitol T).thats why i am uncomfortable telling someone they are wrong..

He was gentle with me because I was ready for more. I was bored senseless being a Catholic and was on a search for years. God is forgiving. You sin; you repent. But you don't spit in His face.

my mom was catholic..i hated it...to this day i cannot sit in church listening to the message and not fall asleep....(rarely i stay awake..)