Sylwester's 'Everlasting theory'


you can find the announcement of the BICEP2 collaboration that they INDIRECTLY found sign of gravitational waves. They claim that the observed B-modes in the CMB (swirls) are due to rippling gravitational waves. They rejected some other alternative explanations as, for example, polarization caused by more distant galaxies.

But the explanation has one very important weak point. Just, due to the mainstream theories of inflation, the B-modes should be much weaker than the observed. It leads to conclusions that probably the mainstream description of creation of our Cosmos is incorrect.

What can I say about the observed B-modes in the CMB on base of the Everlasting Theory?
There was inflation which quantized gravity. The paired smallest gravitational masses are the Einstein-spacetime components.
In the Einstein spacetime were and are produced flows (they are not the gravitational waves). When distance between the Einstein-spacetime components decreases in approximation 0.8 per mille then, due to the weak interactions of the components, there appear the condensates in the Einstein spacetime. When distance decreases about 554.3 times, there appear baryon-antibaryon pairs.
Due to the flows in the Einstein spacetime, there are the changes in its mass density but they are very, very low i.e. only about 10^-50, but such changes can produce the protoworlds (see my previous post) and cosmic loops (the very early universes) built up of the protogalaxies composed of the neutron black holes. Our cosmic loop was left-handed so today the big spiral galaxies should be polarized in specific way i.e. they all should whirl in the same direction in relation to the senses of their magnetic axes.
The inflows of the dark energy activated the protogalaxies (see my previous post).

The activated whirling protogalaxies should produce the observed B-modes in the CMB.
There are not in existence the gravitational waves but there are the flows in the Einstein spacetime (the protuberances as well - see my previous post).
Origin, it’s nothing at all…

The presented by you the know-how of the topic paralyzes me.:confused:

Your alternative solutions of the problem are very interesting.:cool:
Gravitational flows at the beginning of expansion of the Universe (continuation)

On base of the Everlasting Theory, we can calculate the rotational energies of the Einstein-spacetime components in the period of the B-modes production (the B-modes suggests that there were the gravitational flows in spacetime but it is not direct evidence that gravitational waves exist).

From the theory of baryons follows that range of bosons of energy 0.750 GeV is about 0.502 fm i.e. 0.502*10^-15 m (see pages 18 and 19 in my book on vixra). On the other hand, during the activation of the protogalaxies by the dark energy, there characteristic was the range of the weak interactions of the Einstein-spacetime components which according the Everlasting Theory is 3.9*10^-32 m (see Table 3a: there is 3482.87r(neutrino) and next Table 1: there is the radius of neutrino which is close to the Planck length). Due to such ranges, there appear the condensates in the Einstein spacetime.

Since energy is inversely proportional to range so energy of the Einstein-spacetime components during the period of the B-modes production was 0.965*10^16 GeV i.e. about 10^16 GeV. And it is the exact result obtained by the BICEP2 theoreticians.

It shows that the Everlasting Theory leads to the newest cosmological observational facts.
On vixra there appeared my new paper (5 pages) titled

The E- and B-Modes in the CMB

The abstract is as follows.
Here, on base of the lacking part of ultimate theory, i.e. the Everlasting Theory, I described the production of the E- and B-modes in the CMB. The obtained result 0.22 for the ratio of amplitudes of the B-modes to E-modes (i.e. the tensor-to-scalar ratio) for the beginning of expansion of the very early Universe, for multipole moment equal to 384, is close to the central value in the BICEP2 data. The tensor-to-scalar ratio depends on density of the Einstein-spacetime and is higher for higher densities. The calculated energies carried by the Einstein-spacetime components the spreading condensates were built of (such condensates produced the B-modes in the CMB), were in approximation the sixteen powers of ten of GeV.
On vixra there appeared my new paper (3 pages) titled

Origin of the Electron Bubbles, Twisters and Unidentified Electron Objects in Liquid Helium

The abstract is as follows.
Here, on base of the lacking part of ultimate theory, i.e. the Everlasting Theory, I calculated sizes and described mechanism of production of the electron bubbles and the quantized vortices/twisters in liquid helium. Calculated size of the electron bubbles is 2.1 nm whereas of the twisters is of the order of an angstrom (0.1 nm). The mechanism of trapping the electron bubbles by the tangles-bundles composed of the quantized twisters (they are the cores of the electron bubbles) is described as well. The Everlasting Theory leads as well to electron bubbles with smaller core (4 times smaller) which exist at very low temperatures and explode at larger pressure. Such objects are referred to as the unidentified electron objects. Obtained results are consistent or very close to experimental data.

you can find article titled

Generation and Confirmation of a (100x100)-dimensional entangled Quantum System

We know that there can be quantum entanglement of distant particles that leads to non-local correlations i.e. the particles exchange information with superluminal speed. Experimentalists investigate such entangled quantum systems to get to know the origin of the entanglement. We need it to know whether transformations (due to entanglement) of an entangled quantum system can be controlled. If the answer is positive then in a future we would be able to build a quantum computer.

In the cited paper, scientists created a (100x100)-dimensional entangled quantum system. To do it they used spatial modes of two photons. Instead to increase the number of photons involved in the entanglement they increased the entanglement dimensionality of two-photon state.

We can describe the entanglement of photons using the very simple language applied in the Everlasting Theory.
The Einstein spacetime is grainy so the Einstein-spacetime (Es) components (their spin is unitary) can carry the rotational energies. The Es components are moving with the luminal speed so the rotational energies as well.
The Einstein-spacetime components consist of the SUPERLUMINAL binary systems of closed strings (I refer them to as the entanglons - their spin is unitary as well). Due to the exchanged entanglons, the Es components can be entangled so the rotational energies of the Es components can be entangled as well.
Besides the Es components, there is the Higgs field composed of tachyons. The tachyons interact with the Es components - it causes that the Es components acquire their infinitesimally small gravitational mass (about 6.7*10^-67 kg).
A photon, i.e. a wave packet, is a packet of the rotational energies (rotational energies are massless) of the Es components that are entangled due to the exchanges of the entanglons.
Each direction of exchanged entanglons increases the entanglement dimensionality of a system. A photon can be carried by many entangled Es components so two photons can create a high-dimensional system. We can see that there are both dimensions of a photon and the entanglement dimensionality of a system, for example, of two-photon state. We can see that a photon can have many spatial modes.
Can we control transformations between spatial modes to build a quantum computer? In my opinion, it is impossible. The entanglons have not a gravitational mass or charge or other quantity which could be detected. We can measure the effects (for example, polarization of a photon) but we cannot control the causes i.e. the exchanged entanglons.

We cannot control the correlations but we can create the sets of stable solitons composed of entangled Es components. Some input data (via senses) to a set will give some output data. In such a way act our minds.
On vixra there appeared my new paper (2 pages) titled

The Resonant Nature of the Negative Z with a Mass of 4430 MeV

The abstract is as follows.
Here, within the lacking part of ultimate theory, i.e. the Everlasting Theory, I calculated mass (4423 MeV), quantum numbers (unitary spin and positive parity) and estimated the full width (about 100 MeV; such mesons have the resonant character) of the negative resonance Z(4430). It is not a new form of matter called a tetraquark.

you can find article titled

Astrophysical Constraints on Planck Scale Dissipative Phenomena

In this article, authors try to describe spacetime “as some sort of large scale condensate of more fundamental objects”.

In details, such spacetime is described within the Everlasting Theory. It solves all unsolved basic problems in particle physics and cosmology and leads to origin of DNA. The obtained hundreds theoretical results are consistent or very close to experimental data. The classical spacetime indeed consists of the luminal Einstein-spacetime components which exchange the superluminal entanglons responsible for the quantum entanglement. Such grainy classical spacetime, as a whole, can behave in the quantum way. Just classical physics is more fundamental than quantum physics. At large scales, the quantum behaviour of Nature we once more can describe classically.

There are two grainy spacetimes. Interactions of these two spacetimes (the superluminal and classical Higgs field and the luminal and classical Einstein spacetime) lead to gravity so to gravitational mass as well. On the other hand, the entanglement and confinement of the Einstein-spacetime components lead to the quantum physics.
Why unification of gravity and quantum physics is impossible?

Quantum physics results from superluminal entanglement of the luminal Einstein-spacetime components (they are the neutrino-antineutrino pairs with unitary spin).

Entanglons, which are responsible for the superluminal entanglement, are the superluminal binary systems of closed strings (their spin is unitary) the luminal Einstein-spacetime components consist of.

The superluminal entanglons consist of the superluminal Higgs-field components i.e. the tachyons.

Size of the core of the luminal Einstein-spacetime components is close to the Planck length.

Tachyons are the classical objects. They interact with other free or bound tachyons only due to dynamic viscosity. They do not create any fields. The entanglons produce only jet composed of tachyons. It causes that the superluminal Higgs-field components (i.e. the tachyons) and the superluminal entanglons responsible for the quantum entanglement, cannot be detected DIRECTLY by our detectors because they are built up from the entangled luminal Einstein-spacetime components.

Particles that are the entangled Einstein-spacetime components are the quantum particles i.e., due to the superluminal entanglement, they produce fields composed of the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs as well composed of the luminal Einstein-spacetime components. The virtual pairs as well are entangled with the core of a quantum particle i.e. with the bare quantum particle (for example, with the bare electron). Due to the superluminal entanglement, the virtual pairs can disappear in one place of the Einstein spacetime and appear in another one, and so on. It leads to the wave function. But the quantum physics s almost nothing about internal structure of the bare quantum particles so there appear the free parameters. For example, in the QED appear three free parameters.

The internal structure of the bare quantum particles follows from the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field - it is described within the Everlasting Theory. It causes that the Everlasting Theory is free from the free parameters and the physical constants as well are derived from the initial conditions at the beginning of the inflation.

An entanglon, due to the dynamic viscosity of the tachyons, looks as a pair of cyclones. It causes that the Einstein-spacetime components produce gravitational field - it is the gradient in the Higgs field.

On the other hand, the fields described within the Standard Model consist of the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs.

We can see that properties of gravitational fields and the quantum fields (described within the Standard Model) differ radically. It causes that unification of gravity and quantum physics within the same mathematical methods is impossible. Just due to the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field during the inflation, there was the IRREVERSIBLE splitting onto gravity and quantum physics.
There appeared two very interesting articles.
The first concerning cosmology

is titled “When did the universe emerge from its ’dark age’? Spectrum of gamma-ray burst’s (GRBs) afterglow indicates beginning of re-ionization process.”

The second concerning particle physics

is titled “Forget the Higgs, neutrinos may be the key to breaking the Standard Model”.

In both articles are described unsolved problems which are solved within the Everlasting Theory. Due to the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field described within the Everlasting Theory we can solve all unsolved basic problems in cosmology and particle physics. It is the lacking part of gravity and Standard Model.

According to the Everlasting Theory, the very early Universe consisted of the neutron black holes i.e. of the cold matter. Due to the fourth phase transition of the Higgs field there appeared the Protoworld that transformed into the dark energy i.e. there appeared the thickened Einstein spacetime. The four succeeding inflows of the dark energy into the very early Universe caused the exit of the neutron black holes from the black-hole states. It caused the first re-ionization of the cold matter. The internal structures of the Protoworld and the very early Universe lead to conclusion that the delays between the creation of the dark energy and the first re-ionization were from about 100 million years to about 1000 million years. Such interval follows from the four inflows of the dark energy.

The second article concerns particle physics. The two first phase transitions of the Higgs field, described within the Everlasting Theory, lead to the internal structure of the neutrinos and to the real Higgs mechanism which caused that the neutrinos acquired their gravitational mass. It is described in my papers. It is true that many properties of neutrinos we cannot describe within the Standard Model. As well, within the Standard Model we cannot derive basic physical constants because half-integral spin, gravitational constant and speed of light are directly associated with the internal structure of neutrinos and with interactions of neutrinos and neutrino-antineutrino pairs (i.e. the Einstein-spacetime components) with the Higgs field.
In both articles are described unsolved problems which are solved within the Everlasting Theory.

It is too bad that there is a world wide conspiracy to deny you the Nobel that you so richly deserve. I mean there is nothing that your Everloving Theory cannot answer. I bet your theory could locate the god damn TV remote I misplaced. If you get a chance could you let me know where it is?

Origin, can you see that your post is useless?
You still are trolling.
You are too lazy to read the cited articles and, next, formulate a question to discuss in a normal way. It is typical for dunces that try to increase number of their nonsensical posts.

So once more, can you formulate a question concerning unsolved basic problems in particle physics or cosmology?
Origin, can you see that your post is useless?
You still are trolling.
You are too lazy to read the cited articles and, next, formulate a question to discuss in a normal way. It is typical for dunces that try to increase number of their nonsensical posts.

So once more, can you formulate a question concerning unsolved basic problems in particle physics or cosmology?

So, you are not going to use your Everloven Theory to help me find my TV remote? Fine!! I'm done. Geeze, you won't even lend a hand to a fellow human being, dirty back stabbin, no good..... grumble grumble.
Origin, it is the next your useless post.
It is a hate speech.
You still are trolling.
I can see that you indeed are unable to discuss the problems described in the cited papers in my post #571. There are problems described by cosmologists and physicists.
Okay Origin, that's enough mate. If you aren't going to do any actual discussion and/or disproving of the theory, please refrain from the snark

Sylwester, I would recommend getting some peer review done; it could be an enlightening moment for many of us.
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First let me say that as an amateur layman, I cannot scientifically refute your claims.
That being said, I'm also sure that that does not preclude me from offering my thoughts, opinions, and comments on what I do know.........

In your OP, you claim.....
The two biggest wrong conclusions within the mainstream theories caused by the wrong initial conditions are as follows:
That the Universe quite unexpectedly can accelerate its expansion.
That neutrinos, which carry the mass, cannot move with speeds higher than the massless photons and gluons i.e. than the c.

The correct conclusions are as follows:
The correct conclusions are as accepted by the mainstream.
Let me explain.....
The Universe did not just suddenly start to accelerate in its expansion rate as you erroniously claim.
That acceleration was revealed in the data from WMAP, and came about to to new technological engineering and detection processes that we never quite had previously.
In the more logical interpretation framework, the acceleration was a gradual phase of the expanding Universe, that came about due to the gravity of the ever-decreasing mass/energy density of the Universe, [mass/energy conservation law] and the consistent CC/DE or whatever the unknown force that prevails all of space/time is, that is gradually overcoming the effects of that gravity.

You second point is easily explained by the fact that we have never observed any neutrinos or anything else travelling at "c" or ">c".

I would also respectfully draw your attention to....

In relation to the last link, I do have a few questions.....
[1] Why should anyone believe that you have an all encompassing ToE, when we have at least three [including yourself] other ToE,s by other would be Einsteins also.
What sets your ToE above the others?

[2] Why has not the mainstream establishment accepted your proposal? Do they even know about your proposal?

[3] Why do you come here on an average run-of-the-mill science forum, to discuss something that is potentially life changing in its claims. I mean surely, if you did have anything of substance, there are far better outlets, orginizations and media in general, to shout your momentous discoveries to the world.

Can you see why ordinary people, and even extra-ordinary scientists are having trouble accepting what you claim?
The Universe did not just suddenly start to accelerate in its expansion rate as you erroniously claim.
That acceleration was revealed in the data from WMAP, and came about to to new technological engineering and detection processes that we never quite had previously.
In the more logical interpretation framework, the acceleration was a gradual phase of the expanding Universe, that came about due to the gravity of the ever-decreasing mass/energy density of the Universe, [mass/energy conservation law] and the consistent CC/DE or whatever the unknown force that prevails all of space/time is, that is gradually overcoming the effects of that gravity.

The Everlasting Theory shows that the Einstein spacetime is grainy (1997). Today many scientists claim the same. The Einstein-spacetime components are the luminal particles. Their size is close to the Planck length. They acquire their gravitational mass due to their interactions with the most fundamental field i.e. the Higgs field which is the gas composed of the moving pieces of space. The gravitational constant depends on inertial-mass density of this field. This leads to conclusion that today the Cosmos composed of universes and antiuniverses, which evolution is the same as our Universe, cannot expand i.e. the properties of the ground state of the Einstein spacetime are conserved. Just there must be a boundary of the Cosmos (I described the creation of such boundary and its radius). The new cosmology shows that locally there can be created the dark energy. It consists of the additional Einstein-spacetime components. Our Universe expands because there expands the dark energy. Today, the resultant radial speeds of the big cosmic structures composed of galaxies are the same as the co-moving dark energy. But it is obvious that the front of the dark energy cannot move with radial speed higher than the speed of light in vacuum so acceleration of expansion of the dark energy is impossible.
The constancy of the gravitational constant leads to conclusion that the front of the expanding dark energy cannot accelerate its radial speed. Of course, the expanding dark energy accelerated expansion of the groups of galaxies at beginning of the expansion. It was due to the protuberances in the dark energy - there appeared the galaxies with redshift higher than 1. But due to constancy of the Higgs field and ground state of the Einstein spacetime such protuberances were very quickly damped so there was period of deceleration of expansion of the most speedy galaxies (such deceleration is observed by cosmologists for redshift higher than about 0.6).

Cosmologists claim that the Universe accelerates its expansion because the more and more distant Type Ia supernovae are fainter than they should be (some of them are brighter than they should be due to the gravitational lens). On the other hand, the Everlasting Theory shows that the formula for the relativistic redshift is incorrect - it follows from the fact that the Einstein spacetime is not continuous (it is grainy) and that the Cosmos as a whole does not expand.

It is obvious that in the future the mainstream cosmology will change many times. It follows from the fact that within the mainstream cosmology we cannot describe properties of the dark energy, dark matter, we cannot point the cause of the exit of the Universe from the black-hole state, and so on. I claim that with time the mainstream cosmology will be closer and closer to the new cosmology described within the Everlasting Theory.

You second point is easily explained by the fact that we have never observed any neutrinos or anything else travelling at "c" or ">c".

At first, you should read the article cited in my post #571 “Forget the Higgs, neutrinos may be the key to breaking the Standard Model”. Properties of the neutrinos are not good understood. There are many experiments with neutrinos which can lead to physics beyond the General Relativity and the Standard Model.

…superluminal neutrinos…
You should read my previous posts especially #489 and #557 (the second concerns the Betelgeuse).
I wrote many times that the superluminal neutrinos are produced ONLY in the weak decays inside the baryons. It causes that there are produced many superluminal neutrinos in the supernovae explosions. On the other hand, such neutrinos were eliminated especially in the latest experiments.

[1] Why should anyone believe that you have an all encompassing ToE, when we have at least three [including yourself] other ToE,s by other would be Einsteins also.
What sets your ToE above the others?

How we can distinguish a better theory from a worse one? It is very simple. Better theory should start from less initial conditions, should describe more and should give better theoretical results. My theory starts from the properties of the pieces of space the Higgs field consists of (there are only 7 parameters and three formulae). There is no one free parameter. The Everlasting Theory leads to the initial conditions applied in the General Relativity and Standard Model (for example, I calculated all masses which are the parameters in the Standard Model and the physical constants which are the parameters in GR and SM as well). My theoretical results (applying 7 parameters only I calculated hundreds of physical quantities) are the best and lead to the mass and electric charge of the electron as well (they are the parameters in the QED).
The power of my theory results from the fact that due to the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field we can unify the small and big scales. The succeeding phase transitions lead from the Higgs field to the Planck length, to the ranges of the weak and strong interactions, to the reduced Compton radius of electron, to size of the most important cosmological object, and so on.
The succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field are indeed the lacking part of ultimate theory.

[2] Why has not the mainstream establishment accepted your proposal? Do they even know about your proposal?

Of course, they know my theory. My paper concerning the mass of Higgs boson is cited in arXiv by Professor from Niels Bohr Institute. It is obvious that physicists and cosmologists read the alternative theories.

In my opinion, my problem follows from the fact that the Everlasting Theory shows that the quark model is partially incorrect. It is not true that masses of nucleons follow from relativistic masses of the three valence quarks. In reality, there is the atom-like structure of baryons and baryons are built up of the confined and entangled Einstein-spacetime components i.e. of the carriers of gluons and photons.

The partially incorrect quark model and the incompleteness of the Standard Model cause that for a half of century we cannot define within the Standard Model the exact masses of the up and down quarks and, next, calculate the exact masses and spins of nucleons i.e. we are unable to describe correctly fundamental properties of almost 100% of the visible matter.

[3] Why do you come here on an average run-of-the-mill science forum, to discuss something that is potentially life changing in its claims. I mean surely, if you did have anything of substance, there are far better outlets, orginizations and media in general, to shout your momentous discoveries to the world.

Can you see why ordinary people, and even extra-ordinary scientists are having trouble accepting what you claim?

I know that my theory is the lacking part of ultimate theory. I know that sooner or later my theory will be one of the fundamental mainstream theories. Just I know that there is no alternative for the Everlasting Theory i.e. for the succeeding phase transitions of the fundamental field i.e. of the Higgs field composed of the moving pieces of space.

On the other hand, I am not a brawler so organizations and media are not needed. I am the true teacher so I respect the choices of people. If someone wants to believe in the nonsensical valence quarks in neutrons and protons then it is his/her choice. Just there will be forever the wrong information in the eternal mind.

My theory is published on my website and on vixra and that is enough for me. The destiny is the rest.
How we can distinguish a better theory from a worse one? It is very simple. Better theory should start from less initial conditions, should describe more and should give better theoretical results..

Agreed......But there are also two human conditions which colour self recognition and purpose....Tall poppy syndrome and delusions of grandeur.
Remember "self praise is no recommendation"
The better theory is as is and as accepted by the mainstream after peer review.
You know, today, due to the mess in THEORETICAL particle physics and THEORETICAL cosmology, it is very difficult to convince people that a few fundamental assumptions in the mainstream theories are nonsensical. They are as follows.
It is obvious that bare particles cannot be the sizeless mathematical points as it is in the Standard Model. Just such abstract objects cannot have any physical properties. It causes that to obtain theoretical results consistent with experimental data theorists apply free parameters. People do not understand that due to the free parameters they are cheated. Just applying adequate number of free parameters we can prove everything.
It is obvious that flexible vibrating closed string cannot lead to constancy of the gravitational constant (gravitational constant depends on interactions of the Einstein-spacetime components with the Higgs field). It means that the string/M theory will be the useless theory forever unless “stringers” will change the incorrect initial conditions.
We cannot since 1964 calculate the exact spin and masses of protons and neutrons from the initial conditions applied in the Quantum Chromodynamics. It leads to conclusion that the 3-valence-quarks model of nucleons is nonsensical. You know, the three ‘mad’ valence quarks (i.e. relativistic) cannot lead to stable structures.

The three described above nonsensical assumptions are the foundations of thousands and thousands papers published in renowned scientific journals (peer review). Can I win with such scientific army? Of course, I cannot. There is needed a miracle.

So once more: the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field, described within the Everlasting Theory (321 pages - see my website or vixra), cause that the three described above nonsensical assumption are not needed and number of applied parameters is at least three times smaller. We, as well, can solve all basic unsolved problems in the mainstream theories (it is in my book and papers).

Particle physicists and cosmologists block my theory since 1997 but it is obvious that without the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field there will not be a significant progress in theoretical particle physics, in theoretical cosmology, in theory of DNA and in theory of minds.